Last one is soft-locked because of the restoration of Holla Forums to a previous version.
OC thread 2.0
Natsoc gang reporting in!
here ya go
Not bad I must say
Basically what every thread on Holla Forums descends into given enough time.
Can someone do the uniform? I'm not qualified for this.
Haha fucking perfect
The armband is the same
The whole uniform is, that's what he said.
forgive me for i have sinned
That's a no
Put some effort into your memes, Avakian never worked a day in his life. Went from being a student to being a professional protestor.
your dark wojaks remind me of zalgo
1 million years gulag
I wanted to write some mockery over the orangutan but I ran out of creativity
Would this appeal be accepted?
Does anyone have some good ideas for these?
Not mine but I think everyone should read this. Golden Age Simpsons is a fractal map of the past, present and future of mankind.
Replace the black cat in anarchist art with him?
But they were good memes…
didn't expect to see fucking osomatsu-kun on this board
I'm actually trying to use different styles.
Trying other weird things.
Does anyone know where I can find communist footage? Thinking of making some youtube OC to capitalise on the burgeoning dank meme industry.
I forgot what I was going to write halfway through, so here's a template I guess.
Isn't that Puberty or something?
What is this fucking garbage attempting to do? It's not even funny. Delete this.
It pokes fun at liberalism and capitalism being passed off as socialism.
if anyone makes arguments about ghostbusters and government tell them to go watch the movie again. they literally win because of the government. fucking twice.
nazbol memes with other things written in instead of nazbol. i tried to warn you tits but you wouldn't listen.
Flip that on its head and make a far more powerful in-joke which can be extended outwards as dogwhistle politics.
a leftcom nazi, now I've seen it all
Is there way to streamline this concept to make it actually funny?
I love these tbh.
Is this referring to an actual event?
Does it count as OC if its pictures I harvested from Holla Forums groups on facebook
There's an actual mentally challenged angle to all of this I'm certain.
I could just keep going and going. You would think at one point it would be normal looking people but there just aren't. All of them look like orcs. They're just asking for social suicide, I don't get why they do this to themselves.
YIFF when?
Switch Mussolini's photo to one which includes the fascist symbol.
And change what Mussolini says to "A fasces".
Very Myspace 2005
Part of me wishes to know what that was like. This is just another hybrid meme featuring a kind of Dark Wojak.
Literally me on the left twice.
Myspace was heaven compared to what we have now.
Stop stroking my nostalgia; it's making me squeal. I long for such an age again, only with a genuine revolution behind it this time.
Myspace is still around, you know.
It will never be 2006 again. Some dumbass opened pandora's box and now nothing is good.
It's silly of me to think that such times can come again as I remember them in this almost masturbatory fashion (despite having never experienced it). Then again, I might remember this time as being golden and encounter people who would think in the same manners despite having never experienced it themselves. I think that the wave is still going as it once did in some corners of the internet but such corners are rare and a new one will require major shifts in the structure of the internet.
…or something completely different, considering that the internet as a whole has become trash and whatnot thanks to people who don't understand the nuances behind things. Furthermore, many those who used to be a part of these 'cultural waves' have grown older, more docile and less willing or able to keep going. Polite sage.
Can somebody do a better version of this in exchange for a (you)?
these are supposed to have edgy opinions
r/ing some them Breznev bros memes
Thank you
Nice one mate!
Well the joke is that it is a take on another meme of Bob the Builder, but yeah.
I only made this garbage for the acronym.
really makes you think
Were the Bolsheviks the first LARPers?
In case someone wants to Stirnerize this.
thanks for it though
*Moretsu Ataro
You t-too…
Dark Wojak has evolved thanks to trying to emulate his past self and failing miserably.
Oh shit I remember asking for this a while ago and the thread got eaten
Remade this, deleted old post
Post a picture of the uniform you want pepe wearing, I have absolutely DAFT CUNT paint skills.
Anything would work, I just want the meme to be done. I only did the hat because it was the only thing available.
This ok?
made this real quick
Not the user that requested it, but that's perfect.
anyone got a png of Stirners smug head? Cant find one.
What the hell is a smug head? I have the smug wojak stirner though
5.000.000 hours in photoshop
Who the fuck thought sticking a shithuge bundle of sticks to a perfectly fine axe was a good idea?
BEEP BEEP buttload of althusser memes incoming
Just some screen savers
Yeah after I said I was gonna do it I forgot about it fo a few days. Sorry.
Can people post OC for "where's the source" or "where's the proof" memes?
Fags gonna fag
What is that a picture of behind Althusser anyway?
who fuckin knows
apparently there were roman people who went around with this thing trying to mantain order. cops are consistently retarded throughout history scans Holla Forums several times a day. Someone is interested in us.
The Portuguese one should end with "uni-vos" instead of "unir". Plural second-person imperative verb is "uni", and since it's reflexive, it needs the "vos" pronoun. Also you might want to look at the original quote in German.
the few furries and homos i know online are unironic right wing nationalists
the only people who think the right is virtuous are edgy KHVs
this is an OC thread, if you want to shitpost then give us something we haven't seen a thousand times
Wow Shadman browses Holla Forums and he's a ☭TANKIE☭. Great OC
to clarify this isn't mine but she is cute isn't she ?
I would laugh so hard at the salt Shadman browsing leftypol and making OC would cause to weeb reactionaries
Requesting a Joe Hill Wojak
Some fixed lolbert shit
Not necessary, the lolbert one was itself ripped from CPUSA propaganda.
Full turn then eh?
Quickie, because I wanted to and had some time on my hands.
I've been reading the 'moé manifesto', so naturally my mind eventually wandered to what Alunya would look like as a more typical bishojo. (Turns out the answer is' like a sukeban'.)
Cute ass
man I just want to see them cuddling and nuzzling each other.
user this should include a link to Holla Forums
I dreamt I saw Joe Hill last night…
Request a wemb with Joe Feel and the Paul robeson version.
Thank you, he's been added to the Booru as well. Joe Hill is still alive
These are pretty good. B.O. should use these
Now it is.
give me a min
Who's with Joe in that pic? Not a Wobbly so I wouldn't know
A worker.
for real?
whats the limit on a webm files size? it doesnt want to upload
Yes, the entire "spirit of joe hill" is that he stands with all workers in their fights for freedom.
If it keeps failing post it on another site (i.e. YouTube or other video sites) and post a link
More like these please. Second is animgif OC.
Test. Making sure I'm not banned for 200 character minimum
Dunno man, making a bunch of promises doesn't seem like a good idea. I mean, even if the world revolution does manage to go according to plan the next time, the first few generations will live through a lot of hardship, as they would effectively rebuild the world. This is a "detail" that no revolutionary mentions to their people.
Also requesting the lolbert one, please.
Requesting that one too, please.
That's adorable but hu, who the hell is the chick?
Use the final version, nigga. Black eyebrows.
10/10 would have BDSM unprotected sex with.