How will anarchists prevent people who want to form a state from forming a state?
How will anarchists prevent people who want to form a state from forming a state?
Gulags and prisons.
With a not-state of course :^)
Right, so we can defend ourselves from tankies and their not-capitalism
They won't
Antifa supersoldiers.
State as in "government"? No need to.
State as in "institution to guard a ruling class"? Collective, violent action of those who wouldn't be in said ruling class.
I believe the idea is to persuade the majority that no state is a better solution and to kill anyone they see forming a state.
I sit between tankie and anarkiddie, I am a demsoc and today I am enlightened by my own libertarian central planning :^)
person a: hey let's form a state
everyone else in the commune: fuck off retard
*person a is then guillotined*
Truly the shittiest ideologue
that's not how reality works and you know it. people can be manipulated and coerced, that's how states and exploitation form in the first place.
Dicks out
We will establish some sort of centralized system of repression, we can call it the non-state.
According to anarchists, states are always established through state violence.
Define "state".
They wont
Any organized form of state will bring a swift end to any anarquist "revolution"
states aren't formed because people get manipulated, they're formed because of accumulation, which wouldn't mean a thing in a post-scarcity society.
The non-state, or anti-state will replace the state, there would be no going back, since state would forever after be an inferior structure of power to superior non-state
With gulags and workers militias of course. We are still communists, we just don't want a vanguard.
What's the difference with prisons and policemen?
I think the differences is that gulags are for rehabilitation while prisons are for punishment? So rather than having a state that punishes people for violating it's dictates you have a community that deals with people that are ill-adjusted to society on a case-by-case basis. but yeah, "gulag" is a shit term and needs to be fucking dropped ASAP.
By forming a non-state state and violently subduing anyone who won't call the state a non-state state.
t. brainlet who has never read any anarchist lit
I don't hate the state because it uses violence to control us. I hate it because its successful at it. When the baton reaches my hands the beatings will continue, just on a different class of people.
The point of anarchism is to abolish class distinctions you fucking retard.
If someone tries to start a state near me I would consider it an act of violence. They are no longer acting as classless people and will be dealt with.
You can't have states without classes.
Nope. You said
Which kinda implies some kind of class formation would exist. You don't need to threaten people with violence to prevent class formation, and furthermore systematically employing violence to prevent class formation directly entails the existence of a state.
I think you're contorting my words. I'm talking as if a state were to pop up. The beating would continue, but it would be aimed at the upper parts of that state, not the poor, or powerless, or destitute.
The point of anarchism is emancipation.
by beatings
Sure, but accumulation would be nearly impossible in an anarchist society due to the absence of accumulation, so any attempt to instate a class would have to be violent anyways tbh.
I think you mean ancompton
er, that should say "class formation would be nearly impossible ", whoops.
picture would be better without the text