
Is it dead or dying? is the era of being offended at shit over? Will gen Z make being an SJW uncool?
Is he right, or does he have it precisely backwards? Will everyone see the lib/sjw/w.e. as the one whos the asshole for being preacher?

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no, people are just getting offended over differen't shit now,

Being an SJW was never really "cool." It was (and largely still is) mandatory for participation in public life in most western countries though. All we have to do is excise the liberalism and it won't be a problem.

Have you been paying attention?Punching nazis is now offensive to Trump supporters apparently.

thats the thing, complaining about people saying nigger or faggot is considered sjw/PC but complaining about the war on christmas, punching nazis, black star wars characters, etc. isn't considered bad, its just good white family values or w/e

People have always been "politically incorrect,"even those who bitch about it. Hell, especially those who bitch about it. Everyone is politically incorrect until THEIR sacred cow is in the butcher's arms, it's bullshit.

"We need to get to the bottom of this by reading 100 year old books written by old white aristocrats. That was a completely different time, and I will only use this information to fantasize about getting off my selfish ass to build a system that's fair for everyone, but we all know I would only get off my selfish ass to find somebody else to build this system, so chill and let me fantasize about building a fair system so I can figure out what you are going to do for me. By the way, I want a 10% cut on those drugs I'm gonna sell to our other friend. All I am going to do is sit on this couch, but this is my property, so I get all profits that happen here. That's just business, fascist. Now please get out of my house. I own this property, and this isn't a charity. Get out capitalist pig! I have drugs to sell for a profit to our friend!" - You

White aristocratic males are everywhere in philosophy though. Tim Wise comes from a wealthy white family. Also all are thoroughly embedded in the American university system and for that reason alone should be ignored.

It's a nonsense buzzword with no define meaning.

Becoming an SJW is basically the leftists version of becoming a responsible adult
But instead of the conservative "no more drugs and sex, think of our children"
it's "No more jokes and fun, transsexuals will kill themselves"

Of course it's not cool, it never was. You can not be cool and concerned all at once.
But once you reach a certain age you lose that drive and those freedoms seem less important.

Yeah but more trump supporters than national socialists got punched

This process may take time, but it will happen.
The right is going to dominate the "SJW left" for a while. Then they are going to absorb their exact tactics and tendencies. This will cause a backlash, and the "SJW left" will rise again, and so on.

You mean Trump supporters who are ">literally nazis xD" right?

How do we break the cycle?

Stop growing old

the fuck did you just say little bitch, i let you you know i read a lot of hardcore socialist authors and they had fuck all to do with your identity politics bolox

My point is I have never seen anybody who identifies as a socialist put anyone before them. I have never seen one of these knowitall faggots who will become republicans the minute they own property make one sacrifice to legitimize their beliefs. I am not even fucking kidding, every person I know who was on Bernie Sanders dick is a selfish fuck who never contributed to any cause helping the "oppressed". Not only have they never helped, but they cheat on their significant others, manipulate, steal, and then blow a bunch of lines so they have fuel for their next scam. I think there were a few smart socialists who kickstarted a movement with some good propaganda that made all the rats think they would look bad if they didn't latch onto their cause. These are the same people in America who referred to all electronic music as "gay techno" until it became popular. Those people now wear rainbow tank tops and will fight you for saying gay. These lowlifes called everyone using the internet a nerd until mespacebook, mocked science until they saw everyone liking the page I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE, and are now praising the same fucking war criminal George Bush that they protested during the start of the War on Terror. Some tumblr cunt I know spends all day like OMG SUICIDE AWARENESS TRANS RIGHTS then mocks peoples "poor clothes" in private. American "socialists" are a fucking fraud. I want a UBI libertarian utopia, where I spend every hour however the fuck I like, and my motivation to work and invent is getting fucking people to team up with me. If I say this to one of these mk ultra rabid zombie eyed american "socialists" they are so blinded by their egos that they refuse to accept that they or one of their LIKE dealers didn't come up with it first, so they dismiss me before they have to experience the terror of humility.

Time to come up with a new brand. Socialists are just a different type of con artist. It's a fad, and there are a trillion con artists on the right with unlimited social engineering counters to every good point a socialist makes, and since socialists just want to seize control of everyones life through a different means, they never bother coming up with a rebuttal that would demoralize a capitalist pig and possibly convert them to a reasonable person who doesn't value paper over human life.

There is no books to help you with this
The more you try to fix things the worse it gets

Is it on the decline? No, it's worse. Is opposition within the left starting to become noticeable? I think so, hearing normalfags use words like "idpol" and "neolib" puts a warm glow in my heart. Could it be going away soon? I can't predict that, but I think this next election could be make-or-break, if Trump is defeated by a shitlib candidate, things will get very bad, while if Trump wins or is defeated by someone in the mold of Sanders (or Sanders himself, even though Sanders insists he's not running) I'm certain PC will be downplayed inside leftism at the very least.

>Punching nazis alt-righters trump supporters republicans brocialists sjws on the other side of a power struggle anyone you dislike is now offensive to Trump supporters apparently.

From the early phase of A+, I noticed that nearly all the worst SJWs came from fundie Christard households and had terrible relationships with their family. This whole thing strikes me as a "leopard changing its spots" situation.

Yeah, pretty much this

So they're all a bunch of Laci Greens?

this is incoherent

did a socialist cheat on you or something?

What alternate reality are you living in user?

Probably either academia or media. You might not have to proactively push for privilege checking or whatever, but you are expected to keep silent from objecting to witchhunts, reflexively bend the knee whenever an oppression olympian challenges you, and participate in public stoning of innocent heretics.

Yeah, I live in Oakland, CA, which is SJW Mecca. So many fucking POSERS and LIFESTYLISTS here and overt racism against whites and sexism against men.

Hurtful to whom? 21st century social norms are essentially performative. It's not about 'offending people' but about letting others know you are a 'good person' who would never say or do anything which may be perceived as 'offensive'. ie. LARPing as a conscientious empathetic adult in a make believe world of conscientious empathetic adults. That's why liberal outrage fads often veer into absurdity, i doubt anyone is really 'offended' by the latest case of 'cultural appropriation' or whatnot, it's about performing a role. The current state of things was facilitated by technology, ie. digital media means anyone is now capable of spying on everyone else. There is an awareness that you're always being watched. This might be jarring to people weaned on anonymous liminal spaces like imageboards, but this simply how our current reality works, or at least the visible portion of it, move away from the spotlight of media and things begin to look more and more like a proto-cyberpunk dystopia. Alternate spaces and alternate realities harbour both revolutionary and reactionary potentials, that's why I think it's important for leftists to gain a foothold on imageboards and such other spaces.

Zizek on virtual personas reflecting the psychological truth of the self which is repressed by social norms. skip to 3:38.

It seems to me the schism on the left over P.C., SJWs, id politics, whatever, is one of priority ranking - economic justice vs. social justice. Mind you, neither side discounts the importance of the other. Its more of "We need [economic/social] equality before we can get [economic/social] equality."
Seems like a rather minor difference of opinion for how bitter the infighting has become.
But hey, we're leftists, we like to argue.

muh 'Social Justice' merely extends the formal legal equality of 19th century liberalism on to the sphere of subjectivity, while the material base of reality remains fundamentally unequal. 'Self-Esteem' enters the stage of history. In practice, this sort of discourse amounts to having the correct opinion about the latest pop culture commodities/ their wokeness or lack thereof.

No, it's a much more fundamental issue. SJWs are liberals, they just want more money and legal protection for various specific groups, they are not revolutionaries.

I don't think I agree. Their "side" has already won 4 decades ago to the extent they'll ever be capable of, because oppression purely on the basis of sex/race/etc is already illegal. As such, all such oppression that still occurs does so only incidentally, because it is legally and practically indistinguishable from the classist oppression the law still protects, nay, imposes.

This is an important distinction, both because it defuses a common SJW strawman ("If 'your' revolution will fix sexism/racism/etc/, does that mean such things are inherently impossible under socialism?"), and because it reveals them for the masturbatory windmill-jousting shitheels they are.

right wingers are SJWs now, they replaced being politically correct about women, gays, trannies, etc. with being politically correct about Trump, antifa, pepe, and other retarded shit. Instead of being afraid of talking about it because you'll offend (trigger) someone, you don't want to talk about it because you don't want to hear your alt-right friend talk for an hour about george soros.

Or your alt-right friend retaliate by doxxing you/framing you as antifa

no. the left wing of liberalism has no strategy other than doubling down on identity politics.

Tim Wise comes from a fellow white family, not a white family. Know the difference!

what about black people being shot by the police and women getting raped in military and on campus?

Haven't social roles always sort of been performative though? Can't you point to any section of history that contains some movement trying for legit justice and just wave it off as "virtue-signalling" which, by the way, has now become another buzzword?

Didn't they already make a video like this only one of them was wearing a funny hat?


Work on your b8

100% roasties who are upset Chad dumped them for another hole. Women are at the height of their privilege. There is no reason to give them more you massive cuck.

Delusion and fantasy.

haha that's fucking bullshit and you know it

SJW's just jump on whatever bandwagon is popular at the time, times change and trends change. Im sure the SJW's will always find things to sperg out about one way or the other.

Like I said, all of this is now outside the bounds of racism or sexism specifically, and instead falls into the common pool of capitalist oppression. Blacks and women, among others, now have the right to work in any job, own any property, live in any place, and not suffer any harassment for it. As a result, the oppression that once occurred regardless of economic system has vanished. Incidentally, the absolute majority of Americans shot by police are, as always, poor whites, being the majority of poor people. And actual rape and sexual abuse statistics are split nearly 50/50 with men.

But such laws, and other extralegal efforts involving culture or whatever, obviously can't do anything about the oppression caused by capitalism. Because capitalism functionally REQUIRES the crushing poverty that forces people into crime, the heavy-handed incompetent law enforcement that makes being poor so violent, and the power imbalances that make interpersonal abuse part of everyday life. Does some of that necessary capitalist oppression provide cover for acts motivated by racist, sexist, or other idpol impulses? Certainly. Assuming such a thing was possible (It isn't, of course), would magically eliminating those idpol impulses somehow decrease the actual amount of oppression people endure? No, not as long as capitalism required it, and it does.

Thus, a shift to socialism would fix remaining idpol not by eliminating it from peoples' minds with the laser-targeted pixie dust shitlibs are attempting, but by eliminating the means by which those motivated by idpol are actually able to hurt other people without repercussion.