ITT: We post people who are hiding their power level. I'll start with Comrade Jimmy "100 million more" Dore

ITT: We post people who are hiding their power level. I'll start with Comrade Jimmy "100 million more" Dore

Daddy Wolff

How can a single man be so based?

Unironically Bernie


Someone should send these memes to him. Imagine if he made a video where he goes through them.

There's plenty of great webms too, but unfortunately I don't have any saved right now

Jimmy "Walk through the" Dore, "Commisar Coldblood", the "Dead Hand of History", "Hegel's Hatchetman", "Proletarian Predator", "Rhode Island Rape Gang", "Kill one of me and I'll kill ten more", "Beria's Terror", "Night Terror of the Bourgoisie", "If You've Got Glasses, you get no passes.", the "Meat Packer", "Mother Jones' Abortion", "the Mobile Gulag" Dore.

Agreed. It is a shame he is cucking himself so hard. Sometimes I fantasize that he is martyring himself to reformism so in the future we have a clear example of the failure of reformism.
