
Why do you people hate nationalism so much?


We have tried national socialism and it really didnt work out. Nationalists are conservatives and its in their nature to oppose change and maintain the current order.

I have no problem with some nationalism, but when it descends into meme and Holla Forums-tier chauvinism it's time for gulag.

Because we are communists?

Nationalism protects the ruling class/its private property. The working class has no country.

Where did National Socialism come into this? Also, since this is leftypol, the change you’re talking about is probably a communist regime, in which opposition to change isn’t that bad of an idea. But that still doesn’t present a proper argument to nationalism, just conservatism

Well the working class an ethnicity, culture and identity, even if there is no government. Tribalism has been around since humanity first existed, ni it still exists today.

So we shouldn't work together because idiots in the past were tricked into fighting each other? Good idea, how original.


Because they're amoral stirnerfags who wish that all people live alone like bears in the wilderness or own luxurious milkshops
Or because they're americans who think the rest of the world is like USA where people are always killing each other

leads only to the death and suffering of the workers for the gain of the bourgeoisie.

i dontNazBol pride world wide


it worked out but the international people wanted to rule over the world, germany wasn't allowed to be independent.

But Germany was trying to get world domination by conquering all of Europe?


Europe had world domination back then user. Germany was just too dumb to get into the whole colonialism thing back in the 1500's and 1600's like everybody else.
Stil! At the Berlin conference it was awrded some pieces of land in Africa, but the enternal kraut will be forever butthurt and wants more

Read Rafiq, patriotism/nationalism is cancer. Communism abolishes all nations, oppressing and oppressed.


Nationalism is bourgeois idealism. The proletariat have no country and certainly do not share in the national interests of the bourgeoisie. One of the oldest tricks of class society is to convince the underclasses to treat the issues of the ruling classes as their own.

Germany started WWII.

Because they see everything through the 19th century view of class interaction, its very old fashioned and outdated.


The assumption that what currently exists must necessarily exist is the acid that corrodes all visionary thinking.

Says the ideology from the 18th century.

Because people on this board are either stirner fags or morons with no touch with reality AKA anarchists
Nationalism was the biggest driving force of nearly all the revolutions of the past century

because it's a mental disorder created and propagated by the bourgeoisie and you are fucking retarded if you are a nationalist

lol see this post here

Nations are an abstract concept formed in fairly modern times, a concept which has great potential to be used for purposes which are either indirectly harmful or outright malicious. The nation-state is largely from post French Revolution. Nations also necessitate conflict and production for exchange (though exchange with one's neighbors), as self sufficiency whilst keeping modern standards is increasingly difficult, if not impossible. Even if a nationalist socialist state was implemented, while it would have more sovereignty than one dependent on private and foreign business, it would not have national sovereignty overall, as the limited design of a nation necessitates dependency on other nations.

I think statelessness and communes are a more effective way of achieving the goal of freeing a people that leftist nationalism usually holds.

Nationalism involves submission to a central authority/identity and fosters similar behavior, which is the opposite of what we want. We want to ignore the chimp part of our brain that is very well-developed at organizing into hierarchies. We want to expand the human part of our brain that can reason, cooperate, and communicate abstract ideas. A lot of the degeneration of society for which capitalism is responsible relates to the degeneration of language from a tool that expresses concrete ideas into simple language games about asserting your tribal allegiance (which is how you get shit like thought terminating cliches e.g. "he said it's not truuuu socialism so I win :DDD")

almonds: activated

Because the left rejected healthy nationalism(some call it patriotism, but i'm not affraid of words), it gave a chance for the cancerous nationalism to return again. That and the fact that they pander to radical centrists.

You can pick anything to be your tribe, fron your family to the socialist movement to your work buddies to the music scene you participate in. So why choose your nation?

It never left.

You don't want people to make the socialist movement their tribe though because it will make them less likely to criticize the movement and more prone to hate the variations that differ from them. Making socialism your "tribe" is asking for sectarianism.

"healthy nationalism" is a contradiction in terms

And we all know nationalism leads to unity and cooperation across borders.

Because if you keep going back, eventually your "blood" will have been "dirtied" with other people's "blood".
Nobody is a clear, perfect, single ethnicity only X man, we are all more or less mixed, and it doesn't make sense to arbitrarily put a line on the sand, and say people on one side of it are ethnically my nation, people on the other are some other nation.

This is for ethnic nationalism.
As far as for civil nationalism, it is celebrating your chains fromt he anarchist point of view. I am a statist myself, so I don't hate it. It is useful, and a collective is much stronger on the world map and in the economy of scale than an individual would be.

