It's over, isn't it lads? The proletarian revolution seems so very far away… socialism is losing popularity as reactionary ideologies are gaining everywhere.
Is socialism finished?
It's over, isn't it lads? The proletarian revolution seems so very far away… socialism is losing popularity as reactionary ideologies are gaining everywhere.
Is socialism finished?
I've given up on waiting for anything other than post-scarcity fully automated luxury communism. And I'm not sure it will be any form of communism we would like.
Maybe I think
Hi COINTEL>>>Holla Forums
eco-fascism will probably win when climate change creates a refuge crisis greater than every before.
Nope, I have faith, remember Lenin thought the revolutionary struggle was finished at one point.
I bet
But people in the West live in such comfort now. How could they revolt?
I don't think third world revolutions stand a chance, the only salutary event would be a revolution in a major power (USA, UK, France, India etc.), but that seems as far off as ever.
Feels bad
Climate change/resource depletion combined with shitty administration (compare the US's leadership to China's) is going to absolutely fuck the west's shit up, that's when we'll see revolution become possible
Might be a good question for the 1960s, not now. As well you know, standards of living are rapidly declining.
I don't think third world revolutions stand a chance,
If China or Russia is able to oppose the west(even if they aren't socialist" in the near future when could have much more room for socialist movements. Add this to the economic decline of the united states and we will have socialist revolutions. I'm not saying we will see red flags over the white house or buckingham within a decade but I think we will see socialism return to the third world sooner than most think.
aight kiddo you need to leave your basement
While I see this in Europe, ironically enough, the opposite is true in Burgerland. Yes this mostly means succdemocracy but you know what I mean.
Wonder why that is. Surle too much facism and too few immigrants.
Not in the U.S.A. Democratic Socialism is opening the gate and not even the CIA can stop us. We have something that they cannot control: the great equalization of the internet.
But the 60s were the golden era of social democracy and had tons of immigration…
The internet has aided the right more than the left. The number of unironic AnCaps has skyrocketed.
Let's say you're right: why would that be? There is nothing about the internet that favors anCraps that we cannot also use.
Assuredly there must be an activist force of leftists online. Perhaps Discord channels? If there is no leftist activism on the internet (which I highly doubt), then you should be the change you want to see in the world.
Lenin actually felt similarly.
Post-oil collapse is always something to consider.
Lefty activism on the net is all about idpol and circular firing squads.
The worst is that you could win even while doing that, but gender soup twitters refuse to do anything else. Deal with your narcissism problem and things will look better for you.
Enlighten me on that mate
The easy oil is pretty much gone, and as we extract more and more it just gets harder and more expensive.
If society were to totally collapse to a pre-industrial state we would never be able to rebuild to the way things are now.
I can't think of a more fertile field for a proletariat revolution then fascism tbh. We're talking about corporativism on steroids.