Leftist woman here (not a trap but biofemale)

Leftist woman here (not a trap but biofemale).

AMA about being a woman on the left. I'll answer all of your questions as to why you can't get a lefty gf.

Other urls found in this thread:


What's your ideology

What could I possibly ask you about?
Do you ever wish you were biologically male so you could feminize yourself?

I have a lefty gf. But to play along what's your ideology, how do you feel about identity politics, and do you get bothered/hit on by creepy leftist dudes

not worth my time

Do you want to have children?

How do you feel about the anti-idpol stuff you see on leftypol and rose twitter?

Similarly how do you feel about the hardcore idpol you see on r/socialism and hammer-and-sickle twitter?

Anarchist communist. Sometimes I lean Leninist though.

Generally I think my life would be easier if I were male, only because my grievances wouldn't be denounced as "irrational" or the products of standpoint epistemology. I'd be taken more seriously is what I'm saying.

Depends on what you mean by idpol. Generally, I'm not a fan of the tumblr-type since it's all a bunch of screaming fits as far as I'm concerned, but I do believe women's issues along with race issues need to be prioritized as well as class.

All the time, and it's annoying. But a lot of lefty dudes are very autistic/aspergic so it's hard to know if a guy is hitting on me.


Maybe. I feel as if parental ownership of children is contrary to anarchism. I'd prefer to live on a commune where children are raised together.

You know how tumblr is obsessed with priv-checking? I feel the leftist anti-idpol stuff takes things too far in the other direction and writes off legitimate grievances women have as merely the products of their irrationality. The gaslighting gets really bad sometimes.

I think they approach these issues the wrong way. Screaming at people to check their priv clearly isn't working.

if my gf is a libertarian can i still be a good leftist

I know that feel.

Only if she's a libertarian socialist.

Post tits?

I hope adding bio to the front of words becomes a trend. Like bioslime.


do you think your vagina makes you special, follow up: do you think you are the only left wing woman anyone on Holla Forums has access too? I will hang up and not listen to the answer.

I say biofemale, because my experience isn't the same as traps (who were born and socialized male).

Because you're a female on the internet?

only if you dress up as lenin and stalin to fuck her

fair enough response, I'd agree with that


Why are most of the women I know apolitical?

It isn’t parental ownership, it’s parental responsibility in rising a child.

Now I feel bad.
what is your opinion on anal?
Bullshit. I get that the DSA might toss a few guys your way, but there is no way you are just pulling leftist cock like this.
Would you consider buying a faux pair of testicles and posting pics?

tits or gtfo

holy moly look at how many newfags there are here

Hillary or Trump?

Vaginas have meaning in a patriarchal society. I can change my body but I can't just snap out of the spooks I was conditioned into on account of my body.

Our social conditioning, namely the fact that women are not expected to be militant leaders but passive observers. You know, we're only there to morally support men and nothing else.

I don't see why that can't be done communally.

Don't want it.

I'm primarily active in anarchist circles, that's why. I've never been to a DSA meeting.

No thanks.

The grass is always greener. In liberal circles at least a female voice can often carry more weight.

I believe states are all illegitimate by their very nature.

It is because women’s reasoning powers are weaker that they show more sympathy for the unfortunate than men, and consequently take a kindlier interest in them. On the other hand, women are inferior to men in matters of justice, honesty, and conscientiousness. Again, because their reasoning faculty is weak, things clearly visible and real, and belonging to the present, exercise a power over them which is rarely counteracted by abstract thoughts, fixed maxims, or firm resolutions, in general, by regard for the past and future or by consideration for what is absent and remote. Accordingly they have the first and principal qualities of virtue, but they lack the secondary qualities which are often a necessary instrument in developing it. Women may be compared in this respect to an organism that has a liver but no gall-bladder. So that it will be found that the fundamental fault in the character of women is that they have no “sense of justice.” This arises from their deficiency in the power of reasoning already referred to, and reflection, but is also partly due to the fact that Nature has not destined them, as the weaker sex, to be dependent on strength but on cunning; this is why they are instinctively crafty, and have an ineradicable tendency to lie. For as lions are furnished with claws and teeth, elephants with tusks, boars with fangs, bulls with horns, and the cuttlefish with its dark, inky fluid, so Nature has provided woman for her protection and defence with the faculty of dissimulation, and all the power which Nature has given to man in the form of bodily strength and reason has been conferred on woman in this form. Hence, dissimulation is innate in woman and almost as characteristic of the very stupid as of the clever. Accordingly, it is as natural for women to dissemble at every opportunity as it is for those animals to turn to their weapons when they are attacked; and they feel in doing so that in a certain measure they are only making use of their rights. Therefore a woman who is perfectly truthful and does not dissemble is perhaps an impossibility. This is why they see through dissimulation in others so easily; therefore it is not advisable to attempt it with them. From the fundamental defect that has been stated, and all that it involves, spring falseness, faithlessness, treachery, ungratefulness, and so on. In a court of justice women are more often found guilty of perjury than men. It is indeed to be generally questioned whether they should be allowed to take an oath at all. From time to time there are repeated cases everywhere of ladies, who want for nothing, secretly pocketing and taking away things from shop counters.(USER WAS CUCKED BY HEGEL FOR THIS POST)

fuck off back to 4chan with your stale shit son

and here I thought Holla Forums was an anomaly

A lot of pre-20th century philosophy looks negatively at women in general.

how so?

an anomaly in terms of sheer autism
(not op btw)

Post butt.


Holla Forums came from 4chan /lit/ you prepubescent muskrat

Do have a problem with children interacting with the community. They should be encouraged to do so. But parents should have the final say over what happens o there children.

Thread ruined before it could even begin.
I really don't see what value this thread has other than a 1/100 shot at a shitpost of magnificent proportions
A real pair?
Do you support the Democratic Peoples Republic?

what value does any thread have, really?

Are you a girly girl?

it feels fucking weird working with socialist orgs and coming home to "how is taxation not theft", i guess this is my karmic punishment for being a edgy middle school libertarian and then going to a bougie college. everything but explicit politics is a great time with her thouh.

end blog post

rural, urban, or suburban

and humans came from proto-apes, doesn't mean flinging shit is still cool.

Well at least we aren't reddit

I find the nuclear family to be antithetical to anarchism entirely. It's especially hard for us women, since we're the ones doing the majority of the unpaid labor and are generally given the roles of "support" for the husband.

Are you talking about North Korea? If so, I support anti-imperialism but I don't support them or any state.

tell her to read stirner


I'm white but I live in the city, so urban.

that's what important man. I'm assuming she's pro gun, so there's a plus too. At least praise JEHOVA she's not a liberal

technology has decreased the labor time required for household tasks dramatically and continues to do so, this is one reason why women were forced to join the labor force en mass. Eventually we'll all be equally wage slaves, don't worry.

I still don't see how this vindicates the nuclear family model.

Nice…uncomplicated women like you are always the best. Keep it up comrade!

it doesn't vindicate any model. I simply think that in a communist society people would be free to choose whether they want to organize in a nuclear family, an extended family or a communal family, whereas under capitalism we are pushed towards one or another depending on market trends. Currently, capitalism is even turning against the nuclear family, and people are getting married less and older, having relationships less and older.

As long as you take the problems females have with the family unit into consideration, sure.

I don't know. I'd much prefer the female role in the nuclear family where I actually see the fruit of my labour, get to see my kids and can take things at my own pace.
Though I would also ultimately prefer communal upbringing.

does this imply polygamous type families? or just nonstructured families that are somewhat like the bushmen of central Africa?

Maybe for you, but these are still real burdens us women face. You can't just write us out of your narrative like that.

do you know what is wrong with their form in the pic you posted?

what the fuck is a biofemale

For sure. I'm guessing it's sort of a 'grass is always greener' situation.
What do you mean?


We rebelled against the family model on several occasions. Why? Obviously there are real antagonisms that arise from the family structure.

he's not writing you out, he's saying the work put in is it's own reward and he'd gladly do it. He's not saying that you don't deserve to get a reward for it. Go for it if you want it. I'd gladly raise a family right for no recognition or reward as a male.

No one denies there are inequalities as it stands, but given a choice between loneliness and a family unit, most people would choose the family. Not that there is such a binary choice, but the point is not to leave considerations of loneliness, including from men, outside of the equation. Out of all the demographics, single men report loneliness far greater than single women.

Yes? What are you even arguing against?

Why do you think people less likely to date and have relationships now, compared to previous generations. And should this worry me?

Why does it have to be a nuclear family structure? Why can't it be a communal family structure? No one is saying community shouldn't exist.

Okay. But again, recognize women have real grievances with the nuclear family structure and don't pretend like those grievances don't exist just because *you* prefer that setup.

Will you go out with me?

Does size matter?

Please still be here user. Tell us more stories about your girlfriend lol.
Entertainment, and occasional enlightenment. I wouldn't be a socialist if it wasn't for my autistic upbringing at Holla Forums.

What is your answer to the incel question?

What do you think of feminism? Do we even need feminism any more?

their feet are turned inwards, except for one, their is only one of them who can carry the weight of that rifle or who has carried any weight correctly in their lives. The rest are larping and unfit. This is the first and last time they did this except again for one of them. This photo is bullshit.

What is your opinion on "mansplaining"? I got accused of this after politely questioning whether yelling at people with differing views is the best strategy. As far as I can tell there is no comeback from this because in idpol circles at least you are automatically the bad guy for being a man.

why are you strawmanning this argument user?
no one disagrees that you don't like the setup

it doesn't have to be. my only point is that capitalism has far worse things in terms of social relations in store beyond the nuclear family.

The simple answer is capitalism (duh). But I'd also add in things like mental illness (depression, anxiety, all that). Most of the people I know, myself included, have these.

I'd also say a big issue is lack of any intimacy. We communicate entirely by iphones and computers instead of face-to-face. No one goes to the café to talk politics anymore.

Probably not.

I'm a strong feminist. Feminism is necessary for socialism.

Incels aren't worth my time. If we moved towards more communal structures the idea of love as a possessive relationship wouldn't exist.

Thanks for letting me know.

I've been mansplained before more times than I can count.

I actually think this kind of stuff is a major problem on the left. Everyone resorts to who can yell the hardest and no one tries to work things out maturely.


These threads better not keep popping up.
What is more important, class, gender, or race?

Why do you think? Women need to rebel against gender roles the same way workers need to rebel against capital.

All three.

But without capital there wouldn't be "roles" at all. I don't see why feminism is needed.

Neither the USSR nor China abolished gender roles. Why? In fact, Russia today is an extremely patriarchal society.

All 3 hold equal weight to you? How exactly?

What's your opinion of SWERF and TERF? Do you know why leftist women tend to be subs? Are you qt and are you into ancom guys?

neither abolished capitalism either

Those were state capitalist

This. They simply can't actually hold equal weight.

okay, go for it. hard mode, do it without bravely shitting on people who are at the bottom rung of society

Actually never mind, just fuck off.

calm down you fucking autist

I agree that feminism is necessary for socialism. But do you think there is a difference in kind between class relations and gender relations? I have difficulty seeing how gender roles are as oppressive as economic exploitation. Maybe cause I'm not female. But I am hardly the alpha male type and I don't feel any pressure to conform to that gender role in my social environment. And I see women dressing however they want, acting however they want - its a pretty feminist work enviroment. I know that's not the case everywhere but it seems to me that feminism is 100% compatible with capitalism and it is class consciousness that is more needed than anything at the present time.

Not OP and male, but isn't it that race and gender are inseparable from class? I feel like I saw someone shit talking Caliban and the Witch, so I guess I'd like to hear the counter arg to this, but gender is class because women's reproductive power was controlled making them in effect an underclass unto themselves.

Similar with race. Race and class are all rolled into the relations of production, which is core to the communist analysis of class. In order to wage class struggle, the working class must be unified and able to appreciate itself as a class (of those w/o property). Racism and Sexism are barriers to class consciousness since they prevent class-wide organization.

I'm sure this is really obvious, what's the counter arg that keeps so many of you so hateful toward reasonable anti-sexism and anti-racism? Caveat: to me anti-incel is another example of something that divides the working class, we should all be open minded toward accommodating each other.


Why should I? This is r/soc bullshit, if the incel posters are getting banned this sure as shit should be.

Really activates my almonds that fun topics are told to go to trash but retards lap this shit up.

They "inseparable", sure, but not in that they all come together in one big poof of smoke, as idpollers seems to believe. Rather, they are rooted in class. Doug Lain described is like: saying "race, gender, class" is like saying "orange, apple, grocery store".

So, class comes first. It always comes first. And no, you don't fight capitalism by fighting racism or sexism alone; identity egalitarianism is 100% compatible with capitalism.

Honestly feel bad for not saging earlier.

maybe you're just a fucking faggot how bout that?

we have a fucking dedicated, CYCLED, incel general you fucking dumbass

All of them are social hierarchies and classings of people.

I don't like how terms like "SWERF" and "TERF" are used to shut down women who bring up issues pertaining to female biology, or how the sex industry hurts women and gives off extremely negative views of women.

I've never heard of instances where any feminists have tried to exclude women in the sex industry.

I don't know.

I'm into guys. Cuteness is relative.

Still though. Both could have made efforts to advance the struggle against patriarchy and yet neither of them did, because productive forces were more important in their view.

Many lefty guys don't exactly snap out of their spooks just because they've become leftist. Many of them are still highly immature, entitled, ill-mannered, etc.

Well they're entirely rooted in economics, controlling women's sexuality for a multitude of reasons related to inheritance and the division of labor.

Liberal/"choice" feminism is what's compatible with capitalism. The more radical forms, including socialist and anarcha-feminisms, are not.

To me this is similar to the muh Russia line from Dems. Even if FBI coordinated muh idpol to divide the left and protect wall street, the root problem is that those fissures exist to be exploited. Just like muh Russia could have made an impact by preying on divisions in murica but those divisions had to exist beforehand.

So even if you are right it doesn't mean people only care about sexism because of the IC. They're just making worse the fissures that already exist in the rebellion. Your points don't refute race and gender being relevant to class struggle

How do i convert normal women to leftism?
Also what is the best way to get a leftist girl to like or date me?

Do you really think gender roles will go away with socialism. Even if any sort of “patriarcy” was “abolished” and there was compleat gender equality I still think gender roles would still exist.

probably true
Ok that’s just most people in general.

Oh boy, can't wait for leftypol's autistic tantrum over this.


seems pretty civil actually

You can't "convert" anyone to leftism. You can educate them by relating issues they deal with in everyday life to a socialist/anarchist analysis, but you can't use logic to convince someone they're oppressed and therefore need to become a socialist.

They have to, or else socialism has failed in doing away with class.

Why? Gender roles ARE patriarchy. Anarchists seek to end all forms of hierarchy.

What does that have to do with anything? Guys who are even tempered, respectful, basically good people who just go through life without sexually harassing anybody are the most likely to end up alone.


Also you failed the hard mode, oops. Isn't it the truth that you basically want a guy who will treat you like shit and beat you, as long as he has a sexy face structure and abs? Men who have a delusional self image and aggressive tendencies are much better off in the dating world and we all know it.

And before you say anything, no, I don't lead with this when I'm looking for a date, but I'm sick and in a bad mood right now.

Sure because the mods kept banning all the ones that cropped up until enough people complained.

Thank god that I am, at least I don't have to put up with the hetero bullshit all the time.

The disputes around gender idpol are 99% constructed by idpolers. Almost every example of sexism they point to is either trumped up or reactionaries upset by the aggressive tone of feminism et al.

I don't disagree, but I think the point remains that your point should never result in people saying "class not gender," the result should be to explain people's concerns about gender and race in a way that makes more sense than what they think now. But more often I just see people dismissing vulgar idpol like it's a total spook.

Also, knowing how something started doesn't necessarily mean knowing how to overcome it. The point is to change it and all that.

What, like in Brave New World?

The escort who posts here had a book detailing such an event that she said was a big reason the "voluntary" prostitutes gravitated towards libertarian politics instead of leftism. The explanation was that by treating sex workers as victims instead of workera they were alienated. I don't have a pdf or even the book title, but what are your thoughts on that based upon the description?
What are you specfically into?

No, other such things are groupings of people. Class is a material condition, not an identity. It’s a relation to labor, to the MoP. The issue is largely that class can allieviate the issues inherent in other identities. As an example, I’m pretty sure somebody like Michelle Bachman or Betsy de Vos sits pretty comfy and doesnt deal with half the shit a poor inner city woman deals with.
This is not a brushing off an excusing of other racist/sexist things. I’m not denying those exist and I don’t think otherthrowing capitalism magically makes them go away. But let me use the example of Lebron James, who had some racist shit spray painted on the wall of his private estate. I’m pretty sure that racism gets trump by young blacks who get gunned down in the streets by cops in poor neighborhoods. I’m pretty sure it’s trumped by gentrification, in which those communities simply don’t have the funds to fight the banks. Economic hardships strike harder than purely social ones. Some bullshit catcalling a woman might deal with, while surely annoying and immature on the part of the person committing the action, nevertheless is pretty worthless in the grander scheme of economic injustice experienced by the poor and working class

Do you think Estrogen/Tesostrom effects how people think?

Well you can have gender without class. Also much of gender is rooted in biological sex. Which is expressed through gender roles. So it seems impossible to abolish gender roles.

By convert i of course meant to educate them. But in general whats the best topic to start with to get a women into leftism? I know feminism is prety obvious but i would like to develop a girl knowledge on class first.

Probably not.

Women's sexuality was heavily controlled in the past, but can we say that now? (outside of conservative and religious areas) I mean we live in a highly sexualized society, where if anything you are pressured to have sex, not to not have it, right? Wouldn't it be more accurate to say that gender roles are oppressive now in that they form a kind of mandatory identity, which often includes an expectation of sexual "expression" (as Zizek says, a "commandment to enjoy")? And could this not explain why it is incels who feel the brunt of gender role oppression in this sense, because they are unable to meet the expectations of their gender role?

Are socialist and anarcha-feminists only incompatible with capitalism insofar as they are explicitly anti-capitalist? Or is there something distinct about these kind of feminisms outside of being anti-capitalist which makes them incompatible with capitalism? Trying to understand what the difference is between them and liberal feminism outside of the obvious difference of one being anti-capitalist and the other not.

Most anarchists sought to abolish the family unit, Emma Goldman for instance.

So is being female ffs.

No one claimed this. Just like how an office worker who makes six figures isn't comparable to a Vietnamese child slave simply because both are "workers".

I don't care about happy hookers. Most feminists don't. What we care about are the problems the sex industry causes for women as a class of people under patriarchy.

Not a significant amount. I certainly don't think it has any bearing on social structures.

Gender IS class.

I'd prefer to say "class first", but that's literally a pejorative for idpollers.

It is. Identity politics is only one approach to anti-discrimination, and a fatally flawed anti-Marxist one. Anti-discrimination (anti-racism and anti-sexism) is not necessarily the same thing as idpol. Idpol is 100% bullshit. Read Adolph Reed.

What's wrong, don't care to respond? Did I mansplain to you?

I mean, I feel like the fact that everyone is fucked up kind of explains it. The guys are fucked up and misogyny is part of that. The women are fucked up and misandry is part of that. I feel like it's not wrong that dudes have whack socialization. It's just that women do too, as well as chads, and anti-incel tards won't acknowledge that.

I agree this board doesn't deal well with the incel question at all. Low status white men easiest target on the left easily.

99% GTFOH friendo. Gender problems are huge. Of course they're trumped up like hell these days but everything is… I mean most of people whining about how girls are mean is them avoiding their problems too.. but there's a core which is accurate. Anti-woman sexism is a big deal- look at abortion clinics closing for example. I think the fact you are acting like gender problems are illusions is a flimsy cover. How about the idea that anti-incel relies on normative conceptions of what makes a good man? Gender problems are real

What are the biggest spooks among biofemale lefties?

We are still controlled. Whether we show skin or not we're still expected to be weak and docile, and exist primarily for the service and pleasure of males.

I don't disagree, but I don't see how incels are a feminist issue.

Abolishing gender roles is dangerous for capitalism, because you have to take reproduction into account. Not just of children but of ideology, which is also a huge function of the family structure.

Entitlement, old ideas about women being irrational and "crazy" and thus our concerns not mattering. Men prioritizing their possession of women above our rebellion.

Yeah, but it's a huge fucking leap from "children are raised by the state" to the complete extirpation of possessiveness from love. Can Eros even exist without possessiveness?

you do know the rules of Chinese sockpuppet forums right ?

Not OP, but you were being extremely cancerous in an otherwise decent thread. You should be ignored.

Then what is gender identity? Are trans women actual women? And on what material basis? They certain lack the genetic material to be women. And what of the various genetic anomalies such as XXY or XXYY women? Although they may have vaginas from a materialist perspective they have male genetic components. Bit of a slippery slope were on here.
Nevertheless what exactly is your definition of class? The traditional Marxist one is a bit more infallible as it at least is tangible and black and white. You either own property or you don’t. The various identities you are referring to as classes are ludicrously fluid, on the contrary

lol, this is one reason why I hesitate to be in a committed relationship with a man.

Read about what happened when the Kibbutz tried it

Why? Without class structures people are free to choose whatever role they want, the economic enforcement is no longer there.

>Still though. Both could have made efforts to advance the struggle against patriarchy and yet neither of them did, because productive forces were more important in their view.
The productive forces are all that really matter in the end, I could care less about the attitudes people have or the spooks they follow

A class is a social relationship. It's not just about who runs the machines but the social relationship which comes out of who is/isn't running the machines. Likewise, gender is very much predicated on the same basis: an institutionalized social relationship stemming out of the division of labor.

Gender is an identity. Class has to do with labor extraction. If a man is exploited he doesn’t become a women of vice versa.

Yeah and feminists say 'oh men are hurt by the patriarchy too' but they're the number one group persecuting young men for not living up to society's impossible standards. Sure gender is fucked up on both/all sides but I've yet to see a group that isn't just trying to make things worse

Yeah that sucks but then again, men have zero control over their reproduction and nobody says shit about that, women can have a kid or not with no input from the father and make him pay for it, they can lie and say they're on birth control with no consequences, same with just straight up taking sperm from a condom or raping the guy

Sure sure you're right, everyone's fucked up, but women's shitty behaviour is enabled by society 99.9% of the time. Male suicide rates are sky high but everyone is too busy worrying about female representation in movies to do shit about it.

Fuck you, this thread is nothing but the continuation of this board's slide into reddit, it was inevitable that the mod team would degenerate into a socjus clique eventually

Where do you live?

The Spanish anarchists also tried it and were mostly successful.

So why keep gender? Gender ties someone down to a specific set of roles.

So you believe in economism? I see.

I'd say I'm about the same. I can't really judge myself though.

I live in a major North American city.

I see it the other way around. I'm pleasantly surprised that this board hasn't become entirely Holla Forumsyp infested. This kind of thread is something that reminds me of leftypol 3 years ago.

Because socialism = economic democracy and most people like gender

I almost thought she was wearing a suicide vest.

Eros is not exclusive to heterosexuality.

Or the USSR's daliance with it. Turns out, when men have no incentive whatsoever to stay with their wives/partners or keep their dick in their pants they basically sleep with someone until they get bored and then move on.

I said I'm biologically female.

From an AnFem perspective explain traps.

Women are so fucking repulsive that men have retreated from them out of desperation

Still though, I'd rather not be in a relationship at all if it entails possessiveness.


I don't have a good analysis TBH. If someone wants to get surgery or whatever then I don't really care. I'm more focused on abolishing patriarchy.

Its hard to tell, given the short time it lasted. I used the Kibbutz as an example due to their larger sample sizing and the duration of the raising program (about two generations till it was removed by the mothers)
I dislike the term spook, but gender is pretty spooky. My point is you can't really stop people from choosing a "role" if they want to.
Isn't that the only thing you can really arrive at when reading Marx or other class oriented leftists?

That's not really what happened with the Kibbutz, its mostly the societies organically moved towards extended families and mothers demanded out.

Maybe I should be more clear- what spooks do female lefties hold? I can see the women being entitled and being convinced their own concerns don't matter, but your last point applies to men not women. How are females spooked?

So women can’t own the MoP? I’m sure somebody can drum up a few women ceo’s on google to say otherwise.
Point being though is I’m not denying being a women comes with certain restrictions, not even remotely. But labor relations can be viewed relatively homogenously by means of relation to labor, chiefly in regard to exploitation. On the other hand identity such as being a woman or being a minority, ect doesn’t hold the same homogeneity, the same relations. They come with their own baggage of course but it’s a different animal

Fair enough. Not sure if you're American, but wouldn't you say American women are far more assertive than their counterparts in other countries (e.g. asian countries?). Hasn't a lot of progressive been made here? And couldn't you say that showing skin is at least some of the time an "empowering" choice? (at least in the minds of the women who do it?) I mean I would go so far as to say that the average woman is probably more assertive and less docile than your average beta male, the kind that posts on this board for instance. Which brings me to the next point.

You haven't noticed how liberal feminist media is flooded with hate for "neckbeards" and the "basement dwellers" who helped fuel the rise of Trump? I mean if not a feminist issue, then it is definitely an incels versus feminism issue. So, far from irrelevant to feminism.

Hmm, I'm more inclined to think that capitalism is hostile to families and that's one reason it pays women less, because they are more likely to have to take off and raise children. Pretty sure there are studies demonstrating this. Of course in the larger scheme of things capitalism does need reproduction but in terms of individual employers at least I think they would prefer drones with no outside commitments interfering with profit-maximization.

If abolishing gender roles is so dangerous to capitalism, why is feminism so relentlessly promoted in corporate America? And well funded on top of that? Yes, liberal feminism granted. But even liberal feminism wants to abolish gender roles these days.

North America as well, never really see this. More of the opposite really.

Why are you people playing along with this fucking attention whore? There are plenty of women on this board who don't act like they're all special and talk down to us, why swallow this shit?

Fuck I'm so god damn angry, I wouldn't ever say the shit I've said in this thread but my life is a fucking disaster, I'm alone, working a horrible minium wage job, and just wish I'd get hit by a car and die, and the last thing I need is to be lectured about how entitled I am by some normie with no real problems. God damnit I understand why this feeling drives some people to be reactionary. I never wanted to hurt anyone but the world just keeps hurting us.

Did you come from fucking r/socialism?

I think as a reaction to the extreme incel cancerposting this board has experienced in the past few months.

To add; I think OP made this thread for that reason too.

I can’t help it, personally. It’s not a personal issue for me, I just like debate, do it with Holla Forumsyps too
But responded because I wanted to say I hope tho he get better for you user. I can’t give you any real help other than just say that I hope you find some happiness. Look inside first, get to know yourself. Other people and objects sometimes only fill a void, like plaster in a dam holding back the flood, if it has to come from yourself first, true happiness and comfort and comfort in your own skin

Yes but by treating women differently they become a class since they have a unique position toward the means of production (their wombs). Same goes for race since non whites can get shunted into being permanent underclass.

Identity is not separate from class considerations. Identity is bound up in the relations of production, the conventions through which production takes place in society. I mean, monopoly agriculture has to do with identity- inherited property (identity as firstborn son of the landowner). Does this make it irrelevant to class? Ha!

I love it when people say "You're 100% right but" lol. I get it, feminists are often bullies. But this knee jerk "go to the extreme other side so they can tell how hurt I am" isn't getting any of us anywhere near communism. Let's us together be that group is that is trying to make things better- that's why I'm arguing to see where I could be wrong and can get better ideas.

Women have more power in some ways but less in others… there's no point in focusing on one side's problems or advantages as though it negates the other side's claims.

And yeah, women do get supported for being stupid and mean. But it happens for men too. I agree with you that low status white men are an easy punching bag for people who relate to social justice as a commodity, and that we need to address that. But it's a thorny issue for a reason- white dudes kinda been raping and burning the world for ages so unbridled hostility ain't a good look. Let's find a way to stick up for ourselves that doesn't make us look like we think our problems are the only ones.

Sorry you're feeling bad comrade. I don't think this person is only trying to talk down to us, I just think we're all alienated and don't know how to have the "proper" convo. Why don't you start a thread about what makes you mad? I will participate.

Problem is that incelposting isn't really shitposting. It's just another contradiction forcing its way to the surface. I saw a thread on pol today about how they're planning to divide the left by preying on men's insecurities (low testosterone -> socialism shit). Gender politics on the left is just not coherent, and we need to spend some time understanding it- male, female, and non-binary.

Sorry I put too many gaps.


utter cancer
Go back to reddit

Ghengis khan would like to have a word with you. Fuck those mongols, amirite?

Thank you lads. I try not to be a hateful person and I really do want men and women to be equal and all that gay shit but it's just hard to reconcile that with the alienation of my own life. I agree with all your points basically. It makes me so angry that Nazis are now somehow apparently the official face of white young men and instead of trying to do something about it the idpollers just double down on the same shit that is causing the schism. I just wish we had a world better than this.

Does penis size matter

ITT: incels of both genders being dipshits

I do too user. If we can’t make it a reality for ourselves the only thing we can do is fight to try to make it a possibility for future generations, reduce suffering as much as possible so as few as possible people need to experience this bullshit

I'm open to changing my ideas but I will never go back to Reddit.

I'm sorry what?

Don't worry friend we can struggle for that gay shit together forever *wipes tear*

You talk about white dudes raping and burning the world or some idpol shit like that. I just didn’t really understand your point as that isnt something exclusive to any one group of people


Tits or GTFO

This is a masterpiece of trolling


Because brown and yellow people have never harmed a fly, right? I mean, it's not like Mongolians or Egyptians or Assyrians or Japanese or Chinese or Turks or Indians or Bedouins or Zulus or Hebrews or Arabs or Aztecs ever engaged in offensive warfare and empire-building. Never ever.

The point isn't that other groups didn't do it, it's that white dudes did it best/worst. Global imperialism. Getting China hooked on opium, transporting millions across an ocean, nuclear bombing people. Brownies never pulled any of that shit off my homies. White people shit is off the scale. I do agree that white women love to act like they weren't involved, because white woman is as close as you can get to being a white man without being one so they emphasize the difference.

The only point when saying that is that it makes sense why people would have a spontaneous reaction of not wanting to hear the complaints of white men (even though that reaction is WRONG). Just like how you know you resent pretty ladies because they have it so easily socially, and then someone whines to you about how some dude is being slightly rude and you're like fucking jesus? Like that, except people associate white men with that ^ GOAT level being an asshole shit I was talking about earlier.

It's wrong for them to be mean, because they're blind to how they're bullying an easy target, and how their own reversal of norms becomes its own oppressive norm. But at the same time for us white dudes to play victim and act like we don't understand opposing sentiment at all is pretty dumb imo. So I think we should go ahead and stick up for ourselves, which means choosing asserting ourselves over being popular. But we have to stick up for ourselves in an intellectually honest and sensitive way, which means not playing dumb about why people see white men differently than others.

the incel question is clearly a gendered socio-political issue, how is that not feminist? or are you one of those "feminism = girl power" types? feminists ignoring male-gendered problems is why dumb reactionary shit like MRAs exist these days

You are blinded by your lack of historical perspective. Yes, white dudes have been the most powerful imperialists during the last few centuries, but Asians and Arabs have been at their place too before. And now it seems like China is soon ready to replace the USA as the leading superpower, and the Chinese will probably be as cruel as the West once the latter won't pose them a threat anymore.

Of course they were far from perfect, but before the Soviet regime they lived the life of a feudal peasant, the USSR made gigantic advancements in womens' rights.
To say that socialist revolutions never did anything for women is quite disingenous. Fighting class is fighting sexism as well, fighting sexism alone is at best a tampon on an open wound.

This is the worst thread I've seen so far