If you walked into any establishment with a t-shirts bearing the "Nazi" Swastika...

If you walked into any establishment with a t-shirts bearing the "Nazi" Swastika, you would almost assuredly be asked to leave for obscenity, as well as degraded and possibly assaulted by your peers.

So, why is it socially acceptable to wear a shirt like this, which brandishes the logo of a fascist totalitarian regime responsible for the genocide of millions?

Other urls found in this thread:


because it wasn't.


the guys we killed deserved it

Because communism is hella good and Nazis are shitbirds.

Where to even start?

Because Nazis are losers lol

I'm going to ignore the bullshit of your second paragraph and answer your question:

1.) Just because something is despised, doesn't mean it's right. I could shit on the sidewalk naked and I certainly evoke disgust in many people, that doesn't make my action more sensical.
2.) Communism doesn't actually argue for genocide. Nazism actually does. For negligent crimes you get punished less than for intentional crimes.

There are several places where this would indeed happen to you if you wore a t-shirt like that.
Places where ignoramuses like you are dominant.

I agree, you should be able to wear your little Nazi shirt anywhere and put a gun in the mouth of anyone who tries to discriminate you from being present there just cause of it.

Not even going to argue with you whether or not communism killed more people. They all deserved it. Every kulak hung on a rope, every imperialist spy buried alive, every petty bourgeois retard gulag'd and forced to make macaroni art for Stalin.

The only intelligible answer so far.
1. That's obvious, but "muh free speech".
2. Communism doesn't necessarily argue for genocide, but usually results in genocide. See: the Holodomor, Great Purge and Killing Fields just to name a few.

So by that logic, every Jew that died deserved it too.


Holodomor and Great Purge aren't a genocide. Killing fields, granted (barely), but Pol Pot wasn't a scientific socialist he was an opportunist and quite anti-Marxist

oh well Hitler was a nationalist who just wanted to defend his country against inevitable Soviet aggression

I guess everything's forgiven now

Free speech doesn't mean that other people won't shun you for what you say. It just means there government can't restrict it.

There's already a thread for you class cuck

As if you actually give a shit

To flip this on you, if a fine young urban gentlemen walked into your business with a shirt that said "KILL AND RAPE THE BOERS" and had a picture of a brutalized, dead little South African farm girl, would you tell him to get the fuck out of your store?

That's the kind of baggage that your swastika shirt carries.

Because that’s not what it is, and most people who experienced it agree. USSR was pretty based.

As if your ideology can stand up to a casual question.

Then again, by that logic, store owners can refuse service. What about the bakery owners that refused to bake a cake for a gay couple?

Sure, if you cherry pick. However, most former Soviet satellite countries wholeheartedly agree it was trash.

because even normies know the holodomor is fake

Store owners can refuse service.
Entirely depends on state and local laws. legalzoom.com/articles/the-right-to-refuse-service-can-a-business-refuse-service-to-someone-because-of-appearance

Yes, they refused service based on their religious beliefs but were still hounded and dragged into court.


Refusing service and saying someone can't get service are two different things retard

Plenty of other bakeries the gay couple could have gone to.

Agrarianism is the only way to restore man-king to peace. Pol Pot saved more then he killed.

Note the part where I said it entirely depends on state and local laws, because spoiler alert, it's illegal in Colorado to refuse service based on sexual orientation, which is why their shitters were shattered in court.

OP is baiting


It's really not that hard to understand. National socialism = Hitler
Communism DOES NOT = Stalinism

He could just be coming here on good faith to get our opinions. I haven't seen him say anything particularly outrageous.



That's not what I meant. OP ininsuated they can make you leave. Noone can make you do shit. In fact to even try would be assault. At MOST a cashier could say they personally don't want to ring up your items or something. THAT's refusal of service. But to physically remove someone is something totally different.

They can't physically force you out of the store, but they can order you to leave, and if you don't comply, they can call the police and have you arrested for trespassing. You get a legal rundown of that type of situation when you get your concealed carry license. For example, a business can put up a sign that says GUN FREE ZONE, but that's not legally binding. Their only recourse is to do what I outlined above, ask you to leave, and then call the police if you don't. It's the same for everything, as long as you're not violating any state, federal, or local ordnance when you invoke the right of refusal and order them off your property.

Literally not genocides.

Every time I'm linked to 4/pol/ I realize I've forgotten how normie that shit is.

How would that be enforced? What if someone technically does leave and comes right back in? They did leave as requested so technically they're not trespassing anymore. You'd think if you had your concealed carry you'd just avoid this entire mess by shooting some autist who thought they could tresscuck you. Some socialist you turned out to be.

That would be handled at the discretion of the responding officer(s).

Explain bouncers ejecting drunks/belligerent patrons


Anyone who was killed by the USSR deserved it.


Because everyone is leftcucked and hates the white man

I wish people would use virgin/chad the way it originally was.

Chad was originally a fucking douche.

Not true by the way.

I don't know where you live but that shirt wouldn't even remotely be tolerated here in Texas.

Because retarded jewish nazifags created the biggest war in history and killed 27 milions civilians in 5 years. soviet russia killed 20 milion ppl in 85 years, modernized the country, went into space, reduced the avrg working hours, created the trans-siberian railway , increased the avrg calories per day(they were higher than the amerifats ones) and made russia the second producer and exporter of iron after the communist china.

in the soviet union there where soviets that where democratically elected. in the weimar jewish nazifag republic city majors were chosen by the nazifag party

i'm not OP is only that 8ch memorized my last post where i was the OP

The greatest genocide of mother nature