Please remember to use the report function

So as many have seen as of recently, flags (among other things) are not currently working on the board. This thread is not meant to be used to argue the merits of whether this change has been positive or negative; in all likelihood it will be reverted regardless sometime in the near future.

There have been, however, a number of complaints after the change about board quality decline due to a perceived lack of moderation and influx of posters. I can neither confirm nor deny this being the case, but I will admit that the removal of flags has resulted in a hampered ability to quickly search out and deal with low hanging fruits post-wise. We volunteers cannot comb every thread and every post, so we rely on user feedback to point us in the right direction for posts/users that may require intervention.


Other urls found in this thread:

I just wanted to tell you how appreciated you guys are.

Since mods are having a chat: Do incels ever talk about anything other than being an incel?

Flags being gone is a major bummer tbh, and the board quality has noticeably gone down as a result imo. Thanks for moderating tbh, I hope this shit gets sorted out.

So what exactly is it? Broken scripts? Jim is fucking with us?

An additional word of warning: the board logs are likely to show a lot of report dismissals and this is entirely normal. Reports are only considered "resolved" if they result in a deletion, so any other action taken in regards to a post/user will require dismissing the report after action has been taken. In addition, sometimes reports are dismissed because the reported user has already been banned, thus no further action can be taken.

Thanks, but let's not devolve into boot-licking here.

Perhaps about the finer points of doing incel things without necessarily lamenting the central point of being an incel. Vidya and masturbatory technique are quite common discussion points.

tbh wordfilter all ideologies

Honestly, you guys shouldn't assume someone is evading just because he has the same flag. That is extremly frustrating because you can't send pictures of evidence that you are not the same guy in ban appeals. I'm not saying flag tracking shouldn't be used to track toxic users but in the past some mods have been to trigger-happy about this. It should always be given the benefit of doubt that a guy with the same flag is not the same person.

Flags should play no role in the ban process. Either a post violates the rules, or it does not. That is the only thing that should be considered.


Here's the ideal ban process, satan:

That's it, nice and easy. We don't need vols stalking anons based on flags so we get more false positives.

Then clarify the rules, and ask users to report posts with a specific rule# to streamline the process.

Not true. An-fem, Spurdo, Snibeti snab, Satan, Che flag (Idk why) were almost exclusively used by Holla Forumsyps and shitposters

I miss the days spurdos were very intelligent.

What's not true? That either a post breaks the rules, or it does not? I don't know how you could possibly make that argument.

The rules are malleable to prevent rule lawyers like yourself from gaming them into creating an authoritarian spiral.

Come on user, we all know that there are certain flags that are problem posters. Anfems, annils, anprims. They are funny but magnitudes more likely to be falseflags

that approach would eradicate most of this board within a week.

Seriously, a lot of the rule breaking posts are pretty funny. Then again I'm not exactly sure what the rules are… Something about antisemitism and barrel bombs?

user that doesn't make any sense at all, and I'm genuinely surprised to see you unironically posting such horseshit on a leftist board. "Malleable rules" are specifically what leads to an "authoritarian spiral", as the rules are only "bent" to serve the needs of those in power. Meanwhile, clear and concise rules with no wiggle room provide a solid framework for both posters and vols to abide by.

And if what they're posting violates rules, ban them accordingly. It sounds like you're arguing that posting X under a specific flag is bannable, while posting X under a different flag is not. You understand how ridiculous that is, right?

If properly enforcing the stated rules would "eradicate most of the board", then we'd be back to the good old days of 85% intellectual discourse, 15% funposting. How would that be a bad thing again?

Stop being autistic, this is a board not a state.

If you're incapable of rationally supporting your argument, why waste the energy arguing with me?

I believe it was about acting like isis-gang, except of course tankies defending it against US imperialism

If enforcing the rules as stated would mean "no fun allowed", then why are you not advocating for the rules to be changed? This seems extremely simple to me.

No, what I am saying is that certain posters are more likely to post bannable things. It's like seeing blood on a carpet, it doesn't mean there was a murder, but it is evidence to point towards further investigation.

I was making a joke, BO got mad one day and banned a shit load of people not me though, because barrels bombs were being said to be more dangerous than normal Murica bombs. I asked how barrel bombs weren't worse and I got a Wikipedia article about a huge bomb the US dropped and a ban.

I mean what is there to argue against? You cannot challenge the power of the BO or force them to pick moderators of your choice or implement rules to your liking. There is absolutely no way for you to recall them or remove them. The BO has absolute, unchallengeable power, so your complaints of rules not being set in stone in case they grab more power are futile, as their power cannot be increased further.
Besides this, setting the rules in stone would see the turbo-autists that inhabit this site do every single annoying as fuck thing that is within the rules, until the rules are expanded to include whatever it is they're doing, often with the rule being worded in a way that is designed to target certain behavior but will only have its original intention expanded on later. This will be done over and over until there is a tome of rules as happened with r/soc.

When they do, report them. It's nice and easy.

You're overthinking this. The simplest solution to any poster disrupting a thread "without breaking the rules" is post IDs and having users employ the filter function. This also removes samefagging/sockpuppeting from the equation, and allows one to follow a conversation without relying on extremely unreliable identifiers like flags. Bringing back the flags is fine, but post IDs would be fantastic and immediately cure most of the complaints when two clicks and you can hide a shitposter from any given thread.

Yeah right, you overlords are dumb-asses and you can lick my balls. I don't report.

But all the mods said was that flags helped them identify problem posters, and then you went on the "we need more rules" trip.

Mods can already see IDs. Banning retards is a patrician tier ruleset and attempting to creep some reddit tier system into here is pleb tier.

And I explained that either a post violates the rules, or it does not. This is a binary state.
There's that dishonest language again.

IDs that change every thread is "reddit-tier"? I'll take your word on that, since I don't use reddit, but my understanding is that it's like any other forum, every user can see every other user's entire post history, which isn't even remotely possible with post IDs. Post IDs are for the sake of posters, not vols.

Oh hey, there's one guy shitting up this thread playing as a parody of an SJW. Report, filter+, done. He's no longer visibly disrupting the thread for you, and even if vols do nothing, he will be deprived of (You)s by posters who filter him. From where I'm sitting, the only reason you'd argue against this is if you frequently samefag/sockpuppet to shit up threads.

Dishonest language? I was trying to imply that you are being silly, you are attacking a position that isnt there. People aren't being banned for their flags, I even gave you a pretty awesome metaphor of the situation. I will honestly reveal my true plot behind my word choice. I want you to take a huge trip with me while we take a bath together.
and then we see where the night takes us

That's because you're a dunce. I've already explained why your notion that the rules need to be released is a terrible idea and you've completely glossed over it and changed your argument to "muh IDs", which is impressive because that makes it the second time you've pivoted away from "muh flags".

I'm not "attacking" anything. More dishonest, manipulative langauge.

I haven't changed my argument at all. I'm giving you different options to address all of the issues we've had for years. The only reason you'd fight against changes that would not negatively affect a single non-shitposter would mean you're a shitposter, and enjoy the current system which allows you to disrupt threads stealthily, decreasing the chance of you being reported compared to how obvious you'd be for users to spot under a single ID.

You have changed your argument. You've gone from complaining about mods banning people for flags (which isn't true), to complaining that the rules aren't public, to complaining that we don't have IDs, to saying I'm a shitposter because I make your ring sting by pointing out how releasing the rules is a legitimately shit idea for idiots who are dumb.

Okay, you are disagreeing with the position.
I want you to attack me in that bathtub. My fantasies are rampant in my writing and I'm sorry

The rules are right here:

Way to out yourself as a newfag shitposter. We're done here.

Imagine being this completely asshurt that you couldn't prove someone wrong. Stay BTFO.

All me btw

me? V

I-if this is you, then who am I?!

My bathtub twink personality.

You mods were doing so well before the flags were gone. Keep it up!

But how do you explain my (our?) lust for women? It is impossible we could be completely gay.

We're just greedy. We lust for fooling around with rules lawyer in the bath but tits and hips are just too alluring.

I'm an idiot and this conversation has been strangely illuminating. Thank you based user.

Can you get banned for reporting something for a spurious reason?

Nope, as mods can't tell who reported what.

No. We can leave if it gets bad enough. Pic unrelated to test if r9k originality filter is gone yet.

And go where? Name me even one leftist board with non-negligible activity apart from this one, or a way for people to get together and collectively tell the BO to go fuck himself and migrate to another board, possibly made for the specific purpose of housing refugees from here.

Cant anyone make a board on 8ch? You make one

Fuck, why the fuck not? What should I call it? /leftyden/? Just /den/?


Too indistinguishable from Holla Forums.
Maybe /rose/?

thats a good thing. you dont want it to be hard to find. you just want polyps to not bother

It's not. You just created a board with a shitty name that you can't change. Grats.

Try this?
Yeah, very creative, thank you very much. At least it's not fucking /leftypolitics/.

Why wou i do such a thing? ffs this is a anonymous board on a website that isn't on the google search engine, who cares. If a corruption apologist wants to come here and post to have a discussion let them stay, doesn't matter if he's too much retard or not.

probably cause he's associated with edgy red liberal LARPers who wear che shirts, people who wear che shirts are often pretty close to the Holla Forums stereotype of socialists


are you serious

I got called a redditor for doing what the mods team asked in their sticky. I'm not mad for being made fun of, I'm mad for being wronged by an extremely stupid faggot


Ooh, we have pdfs back. When did this happen?

Ok so everything works but flags


Just put the flags back on

Seeing who reports posts is unfortunately not possible. I assumed you were one of those people who report posts which don't require bans.
Eitherway, just looking at how the OP formulated his question makes it clear he's not a false-flagging Holla Forumsack, you don't need knowledge of someone's post history to see that.

flags are shit

To me this seems like a way to bypass mod action, this way they can start discussions over subjects they want while not having the thread bumplocked. If their goal by the whole November the 4th sham is to get leftists to attack government buildings and get imprisoned or attacked by fascists(or whatever the idea is, I don't know), then it helps to have a thread about it on page one of lefypol to spread the word out, even if the OP doesn't specifically agitate for it. Calling someone a redditor for being cautious against fascist entryism/falseflagging that might get comrades hurt was uncalled for either way, especially from a mod.

I and a lot of other people disagree

It's a mystery.

It's dialectics.

Never seen a mod complaining about getting too many reports

Can you confirm that this is your BO?


he is just telling some idiot who abuses the report function to stop

OP's post is shit and should be reported, only a retard would think that with an empty history that wasn't Holla Forums.

Sure thing sir, we can start by banning you

Shut up you thick cunt.

Bring back the flags fuck off fag

broke: the staff won't bring back flags because they've decided it improves board quality
woke: BO can't be fucked to upload the flags again

Bodrigaposting is not, unfortunately, bannable offence. stop reporting him

Isn't it just a check mark whether flags are enabled or not? Wouldn't the BO have had to go through and delete all the flags to get rid of them? also, gorilla/brainlet flag pls

Ay, cabron.

I assume if they've been turned off by a bug server side then they've been wiped. Only the geographical flags are included with the software.

Jokes over autistic virgin mod. Race realism threads aren't against the rules but incur bans, stop hiding behind the vaguely defined rules and get this fucking cancer off the board.


there is already non-anchored incel thread in catalog, why are you not posting there?

Are you legit so retarded that you saw an incel request a non-anchored incel thread in another thread and then responded to someone asking for the polar opposite in another sticky?


Thank. Now plz bring back flags.

I was a bit quick to assume but there is indeed this problem with what I suspect to be one or two users (presumably redditors) who report posts which are just a bit edgy but not bannable, stuff like "kill all tankies tbh" just to give an example.
"Report posts, but don't waste our time with useless reports" sounds like a fairly reasonable demand to me.

dont ever fucking reply to me again

stop being a fag flags are cool

flags are for fags


bring back the flags



hold on a minute, who's who? i want to be a part of this


I want the flags back pls

this guy is supporting “reverse colonialism”

I think he’s a Holla Forums false flagger.

the real irony is that Bordiga actively refused to work with those who would go on to try to assassinate mousilini

lol wut?

ok you guys are cunts. better now sempai?

I can't imagine why there needs to be three meta sticky threads. Surely there must be a better solution

since Board Owner abandoned this place, can you guys make the rojava thread cyclical again?

Three meta stickies in one thread.

BO hasn't abandoned anything, he's busy with real life shit and has popped in once to size up the situation.

how unfortunate.

Mods if you do not stop anchoring every single post with an user who doesn't like Communism there will be no active threads! Also the incel thread is just getting silly

if you want I could delete instead of anchor, that way you won't even know it's gone

that would be better imo

Lol, 15-20% of all the shitposts on this board are made by me.


this and bring filters back


Flags suck, stop being mad you can't parade around your special snowflake ideology


you guys are incompetent. make me a mod and I'll enforce the rules.

let me guess: you're the same wankstain that was trying to use the April shitshow as this place's reichstag fire?

is that when BO had a meltdown about barrel bombs?

should've made an app when you had the chance

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B,O stop wasting time on making useless word-filiters and actouly start moderating.

yes iirc that was the one