Serious question: How can central planning eliminate alienation?
Serious question: How can central planning eliminate alienation?
It can't, since the worker's labor is still alienated from him.
Labour Alienation and automation is weird to think about, once we are in FALC isn't that full blown turbo alienation?
FALC would lead to quite the opposite of alienation, since it would do away with alienated labor (where the worker has no or little control over his labor, and cannot use his free will or creativite ability). With FALC we would be able to use our free time for the labor of our likings, so if one wants to be an artist fore example, he could be an artist, and scientists could work on their projects without the pressure of constantly having to apply for grants and achieve results.
By consciously planning both production and distribution, workers rule over their products instead of being ruled over by them.
Saged by mistake.
seriously, can you please post the deepthroat one?
But if the plan is made collectively, democratically and openly, it's not actually central anymore.
Of course it is. "Central" doesn't mean the central level takes all the decisions; it means its decisions are superior to those of the lower levels.
Central Planning is no longer necessary in FALC?
Because you are contributing to the progress of society based on utility, and not for profit. How many times do you hear employees complaining that they sometimes have no idea why the hell they are doing this? Well, in a centrally planned economy you know you are working for a reason. You contribute.
Actually in USSR there were jobs that were essentially useless and didn't have any reason to exist at all. Part of full employment. Read Graeber.
It doesn't, but it alleviates it
Under capitalism, especially late, the drive to commodity everything down to our social relations has pushed levels of alienation to extremes.
Central planning by itself wouldn't be enough to eliminate alienation. There has to be a way for people to participate in production (and planning) for alienation to be eliminated. Imo this would probably take the form of a partially centrally planned economy where centralized production focuses on creating tools/machines and modular parts. Local, decentralized, social production would play the dominant role in people's every day consumption. But if you didn't want to participate that would need to be cool too, so automation is p. key.
Read [insert 'M'-L thinker I myself actually havent read]
It can't unless you got FALC
It is not your boss who alienates your labour, it's capital.
Right, so at least you know why you're working.
what do you mean by alienation here?
What is this retardation? Of course it is central. One authority decides everything - and nothing prevents this authority to be democratic collective.
Central Planning in USSR never meant that "centre" alone decides things. It meant that all workers make decision in an organized fashion. This is the same as the "democratic centralism" of Bolsheviks: it meant that once majority reaches some decision, the rest have to follow.
depends on what you mean by alienation
in a philosophical sense, i'm convinced at this point that the form of alienation marx outlines in his theory of commodity fetishism is endemic to the human situation as such, which is to say our unconscious experience of reality itself. in a way, it's almost impossible to know what we're "really" doing, since our everyday experience is necessarily mediated by imaginary fantasies.
economically speaking, alienation from the products of labor is a result of the process of production for exchange value. a dogmatic reading of marx i know, but this is undeniably the kernel perpetuating one's relation to commodities.
while i'm skeptical of central of how we talk about central planning, it would at the very least, if implemented effectively, abolish the economic factor in alienation. this however has little to do with the alienation one feels within language/the symbolic order of a given society. this is a situation which i don't think is overcome via politics.
The problem of this conception of alienation (as opposed to the one you called economic) is exactly that it is not philosophical but theological (as borrowed from Feuerbach).
you're neglecting the lacanian intervention here.
while feuerbach ends at imaginary subjectivity (at least in my own reading of him), psychoanalysis allows us to go beyond this imaginary register and instead identify the subject as the subject of the unconscious, which is to say viewing the subject not as its experience with the imaginary sense of reality, but instead as this very split between this "phenomenal experience" and the subject's alienation within the symbolic. in other words, the subject of commodity fetishism is precisely the gap (the real domain of true subjectivity) between these two domains: i have my imaginary experience of the commodity (how it appears to me) as i simultaneously engage in my symbolic relation with the commodity (how it REALLY appears to me). the break here from feuerbach is the intervention of the Real, or in other words the idea that the falsity of my fantastical relation to the commodity produces a reality out of its own inherent false-ness
(sorry if this is incomprehensible, i'm very drunk atm)
Next thing you gonna tell me that power actually rested with the soviets.
They did though, the All-Union Council drafted the economic plan together with the Gosplan.
Stalin gutted any real political power soviets ever had
How? What did he do?
It doesn't, central planning is only part of the transition from capitalism to socialism and somewhat at the start of lower-phase communism.
Telescreen for everyone. Problem solved.
it does by elimination of non-important work