Memes on 1917 revolution

Memes on 1917 revolution

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Here's a few:

Good memes

Bad post

check out this fuckin genius


Good one


Now we get this but with Bakunin


That image gives off a different meaning without context


This should be ban worthy


Bordiga actually praised the revolution and supported Lenin, including the actions of the Bolsheviks in Kronstadt ,to defend the revolution

Which is just another way of saying "I'm a 'M'-L and I don't like your opinion"


Then which leftcoms push the "bourgeois opportunism" and "state capitalism" meme?

yep, good meme

Bordiga. He was more leninist than lenin but he didn't like stalin

What is the context?

eat shit nigger






Lenin overthrew another bunch of Socialists, he just didn't like their version of Socialism because it was agrarian.


Are you serious? The Duma put the bourgeois in power after tsardom collapsed. The provisional government was almost entirely formed by wealthy capitalists and liberals

The provisional government was headed by Socialists.

You mean a couple of SRs who did nothing for socialism and made secret deals with Britain and France to keep Russia in the war?


If you believe any of this enemy propaganda watch this:
