What if they really are legitimate communists, and the Democrat stuff is just a big smear campaign? Have you ever seen a CPUSA member shill for the DNC?

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Have you ever seen a CPUSA member?

aside from OP's shitpost, does anyone actually know a cpusa member?

That really gets my noggin joggin.

I have legitimately never even seen a CPUSA member.

That said, someone had to have written this shit.

in 2009 there was an article about them wasting their funds being infuriating hipster liberals in some posh headquarters in New York City

if isn't an indictment of the anti-communist degeneracy of the cpusa, i don't know what is

i can't handle this level of revisionism

oh my fucking god, these are their LONG TERM goals, fucking jesus

In addition we must work at ensuring attempts to appointment extremist, pro-segregationist justices to the U.S. Supreme Court are blocked.


i don't understand how they still have members. what kind of person with knowledge of marxist theory would support the Democrats and class-collaboration wholeheartedly?


to put it into perspective, they were absolutely worthless in the financial crisis

The CPSU generally advised and ordered a lot of shitty, liberal-tier tactics to the CPUSA, and this exacerbated every time and especially around the collapse of the USSR. Though it still surprises me how much of an anachronistic aberration of pure reformism that the CPUSA actually looks like in this day.

Does anyone know anything about the rumors for a "takeover" and "radicalization" of the Communist Party that people have mentioned for a decade?

Is it some kind of front maybe?

Found these, might be relevant:



what is this

Bookchin was.


CPUSA has been dead for a long time, there are no CPUSA members, this is just alphabet soup agents.

These articles read like they were written by literal democratic organizers. Seems more like some half-assed front group to funnel leftist sympathizers back to supporting the Democrats than anything.

The difference?

Intelligence agencies lean right nationalist and care more about honeypotting violent groups, or potentially violent groups or anyone they can entrap into maybe sorta planning something violent ever so they can up their arrest numbers on paper, make the world seem like a scary place where they're necessary and get that sweet sweet funding. Democratic organizers just want to convince everyone that the republicans are the actual devil and we all need to put aside our differences and vote for Hillary Clinton.


In both cases the scare tactics push you to give up your own autonomy and support a bigger power that promises to protect you. But the ideologies, people and funding sources involved are different.

Check out the assessment of the CIA as an organ of liberal ideology with lots of liberals in high leadership positions (Chomsky wrote about this but so have other people) in the Cold War and onwards.