Leftcoms believe socialism means a society without any exchange value right?

Leftcoms believe socialism means a society without any exchange value right?

How would production work if we can't assign prices or numerical values to goods?

This is not necessarily left communism

Commodities would be exchanged for equivalent man-hours.

That's called capitalism user

so the ussr

daily reminder that bordiga refused to use his influence to support the anti-fascist groups in Italy in 1921 which would eventually lead to his imprisonment and his colleague's antonio gramsci's death as well as the rise of Mussolini

And Mussolini left Bordiga alone because his advocacy for passivity was better at controlling dissent than the secret service.

Daily reminder that the PCdI still organized and fought against fascists and no amount of antifascist action would have prevented the King from handing power over to Mussolini because it was ultimately motivated by fear over the growing organization of the proletariat. The only way to actually prevent the rise of Italian fascists would have been a revolution.

Production would be done consciously for use and need.

yes but it wasn't bordiga's faction that advocated this it was instead antonio gramsci's faction

im the one always shitting on leftcom but this is assinine fam kill yourself

but this is true

and this is damage control

No. That would mean fuedalism would be socialism.

Measuring labor is not the same as measuring value. Content and form are changed when merely labor is measured.

The absolute state of this board.

They wouldn't be exchanged.

Literally only thing that would have stopped fascism in italy was to sit and do nothing and it would pass out and die on itself

I'm sorry user, but have you even read Marx? It ceases to be capitalism once goods are produced after needs (after the abolition of the value-form)

No. The entirety of the PCdI supported a united trade union front which lead them to working with various trade unions during strikes that were attacked by fascists. The PCdI helped in defending striking workers from fascists. The split between Gramsci and Bordiga on the issue of fascism came about due to the formers desire to join the antifascist popular front. There's an interview with Bordiga on youtube where he actually talks about those strikes and his opposition to broad based antifascist movements. Unfortunately it seems like the translation is no longer attached to the video. Philippe Bourrinet discusses this in his book about the Italian left as well.

how to meet needs if the production is not suited for them?

But they didn't sit around doing nothing. This is a meme. Bordiga backed the united trade union movement. He thought the only viable way to combat fascism was through class struggle.

Thats my point, 2 years of active fight against fascism and class struggle let the fascist gain power. If there was no chaos caused by class struggle the fascist would never gain power.


No. "Leftcoms" do not exist. It is Marxists who believe that.

Prices are never "assigned". As for use-value, they have numerical values: kg, m, items, etc.

That's autistic. Use values can both be objective and subjective, based on fancy or material necessity. The use-value of a painting or a sculpture has very little to do with it's mass, length measurements, or their amounts. The use-value of industrial steel can essentially be brought down to numbers, yes, but that's not really reresentative of all use values

Nigga, how… how do you think labour vouchers are supposed to work?

Your point being?

That use value cannot be reduced to numerical values in plenty of instances.

No one said it could.

I don't know if it's you, but OP said:
As far as numerical values (kg, m, items, etc.) are required in the process of production, these numerical values are part of use-value. There's nothing to "assign".

I'm not sure I'm making myself clear.