Black Lives Matter Thread.
Why are they idpol? I know they're very Liberal but nothing about the cause seems idpol related.

Other urls found in this thread:

BLM has shitty idpol elements but at its core it's a proletarian movement against cops and prisons.

It deserves our full support.

I am eurofag but I sympathize with BLM's goals and message, I just don't like some of the SJW retards who are trying to overtake the movement to talk about white privilege and sexism or whatever.

is this what they call a 'slide thread'?
BLM is garbage liberal identitarianism, they justice for ghetto kids who get shot but have absolutely no class analysis and thus absolutely no appetite for the sort of structural changes the true emancipation of blacks in america would need
pic related is what non-idpol civil rights look like

Literally "let's fight white capitalism with black capitalism!"
lumpenprole would be a complement
so pls return to neogaf

hi Holla Forums
why does porky like funding them so much then?
It's almost like they want to want to prevent class consciousness


I'm bumping this.

BLM is just an IDpol movement by the lupen proletariat. They don't want class consciousness they just want more gibs me dats

Throw them out with the alt right

yep, fuck bat'cuck for including it in the anti-idpol song

The impression I get of BLM, from my side of the Atlantic is fairly confused. Seems to have started as a protest against police brutality and coppers executing people. Sounds good. Then on my side of the Atlantic we get the idiots jumping onto the bandwagon here. Then the reactionaries start up. I think the existence of pieces like this are the worst condemnation of BLM:

It's fairly clear the writer is simply after reparations and that seems to be the intent from what I've picked up from speaking to the few American black people I've cursorily spoken with about it. Debating if such reparations should be given seems an utterly pointless exercise; under the current system anything they gain will be snatched back by taxation and predatory capitalism almost immediately. It is a complete waste of time.

*jeopardy music*

Cop on black crime is EXTREMELY small compared to black on black crime

They need to get their priorities straight

Cointelpro will discredit or assassinate any black leader with the right priorities though.

The paracentres of the movement are largely student radlibs who frame their shit in intersectional gobbledygook and have been completely coopted by the Dems.

Read their shit manifesto if you can be bothered

What is the point in shitting up black America?

Blacks are still extremely economically productive, even if they're poor. rather, the fact they have on average no savings makes them even better proles.

I haven't really followed BLM and I'm not defending it, but cop on person crime is much worse than person on person crime and shouldn't exist at all.

Anyone who mentions black on black crime is always a right winger trying to deflect from addressing police brutality and poverty. Ive never seen an exception.

How is it? Wanna explain that one to me? It is literally just a basic bitch liberal idpol movement that does nothing but harm. Pic related sums up BLM

because most of its talking points are built on half-truths and outright lies, as shows. they're also race-obsessed, seeing "blacks" as the only victims of state brutality; everyone else is unimportant, or labelled "privileged" and told their suffering isn't real suffering because their skin isn't dark enough

it's just another effort to divide people along meaningless identitarian lines and keep the masses fighting with each other instead of the real enemies

destroying potentially revolutionary movements
BPP had American leadership shitting their pants for a while.

It's not a black and white (!) issue. Some of the issues they champion, like police and prison reform, are laudable and have universal appeal. On the other hand, they also do things like promote black business owners and generally getting blacks in elite positions, pure representationalism. So on substantive issues, it's half and half, depending on the chapter you're dealing with and the people running it presumably.
Then of course there are the student activists who get their dicks had over no whites on campus day, progressive stack, and all other kinds of pure, poisonous idpol.
Support them when they do good, oppose them when they do bullshit.

It's basically an inverse black panthers where the panthers were like 70/30 not-idpol to idpol and blm are like 30/70 not-idpol to idpol. Police/prison abolition are good but people like Deray have taken advantage of the fact that it's decentralized and not focused enough of a movement to hijack it for their own personal notoriety and political influence.

The only thing that matter is class struggle anything else in the trash can.

It’s literally funded by porkies.

Marx was funded by a literal porky too

It is class struggle.



Why are you speaking to me in asian?

Didn't he inherit a factory from his family? How the fuck is that his fault?

i believe that very sentiment is what this weeblet was trying to convey, the japonais is mangled though so I'm not sure
source: can into moonrune