So what will happen after he's done his time in office, and ultimately nothing is any different? What happens to the alt-right and the rest of his fanbase?
So what will happen after he's done his time in office, and ultimately nothing is any different...
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The majority will either double down and claim that (insert whatever their boogeyman of the year is) is entirely responsible for cockblocking him, or just grow apathetic and cynical. Some of the younger folk might come to our side after spending their adolescence watching Trumpism get shown up to be utter bullshit and having their first taste of the real world, where you don't get to insist that the entire country act like your own personal far-right safe space.
What happens to his rabid detractors and die hard dnc shills is more intetesting tbh
Then it's the right time for the propper american leftists to bring them to the fight against capitalism and radical centrists.
Trump is a kiked puppet, we never supported him.
t. Holla Forums
The /polyps/ will leave him for good if Richard Spencer doesn't end up on the GOP tickett for President 2020/2024
r/the_donald boys are like bronies, who will linger to exist long past their time in the spotlight and for much much longer than when it stopped being funny or edgy or whatever. r/the_donald will continue as a fringe subculture just like furries and bronies and they'll never ever go away.
They'll just move onto the next GOP candidate.
That's what happens when americans are triggered :D
tulsi gabbard
Holla Forums hates Richard Spencer.
In general Holla Forums thinks everyone that isn't them or Trump are jews and CIA shills.
Even people like David Duke, William Pierce, Ironmarch, /polk/ and endchan get denounced as being honeypots, jews, CIA, or a combination of all of them.
It's even funnier because since the election they've been descending further into the paranoia. Assad is a mudslime, Putin is a kike, North Korea is run by commie Jews.
The more Trump 'betrays' them, the more they slide into their "8D chess" fantasy, and the more they eat their own. If the bombs ever do drop on Iran or NK, expect the board to self-destruct.
I doubt 4/pol/ would have any solidarity for Iran or her anti-Zionist/anti-Imperialist revolution. I apologize, I should've mentioned I was talking about 4/pol/ in my first post.
Hello comrade. I see you too are in exile from /trumppol/ :(
You fags did a year ago
aside from /sg/, 4/pol/ is a reddit colony now
the alt-right is on a path to balkinization.
the more unhinged ones will probably start cults and militias, lone wolves will most likely bomb synagogues and black chuches once or twice a year.
some will start other new movements and some will fail when their followers find out that arthur baxley haddenforbes iv is actually 75% chicano
some will act innocent and try to cleanse themselves of their alt-right pasts which is why in 2040 we are going to get a latina primitivist presidential candidate with a reformed alt-right running mate who still reflexively mentions things like the globalist agenda and lack of white babies and whose most controversial statement isn't reciting the 14 words but saying that Kaczynski did nothing wrong while the coastlines are being devoured by the atlantic and american society is flooded with anti-tech freaks who are one picture of a talking car away from planting IEDs in an apple parking garage
some will just kill themselves
some will have children and hide their power level
and some will join new fascist movements whose core membership look like a god damn united colors of benetton ad
i enjoyed reading this post
Really? The ball is in the democrat court. If they learn anything from 2016 (and what looks like a loss in 2020) they will be able to steer the country towards a more "ethical" capitalist state.
I predict complete balkanization. Reactionary mini ethno-communities will sprout about in America and market themselves as such.
They will either move even further to the Right or join us on the Left. The response during this time depends on our ability to organize right now and break through the decades of propaganda to educate people and change minds.
Getting warmer.
Colder. Cold. You're ice cold.
Why do you nazis do this to yourselves? It must be humiliating.
I just visited Holla Forums and you had multiple threads on the first page sucking his cock and memeing him.
Holla Forums is so full of shit. They lie more than the devil himself.
I would not be surprised if Trump dies in office. He is old, his health is crap, his doctor is insane, and the Presidency is a job that turns 40 year olds into 60 year olds in a single term.
Then, once Trump drops dead of a heartattack, Holla Forums will be free to imagine him as their martyr who would have made America great, if only the CIA hadn't assasinated him, and the Trumps will become the right-wing version of the Kennedys.
2047 Baron Trump dies in random plane crash campaigning for a senate seat
I can't wait. I'm sold
most of tru/pol/ has moved onto endchan.
Holy fucking kek the ride never stops.
Now we're reaching levels of tin foil that were previously thought to be impossible.
You must be new here. Please accept my generous offer of informative reading material.
they'll go on to shill some other meme politician like the rancid baboons they are
They would go on to say, his sons do not both look like large humanoid mice
Do you legitimately believe Hillary is going to run again or something?
"Libtards" probably thought he looked like a dumbass tbh.
I'm surprised his mom let him out of the house like that.
"MAGA" is just another counter-culture fad like Emos and SJWs, or, to use vidya fads, gory video games and gamergate. It'll evolve into another pointless fad once it becomes "uncool".
It doesn't matter what he does. The Spectacle will make him out to be the most evil ruler in human history who personally ruined America, as it's already doing even though he hasn't done all that much at all.
As long as white countries continue to be browned and stolen from us the alt right will continue to grow and grow, Trump is completely irrelevant. We will not accept PoC rule. We rather die ten deaths than accept the rule of the lesser races. White nationalism or barbarism.
You are probably baiting but I gonna bite, Trump is the only thing that maintains the alt right movement, you can't prove me wrong.
The alt right and white nationalism in general not only predate Trump but will also outlive him, as the demographics shift to be more and more unfavorable to white people more and more white people will move firmly into our camp, we will not hand the countries that belong to us without a struggle. We will not accept PoC rule and negro police men and Latino city councils and a
The aut-right will just transfer their cuck instincts onto somoene else, and will never admit how badly they were had. The thing is, they will probably believe they weren't had at all somehow.
I'm more worried about the succession. I've said it before: the socjus generation of liberalism will ride into town as if they're saving America from the mismanagement of a mad king, and will never ever acknowledged that their imbecility and lack of scruples is what got him elected in the first place. Nonetheless, they will push socjus with renewed vigor, because the media as a class is more united and interconnected than ever.
White nationalists don't all come from a single country. So different people may have a different homeland.
same thing that happens every time, the people who already hated him will keep hating him and the people who already loved him will keep loving him. this shit ain't fact based, it's just cheering for your team.
what about tru/scotsman/?
Unfortunately people will have less enthusiasm for anti-establishment candidates in general, and corporatists will be the only ones who have any slight chance of winning
Dems will double down on identity politics in response to the evil Trump Nazis, so 2020 will be all about feminism and not giving a shit about leftist economic policies.
Then four years later people will be fed up with SJWs and we'll be back to somebody like Trump. We'll never get a true leftist and we'll never get anybody in either side who supports egalitarianism
I predict Holla Forums will go even crazier in the 2020s after the Trump movement goes up in smoke, and we'll start to see unironic support for NWO/Illuminati/globalists from them. They already believe huge swathes of humanity are worthless and don't deserve to live, and "joke" all the time about government death squads, so they're already halfway there. A desire for depopulation is present on both sides but it appears to be more visible on the right-wing side. I believe the right would easily welcome a New World Order that framed itself as some worldwide movement of conservatism and tradition.
There's no way this boy is in college. I refuse. I refuse to believe that's a college aged person.
His fans are insane, they will praise his presidency as best ever and continue to praise him.
Literal Neo Nazi here. We didn't realize the Jews would be blocking Trump at every turn. Soon as he got into office the Jews took full control. He is nothing but a puppet now. I believe he meant well but wasn't aware how little power the president really has. The Jews rule you.
So what we rightwingers will do is keep trying. Now that Trump has failed we are considering a plan to simply let the Jews win without resistance until Jewish crimes against the people become so bad that normies can't ignore them any longer. Like what happened in Germany before WW2. When the normies are forced to awaken we will see WW2: Electric Boogaloo
His entire family is filled with jewish people
That says a lot about your collective intelligence really.
You dense motherfuckers. You actually went and did it, didn't you?
Nazis deserve to be ruled by Jews.
I honestly cant tell if some of these replies are from real Holla Forumsyps or not. Either way, what pathetic fucking brainlets.
According to Nazis' own logic, Jews are the master race.
I have a feeling all presidents from Clinton onwards will be two-termers. A side effect of the omnipresence of the Spectacle is that a president's performance, either political, economical or whatever else, matters less and less, and he becomes essentially just a public figure. Someone that's just there and so should remain there for the sheer sake of constancy and familiarity.
I imagine exactly where this idea of "deserving to live" starts. No doubt capitalism plays a big party, reducing people to surplus-value generators, and society at large enforces this idea that one should demonstrate they are worth of living by being a good prole and whatnot. But this definitely isn't exclusive to it. The USSR itself wasn't immune either ("he who does not work, neither shall he eat"), and I don't know nearly enough of anthropology to know if this notion is universal or not, or ancient or not. My guess is that it's both, perhaps a leftover instinct from tribal times created by extremely scarce basic resources. Maybe only post-scarcity can really rid us of this arch-spook and we all can finally have removed from our shoulders this weiht we didn't even know we carried, safe in knowing that being alive is all that should be and is required to deserve to live.
Nearly every single president is hated by the end of the term, but seemingly Trump is hated on the levels of the last bit of term in only his first year.
So my prediction? My honest prediction? I will shove a dildo so far up my ass it gets stuck and I have to call 9/11 if the population doesn't fully turn on Trump by year 3-4 and his devoted alright nerd ass and quasi fascist boomer fanbase are going to to be seen even more pathetic than the Obama voters clinging to Hillary when election time comes. People will be sick as shit of his shit that initially was his appeal. The more boring and neutral you are, the least remembered you are, the more people slowly grow to hate you. The more you rely on a shtick your entire presidency people will be over it fast if results aren't coming in, or campaign promises aren't being met.
Long and short of it, the people need solutions, they voted for Trump because of his seemingly Americana presence and anti establishment views, but he's not delivering and he has establishment views. Establishment of course meaning capitalistic.
People are confused and angry, things aren't getting better, and Trump is going to be unpopular regardless.His celebrity status and its context really doesn't help.
White nationalism will survive, but Trump as a political figure is going to have one of the worst reputations of any president in a very long long time.
Why do we have to have flabby albinoid pig men (who can't even grow facial hair) as our presidents and not beauts like George