1 year of trump and he already wants to use anti-monopoly laws.
1 year of trump and he already wants to use anti-monopoly laws
like this OP you dumb fag
>>>Holla Forums10877047
sorry /leftycucks/ trump is destroying more capitalism then any of you can ever think of.
Holla Forumstards proved as brainlets yet again
No he's just going on personal vendetta against one news org, AT&T's monopoly on telecommunications infrastructure will go unscathed.
Who gives a shit about cable news in 2017 anyway, besides John Oliver.
You're just jealous you can't see the infinite genius of Trump's 4D chess.
i like to see the internet and cable companies broken up but the leftycucks love the power that these capitalist companies use against the right.
Let's be honest with ourselves
No you don't. You don't come here to argue about corporations. You come here to larp as a nazi.
leftycucks are benefactors of these capitalist companies and none of you can the differ that fact.
i smell fear now that the capitalist media is broken up none of you have a voice thru the capitalist zionist system.
What if
People don't like nazis
what if its call Not Socialism not a propaganda name given by the capitalist zionist.
Communists have been arguing in favor of breaking up or collectivizing capitalist enterprises before National SocĂalism was even a thing.
Stop being such an ignorant American.
"Left" on Holla Forums seldom means liberalism.
Well memed
At least 40% of Holla Forums content is complaining about libruls and idpol, what fucking planet are you on?
Oh wait, you're naziposter. Nevermind.
Then I would agree with you.
even the swastika means socialism what the fuck are you talking about.
Swastika comes from indian mythology, you dumb fash.
the swastika is a symbol of ancient aryans.
Who you would consider non-white anyway.
Hey don't forget the Atlanteans
When you have so much unwarranted self importance over your identity you look outside your dumb fuck suburban life to consider people hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of miles away, hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of years ago, from where your ancestors lived to feel even more special about the mediocrity of your birth, life, and eventual death
Nobody is going to click your youtube link. Nobody ever does.
sauce on this? somebody posted the doujin awhile ago but the friend I'm asking for didn't save
The amount of people who can't crosslink these past couple of months has been very worrying.
It's something like [Childhood Destruction] The Wolf and the Seven Young Goats, the artists have a million names, usually but not always go by Turtle.Fish.Paint. [Childhood Destruction] Big Red Riding Hood and the Little Wolf is better.
is this some new meme where you pretend to be retarded
What happened ITT?
Mods/janitors deleting (nazi shit)posts and the thread becoming disjointed and unintelligible because of it