The absolute state of the average american
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Reddit pls.
Americans dont deserve socialism.
here is the link to the recording
The boomers have to go
since when was this a reddit thing?
also nice punctuation mr cell phone man
I feel your pain, man.
What's funny OP is that what your describing is political correctness run amok.(which THEY supposdedly decry) Why didn't you say anything?
Because to go outside the sphere of acceptable liberal discourse is politically incorrect and it possible wouldn't even be safe for you to give your actual opinion. I bet you weren't the only one there who felt that way.
Until people on the left start taking the abuse from people and say what they actually think then this stuff is going to keep happening. See if you can't network with other leftists and bring other people next time, it's either to speak up when you know you got backup.
Punching an 80-year-old MAGA isn't going to fix it.
Since fucking 2010, you petulant newfag. It never made any sense to greentext and say that you, are in fact, the nigger telling the story.
">be me" has been greentext terminology since the beginning.
Fuck my life I feel old.
That's the year I started browsing
nazifag is right though, >be me used to be a easily identifiable core symptom of the newfag diagnosis.
I'm still mad I can't embed
you make it sound comedic, shame that in actuality it is tragic
Was 2012 when Holla Forums finished it's gradual slide into shit or did I just leave because I grew out of it? I think it's the former because I liked 8/b/ in 2014
2012 predates 4chans reddit panic, and also that was the oldest green I have saved on my tablet.
The reddit panic started on 2010-2011.
For fuck's sake, that greentext is older that the Holla Forums vs reddit tribes ascend tournament probably the last good thing Holla Forums ever did