*deconstructs your arguments without misrepresenting your movement*
would it be safe to say we hate Sargon more than Holla Forums? He seems like the more dangerous opponent because he doesn't resort to disingenuous tactics and his rhetoric is generally a lot more palatable than racist identitarian movements to the masses.
*deconstructs your arguments without misrepresenting your movement*
Other urls found in this thread:
what are you talking about he's a fucking idiot
The entire Alt-Lite is incredibly intellectually dishonest
Sargon's success is almost entirely dependent on leftists and people generally considered by the (admittedly often ignorant) public to be "on the left" being frequently, consistently, intolerably stupid, censorious and wannabe-totalitarian. Like, he literally has no particular political positions of his own that anybody cares or even really knows about. He would be completely innocuous and obscure if he was choked of material.
what's dishonest about his arguments here?
I've honestly been impressed that Sargon has never been intellectually dishonest (as far as I can tell)
This has been my opinion for some time: that Sargon is by far the more seductive ideology, and normalizes frankly abhorrent ideas under…. fuck, I can't call them anything but euphemisms. He isn't a skeptic, but he calls himself one.
And then you get shit like Kraut and Tea allowing Edgy Sphinx to dogwhistle all over their channel. Really, more often than not they prove to be useful idiots.
Aaaand as usual I click reply before I finish my thoughts.
Also, his claim to the mantle of "Classical Liberalism" is an insult to John Stuart Mill, and to the OP, he is incredibly intellectually dishonest and logically flawed.
hmm… maybe watch the video, I promise you won't disapprove. In fact he defends the socialists' claim that Venezuela isn't true socialism even though the Venezuelan leadership is socialist.
Sargon you're a fucking retard honestly, that your audience is 16 year olds isn't a coincidence.
hmmm… is it bad that I'm worried showing anons sargon's videos might actually turn them off leftist ideas? I'm starting to think maybe I should start misrepresenting some things sargon says just to nuke my own thread. Again, Sargon seems dangerous to me.
I guarantee that's not the case. his arguments aren't any different than every other right wing """skeptic""" on youtube.
sargon is a fence-sitter with Xir real political leanings apart from status quo. for christs sake he got into politics because of fucking video games. He knows he cant take any firm stances either because if he does and pisses off the wrong people, that means bye bye patreon bux. just see how many of his positions hes revised in a matter of months.
is there a word filter or is phone posting at 3 am taking its toll?
Sargon please go
seriously can you ever point to a time he's lied? Ever?
This is what I'm talking about. In order to attack his character we're the ones who have to resort to misrepresenting him. This is really dangerous, because anyone who does any research is going to side with Sargon. He's the only critic of the left where I can say without a doubt he's dangerous because of his arguments rather than solely his platform.
Damn, I didn't realize misrepresenting your opponents through """arguments""" relying on fucking internet memes and forced laughter counted as "not resorting to disingenuous tactics".
come on now you're being dishonest, he's not shitposting in that video he's taking the arguments of both the left and the right seriously giving equal time and energy to each.
His subreddit is a special kind of cancer. The funny thing is that it has near the same amount of subscribers as the ChapoTrapHouse subreddit, but only a fraction of a fraction of the active users. Here is a link if you want to die inside reddit.com
However, I'm a bit concerned that he's going to go full MouthyBuddha at somepoint in the future and begin making videos which drop all the dogwhistles and are essentially Naziboi propaganda. Which isn't unfounded, he said that he is planning a series on the jewish question! twitter.com
Now I wonder how our favorite Classical Liberal (Go fuck yourself Dave Rubin) is going to tackle that topic?
And to answer op. Trick question, all the alt-lite scum on youtube is just as bad as Holla Forums
Carl, it's 8am in the UK now. Stop trying to convince us that you aren't an idiot and get your kids ready for school!
Why does he have a paper on his wall with just the Twitter bird on it and some smaller icons?
This is where there seems to be a persistent problem in the thought processes of at least one poster here. Sargon doesn't need to adopt "any firm stances". Showing that others are wrong in no way demands Sargon makes positive assertions of his own.
This is the laziest concern trolling on Holla Forums I've ever seen and that's a pretty high bar
Try asking him on twitter twitter.com
To answer you honestly, the only people I have more trouble coming up with logical arguments against that I've been watching recently have been Stefan Moldybread and Mouthy "Was Hitler a BAD person WHO TOTALLY DIDN'T KILL ALL THE JEWS" Buddah, because those two are so fraught with inaccuracy that it's hard to even explain how they're wrong before they've told another five innacurate statements. As to whether they're purposeful lies or gross incompetence, only those who can see into the hearts of men can tell.
Giving equal time and energy. You know, like you do with Global Warming Debates!
thats true, and thats part of the reason why he seems so logical and rational - because he doesnt actually say anything about himself and only critiques.
Yeah, socialism is when the government buys stocks :^)
ok. But you realize pretending I'm a troll doesn't get rid of the real danger that his videos are regularly converting thousands of leftists regularly, right? While Holla Forums is only appealing to disenfranchised virgins who are just looking for people to hate anyway Sargon has been deconstructing the arguments of the left using his own reasoning we're sitting here not even acknowledging him, or misrepresenting him pretending he's a liar.
He doesn't make the claim Venezuela is socialism though, he only argues that the people in power are socialists which is probably true.
I agree, I think if Sargon is investing time into deconstructing our arguments we should at least invest some of our own time researching him and coming up with counterarguments.
Yeah, nothing is quite as socialist as class collaborationism with the national bourgeoisie.
just watched 3 videos of his for the first time. Also not seeing any dishonestly here, seems like his format is repeat headlines, state facts, point to holes in arguments and narratives. that's dishonestly now? seems well sourced, if anything this guy is an extreme centrist
this guy gets it other than "his own reasoning" seems more like "reasoning"
lol hugbox bumplocks this thread. Makes me want to watch more. thanks for turning me on to this guy.
thanks for turning me onto this
hilarious #mythcon
can you actually imagine being 40 years of age and doing this
i feel chris chan has stumbled into a more fulfilling life, at least his content is eternal rather than ephemeral.
he lied when he said raising another man's daughter isn't being cucked.
(well, he lied or he's stupid. see, that's the problem with sargon - maybe he's never lied, because he genuinely believed the stupid things he said.)
No, that's a pile of shamelessly intellectually dishonest butthurt whining. Typical behaviour for feminist writers. It's not like there aren't examples of Carl gratuitously lying through his teeth such as his black bloc video. That rationalwiki piece is just shitflinging from feminist scum triggered by disagreement.
half tempted to go through his corbyn video because i know it'll be lies damn lies and sun frontpages but don't want to hear his voice