How come no one seems to mention the real /ourguy/
Legitimately though, why were the anarchists from early 1900 USA forgotten? I know they never brought change but they were more than larpers. Right?
How come no one seems to mention the real /ourguy/
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Honestly I donโt know who he is. Shame on me but I dont
I think it is at least worth knowing. I guess it might be because he was in America but even then Goldman and De Leon still get mentioned more than him.
Thanks comrade
Hmmm yess i wonderrrr.
Their hearts are in the right place but their theory is off. The only force strong enough to actually destroy a State, short of an ass-fuck foreign invasion, is a massive, and I do mean massive, popular uprising. If they manage that, they're still in a bind. Without the State as a weapon, they can't change the material conditions that enabled the old order. Martov realized that's the fundamental disagreement with Marxists, who claim you absolutely need the State in order to fix material conditions first. But then they too are in a bind because States just plain don't decrease in size, let alone wither away. But that's for a different topic.
That applies to just about every socialist, syndicalist, and anyone else on the left that wasn't baptized by liberals years after the fact or had their names placed into footnotes in history. Porky has been incredibly thorough in swiping America's labor history under the rug. Hell, most people here have never even heard of the Ludlow Massacre, the Battle of Blair Mountain, or the origins of Labor Day.
Are the pasta eaters the real evil global conspiracy behind communism? Weโre the Irish and the Jews just a red herring to throw us off of ๐ฎ๐น๐ฎ๐น๐ฎ๐น them ๐ฎ๐น๐ฎ๐น๐ฎ๐น?
I mean, an anarchist killed the US president. Sure, it didn't change much, but it takes balls to LARP hard enough to shoot the president.
Those Italians have been raping women too, dirty wops, it's time to implement a travel ban to save American civilization from the invasive hordes
But I am talking more about this board in general. Like I said, even De Leon gets the occasional namedrop but not the greatest larpers
*Not Marxist
Imagine a native Indian looking at this
Assassinating figureheads is a great Anarchist past-time. Let's also not forget Gaetano Bresci. RIP, comrade.
absolutely 100% based
I was referring to America but you have a good point, I can only guess it's maybe because anarchism and by extension anarchists were overshadowed by the ML's who are closer to the modern day and left some tangible legacy. However the anarchists agitated mostly in the late 19th and early 20th century and didn't change much or leave much behind, that might explain why individual anarchists from the time period are so often forgotten.
Is bombing businessmen the true praxis of our time
As an italian who promotes american genocide, fuck you
Fun fact: a moral panic of the "exotic foreigners are stealing are women" variety was partly responsible for the war on drugs. The use of opium by Chinese immigrants in old San Francisco really stuck in the craw of racists (i.e. everybody back then), and then misogyny led to people and the media losing their minds over inscrutable Orientals seducing good white women, getting them addicted and keeping her as a concubine and shit. The result was the first drug legislation in America in 1875.
Because America went from one of the most revolutionary countries to one of the most classcucked with porky manipulations, covering up or sanitizing our socialist past was part of that.
Is that pic on a specific event?
Sort of, someone here posted a pic of a hot cop and everyone started thirsting for pork butt.
the original anti-immigrant panic in America was fueled by Southern European leftists and anarchists coming over and radicalizing people.