Why do right-wingers hate islam? Terrorism and melanin levels aside, shouldn't they be natural allies? Does the fascist hatred of minorities override everything?
Lebensbraum (Caliphate, pan-whitetopia)
Love capitalism (only mild rhetorical criticism of the "jewness" [usury] of it)
Hate jews
Hate gays
Promote housewifing as the only legitimate role for women in society
It seems in opposing discrimination against them from reactionaries, we have absolutely no way of avoiding being lumped into islam ass kissers or some bullshit.
I admit I've never read the quaran in depth but is a modernist left interpretation of it even remotely possible? Like how there was liberation theologists that just ignored all the brutal shit in Christian doctrine and/or interpreted through a leftist lense? I'm not trying to say that's optimal for us in the left, but far fucking preferable to right-wing jihadism and "moderate" Maajid Nawaz classical liberalism.
At the end of the day, I feel really bad for the sane, working people in muslim countries. Forced to live in far-right theocracies, surrounded by fraticidal terrorists, western imperialists trying to pry open their countries to Porky with absolutely no chance of leftist politics emerging to liberate them…