ITT: Holla Forums arguments you don’t get

Why would fascists associate themselves with socialism when they’re attempting to smear it all the while promoting fascism? Is there a point to this convoluted line of reasoning or are fascists just not thinking their talking points through?

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doublethink. very common. very difficult to overcome and dispel

Nazis will probably say they only adhere to Hitler's snowflake definition of socialism

They want socialism for whites. Spencer literally said this.



they want a very powerful state with a strong daddy like authoritarian figure to give them jobs healthcare welfare etc and removes minorities and puts women in the kitchen and fags in the closet and strokes their ego by telling them how special they are and how their country is the greatest thing ever and how they are also great and lets them play their video games where they can scream nigger on the microphone and be free to call people fags and niggers irl by basically having a national frathouse culture with racist white guys in control of the entire thing. Socialism for them is the same as socialism for liberalism it's when the government does things that you like Cenk Uygur thinks socialism is free healthcare and education and so do they they just don't want immigrants gays and women

That's actually very interesting. Nazis policy and definition of socialism is actually 1:1 Cenk without the minority rights

i was in one pol thread which went a little something something like this:

Because the fascist form of party rule originates in the socialist membership based party form, they first called themselves socialists because during the early 1920's, a bunch of angry men coming together to enact change through a political party amounted to socialism.

That's because nazis don't make that argument. Right libertarians and ancaps do to further smear the idea of socialism and appeal to the left-centre liberals when either leftists try to persuade them or when someone notices how well they get along with nazis.

I'm 90% sure they know the argument is bullshit, but literally don't care


I confronted a polyp once with this and he said that basically Hitler was a moderate who didn't even gas the jews and that this was a all a jewish plot after the nazis lost. Holla Forums is more extreme and hardline than the actual nazis you see becaue Holla Forums will actually gas the jews next time around

In my experience the ones that seriously try to say that Nazism is socialist with any understanding of what socialism really is (though without any understanding of how the Nazi economy actually worked) tend to be NazBols that wouldn't say they hate socialism.

The majority however just don't understand what socialism is, they think it's social democracy or some other thing that's supposed to be "a mix of communism and capitalism". They think socialism is the government doing some stuff and private industry doing other stuff but also is necessarily globalist and "anti-white". And that is why they think Nazism is good while socialism is bad, because they feel like the "national" aspect of it negates all the things they don't like about their vision of "socialism".

Holla Forums can't grasp the simple fact that Hitler and his shitty Nazi party were actually one of the worst things to ever happen to whites and nationalism in general.


This is not a lack of understanding but a difference in context. The socialism of places were nazi's who call themselves socialists live amounts to the rather old-fashioned welfare state populism, with right populists in scandinvia and the netherlands even calling themselves the true heirs of 1950's social democracy.

But those places aren't socialist though.

It is completely besides the point if you think those places are socialist are not, that is your understanding, this thread and my comment are about theirs.

i mean, it's not that i don't understand what they're trying to pull, but it always makes me laugh.

Perhaps those who refer to the nazis that way are looking at it through a historically accurate lense, and are not associated with the National Socialists. Fascism is not exclusively practiced by Nazis.
Also, are you sure those people are fascists?

But it's not even true. Nazi germany wasn't socialist.

A Nazi's understanding of "socialism" is an exclusionary welfare state at best.


this is honestly the most obvious case of reactionary pedantry on this board right now, you idiot
