I feel like a lot of anarchists aren't really anarchists because they're totally on board with abolishing the state but because there aren't really any popular alternatives to Leninism and its descendants. I sort of felt the same way; I used to align myself mostly with anarchists even though I don't like anarchism and its core tenets.
Cockshottism should take the middle ground TBH, TANS is fucking awesome
A More Moderate State Socialism
Other urls found in this thread:
More moderate state socialism is DemSoc my lad.
Cockshott is an ML though…
Page 170 of TANS.
Someone in the other thread called in an ML with a lower case l. I think thats a good way to describe him,he certainly isn't a tankie. I don't think he give much praise to Stalin.
I have no idea of what you're trying to say. Leninism isn't particularly popular outside of fringe left circles and anarchism is explicitly about abolishing the state, as is all communism for that matter.
That's pretty dumb user.
Cockshottism is ML with computers, no stalin dindu nuffin, and a rejection of (full)communism in favor of a permanant DotP. TANS is useful but cockshottism is not a middle ground.
He is still an ML I agree with this critique, for post-revolutionary situations democratic-cerntralism needs to be susbtituted and Cockshott is a a Post-revolutionary marxist, still Cockshott calls himself an ML and is a member of the CPGB(a ML party)
But that's fucking wrong though. Cockshott (like most MLs) is a stageist.
My bad I was thinking of someone else.
What's the point of that picture? That our sexual fetishes are shaped by the society we live in? Is it supposed to just explain this, or is it also a sort of "lel some feminists like rough sex and bdsm whats up with that??" critique of feminism?
A qt being dominated.
It's a classic reactionary trope that "women secretly want to be dominated, women being in power isn't the natural way of things, etc."
What exactly is fullcommunismâ„¢? Can it get me mandarins at least once a year? Can it get me into space? Or, more importantly, can it achieve production for need?
I believe it is the latter
Also it is a good critique of feminism, I believe. Feminists tell us that women are equals and should not be treated like sluts, but they are attracted to and love brutes that treat them like sluts and whores. They are in all reality repulsed by the men who treat them like equals - not even the nice guy meme - literally just treating them fairly is unattractive. They want to be dehumanized. So now, instead of a community of married women raising children together we have drugged and drunk whores who have casual sex with no intention of starting a family and being apart of the community. Why do communists think this is a good thing? What is the point of communism when there's no community, family, our purpose beyond satisfying sexual pleasures? This is a sub-animal tier way of life.
A lot of women (based on my experience) do wanna be dominated. My gf wants me to spit in her mouth, choke her (almost) unconscious, slap her in the face, call her a whore, etc, etc. in bed. In reality though she obviously doesn't believe women should be treated as inferior to men or anything (she's a socdem and a feminist). What kinds of weird sex people are into isn't relevant when discussing politics. It's obvious a lot of nazis really like interracial and cuckold porn for example.
Go back to r/incels.
and I don't even know what that means
All right fair enough.
>Feminists tell us that women are equals and should not be treated like sluts, but they are attracted to and love brutes that treat them like sluts and whores. They are in all reality repulsed by the men who treat them like equals
What do you base this on? Do you have any female friends? Have you ever had a girlfriend? Does you father treat your mom like a whore (and does she get disgusted by him if he doesn't)? All women I know (that are in a relationship or want to be in one) want someone who they find physically attractive (obviously), who treats them well and who they have at least some stuff in common with. Being into BDSM and that sort of thing isn't uncommon among women, but there is a very clear difference between what you like in bed (for whatever weird psychological reasons) and how you think society should be organized. "they are attracted to and love brutes that treat them like sluts and whores", this is honestly exactly like something a virgin in a 'nigger hate thread' on Holla Forums would say.
You're right. Must just be the damaged goods I went on dates with on okcupid. Thanks for the perspective on things. Girl I'm dating right now likes me for being sweet and treating her like a slut in the sack actually lol.Kinda worried I need to be more mean or possessive so she don't get bored or something and want a bad boy. Any tips?
MLs trying to claim Cockshott is one of the fucking funniest things. He has a sympathetic view of Trotsky and basically says Stalin extracted surplus value by using terror as a motivator to work harder in an equal-pay economy.
I agree that Cockshott isn't exactly ML, but tendency is about more than what you think about this and that dead revolutionary, my man.
This is literally the perfect relationship.
I don't know you, or her, but don't you think "I'm worried she'll get bored with me, I need to treat her like shit!" is sorta fucked up reasoning? You'll most likely just end up pushing her away faster if you act like that.
No you stupid fuck. Read Lacan.
Google him leftypol.
Honestly can't remember the last time I've seen this. +1 to you comrade
I believe it orginates from a Stalin speech as an interpetation of late stage socialism. It's also an album by some punk band.
Probably on liberal feminists who talk about how they hate all men from their twitter accounts between getting daddy to choke them harder. It's not a good sample of women, but it does exist and robots magnify it to fit into their preconceived notion of roasties getting plowed en masse by chad until they're ready to get a beta provider to care for them after they've been used up. It's retarded, but liberals exacerbate it and reactionaries seize it for propaganda purposes. As for whores, I would unironically treat a specfic whore better than most girls I match with on Tinder.
i agree, sadly most MLs have chosen to define their tendency by whether or not youre willing to accept the moscow trials as legitimate
to all you retards talking about the comic still, it's abundantly clear that the comic is depicting the internalization of sexist abuse, which expresses itself subconsciously as fetish.
it's an attack on the "women want to be dominated inherently" argument, instead offering a materialist explanation for how her intolerable Real is repackaged into the imaginary through sex
read a fucking book
You said your girlfriend likes getting dominated, like a whore even. But she's not the person to actually think women are inferior to men. She's a Feminist.
Its just like how our local subhumans harp about traditionalism and their aryan master race, but also seem enthralled about nigger dick, or traps.
In a way, its just simple forbidden fruit. But there's also an element of "struggle". Like when you choke your girlfriend and call her a slut, in a way this "validates" the pleasure obtained from what would be an otherwise ordinary or mundane intercourse. In other words, pleasure obtained -or reaffirmed- by pain.
Thanks. Should I read Lacan for more shit like this?
This is a rather vage generalization,people tend to think the internet is the world when this is just a small and not a good example of what the Communist movement is, do you think that all the militantas of the PCP, the KKE, the PVDA,the PCE (wich if you sum them up make about a million) to give you some examples Decide their ideology based on such things?? How thinking if the Moscow trails wre fair or not relevant to an ideology??
Seriousely, the left (and I think the European ML movement specially wich is what I now about ), is not what you see here, by any means.
Yeah he has this whole bit on sexual pleasure:
Cockshott's theory literally fulfills the demands of both Marxist-Leninists, and Anarchists. He is unironically the enlightened center.
I agree with ML but with anarchism…. I'm not an anrchist though , so had any Anarchist user read this book and agrees with whath it purposes?
Plus everyone's forgetting she has the option to stop the rough treatment if she's in too much pain, wants something different, etc. There's nothing hypocritical in that comic really. She reacts negatively to chuds who want some ass and has the power to only give it to who she wants.
Meanwhile in a "traditional" society rape doesn't even legally exist within a marriage.
I think we should re evaluate what the state is and what it should do
In socialism the state should exist to protect the socialist country from foreign bourgeois but also to trade with them, establish regulations and organize taxation. And in the meanwhile individual communes can do what they like with their laws and means of production.
What we need is left wing minarchism.
Absolute and utter bullshit, its because of ideology like this that "an"caps exist. if anarkiddies had half a brain they'll know that the state is only half of their problems, private property is a much larger one.
As is your reading comprehension.
The state is what allows property in the first place, the assumltion that they are seperate is ancap tier.
That is true, my issue is rhetoric
And I have met no anarchists who were not explcitly comitted to the abolition of capital. That "smash the state" is the common mantra is due to it having a ring that isn't posseseed by "smash capitalism and the state", not by a lack of opposition to capitalism.
What's wrong with "smash property"?
"Property is theft" sounds cooler.
Well it's the big dilemma of leftist theory, isn't it? If you dismantle the State outright you won't be able to triumph over Porky & Friends, if you take over the State it will inevitably only ever increase in size, even if you keep the social State's duties to a minimum.
It's also better because it condenses the LTV and moral justification for the collectivization of workplaces into three small words.
that's my fetish
The ideal relationship is mutual aid in the streets and domination in the sheets.