A collab between me and a friend.
Virgin vs Chad
well thats embarassing
We have the OC thread for this kind of thing.
But i have to agree with>>2189664
pretty shit meme. you know this meme is supposed to mock the ordinary and respected?
I love 9th company
I made this but could never find the opportunity to post it.
threads never get ironic enough
Could anyone make a virgin chad along these lines?
The Virgin Ruling ASS vs. the Chad Workingman
How do you upload more than one picture? Here's the second one.
You know it's a ironic meme right?
As in the obviously better person is portrayed as virgin and the obnoxious or bad person as confident.
is it really? I mean, the meme came out after the alt-right shat on all their claims to betaness and relatability and embraced /T_D's obnouxiousness as their own.
most instances of this meme had a ying-yang feel to them imo.
t. incel virgin
leave this board.
I don't care who you are, where you came from, whether you're left, right, or center.
just fucking leave.
No, it's not. The original context of the meme was to shed light on the fact that a person doing the exact opposite of all the things that an /r9k/ user would do/embodying the polar opposite qualities of an /r9k/ user would be ridiculous in real life. The humor comes from the fact that anons with social anxiety or some sort of insecurity tend to set impossibly high standards for themselves based on a hypothetical person (aka the Chad) who completely lacks all of their perceived flaws or shortcomings.
legit funny
Here's the progression
Guess multiple pics isn't working right now.
site's bugged atm so you can't
Finally. Someone who understands this meme.
all these shitters who don't even understand the meme
Future reference:
I like my fascist decadence
delete this
This is pure Chadposting
The introduction of Ten Days That Shook the World, quoting an earlier work on the 1905 revolution.
Face it. We all want to be more like Chad.
Please remove yourself from further OC creation and if necessary the gene pool
Nice. We do have a thread just for OC, by the way, post your stuff there.
i made this one, rate
one of the better in this thread thanks to the fact chad is used ironically, but not taken far enough. 6/10
none of you faggots use this shit right. once again it just gets turned into 'thing i dont like' vs 'thing i like'
This one is one of the worst meme ever.
Seriously. It's so fucking stupid. Expanded brain was funnier
We need a "Virgin Chad vs Chad Virgin" pic
stop posting the inferior version
Someone post the virgin mao v the chad sparrow
thanks, comrade
Polite sage for off-topic post
Only good derivative