i'm really drunk and want to kill myself what reason is there not to?
Revolution isn't going to happen and even if it did I'd be absolutely useless in the event of it
i'm really drunk and want to kill myself what reason is there not to?
Revolution isn't going to happen and even if it did I'd be absolutely useless in the event of it
Maybe you should wait til you're sober.
Why are you asking a chan of all places? Sober up, hit some weights, and fuck a girl you faggot
there are 3 stages to a revolution, we're on stage 1
Live to leech off the system.
Go lift some weights ya bitch
There is never enough leftists. You need to live and pass your genes so there will be good people in the future.
This. Get on disability or some other sort of assistance and thrive off the anger and ass pain it causes. Nothing is better than watching someone flip out because you get 70 dollars a month in food stamps.
Aren't you always on stage 1?
let that hate fuel you, burn it to power your fight against the people who destroyed the hope in the world.
You know I really should but I just can't seem to. Am 21 year old virgin. Just recently courted a girl for two or three months, was 100 percent sure she liked me, even had a couple of irl female friends say that she definitely was giving me signals, asked her out and got rejected. This type of shit has literally happened every single time I have tried to pursue a girl for years. Idk I am just not meant to get laid or have a gf so fuck it. Tbh I really don't mean to sound like a Holla Forums or /r9k/ faggot but there isn't a much worse feeling than being "the virgin" in the group and when people find out having to go through the "oh REALLY? W O W user I WOULD HAVE NEVER GUESSED! LIKE HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE???" conversation for the 100th time where they act like everything in the world is wrong with being a virgin past the age of 18 yet repeatedly assure you it's prefectly fine
I do lift weights but I haven't been able to really keep up with my dietary discipline so there's not even a point cuz I keep gaining a ton of fat with any muscle or strength I gain so fuck it.
See above. Also even if I could get laid I'd probably get a vesectomy or something just to minimize the chance of me having a child ever. Children and marriage are two of the worst things that can ever happen to a human being imo. Yes I am biased because my childhood
Honestly where I am this has no chance. Everyone is a liberal or just a larper who wants to "do revolution" but can't articulate any coherent plan to do so.
Thing is that I already leech off my dad, I am an amerilard so getting any type of real welfare is either impossible or I'm too much of a retard to get it. I feel awful for being a lumpenprole as it essentially makes me just as bad as being porky. I tried to get a job and only lasted two weeks because I got so stressed and couldn't just swallow it and keep on going even though I was fucking horrible. To add insult to injury the fucking manager told my dad, who got the job I left behind, that I was doing perfectly fine and didn't understand why I left, so it was all in my head. I'm too retarded to be working class and can only leech off of others work
I'm sorry
You're a Holla Forums faggot, you have all reason to kill yourself
At the very least don't throw your life away, if you are willing to die you can carry out at least one political assassination of a high ranking porky on your own, especially if you live somewhere with lax gun laws
Nigga fix your diet and get a tinder. Don't wait months to fuck a girl when you can fuck one within a week with minimal effort. You're 4 years younger than me and shouldn't be looking for a long-term relationship.
Prill the Kesident, if you catch my drift.
Come back when you're serious about killing yourself.
I know this is going to sound really faggy but tinder makes me sad. I wanted to make one once but I just got scared because it's like, you're basically being judged by hundreds, if not thousands, of people every single day and the vast majority of them have no interest in you and basically determine your entire worth based on the fact that they want to put their genitals on yours or not and you are doing the same thing to a bunch of other people. It was just so depressing to me, it basically is like facebook or something without all the glitz, IE it shows human relations under neoliberalism and spectacular capitalism to be literally nothing more than split-second micro-interactions pursued for no reason other than personal ecstasy to escape from the pain of living in this dystopia we call 21st century earth.
I'm sorry if that sounds fedora as fuck or whatever but it's just how I feel and I'm just typing stream of consciousness because of how fucked up i am so i'm not trying to "sound smart" or anything and i'm sure I sound stupid as fuck but I can't help it. That's how I feel. IDK I know love and all that shit is fake and just an opiate pretty much but fuck it. And like I already said women fucking don't want to fuck me anyway so why even waste time making a tinder. If they did I would have gotten fucked by now like all of my friends. It's my own fault so I don't blame anyone but myself but why would a tinder or anything else make anything any different
Trump's a symptom so it wouldn't matter
See above. Killing one person does nothing and there is no hope for a mass revolution in burgerland anyway who fucking gives a shit
just do it prole
and jews are the disease
Exterminate all homosexuals and fascism will vanish
Not gonna lie dog, I was a virgin until around that age also. I hate to say it but "don't put the pussy on a pedestal" is legit advice. You obviously overthink these things. And here is the secret, a lot more 21 year olds than you would think are virgins, girls included. My initial reaction is to clown you because this is an image board, and I am a Holla Forums faggot, but I do worry when someone lets this kind of thing get at them so much because I have been there before as well.
Don't get tinder. A lot of people like to lie about how much they fuck from those kinds of things because having sex is a type of social currency. You will maybe set up a few dates with fat chicks. If you are into fat chicks then go for it, but if you aren't it almost guaranteed will not pay off for you. The kind of women on tinder are self obsessed sluts who are equally as damaged as you, probably more so, but are capable of finding endless strings of dudes to run through them and justify it as "empowerment" or "fun."
Do you have a job? or go to school? that is where I have met most of the girls I have been with. I am trying to avoid the "just go talk to a girl bro" because that is the shittiest advice that everyone who gives thinks makes them an elite social philosopher, but honestly you need to interact with people organically and it will happen. If you are looking for "revolutionary" girls you are only going to find disappointment. They adhere to social hierarchy and structures just as much as anyone else. Fake confidence. it is really an attractive quality for any person.
I used to have a problem with a random thought like "you are worthless" or "kill yourself" popping into my mind randomly. I trained myself to shout NO, STOP IT as loud as I could in my mind whenever that happened. Tell yourself you are worth it, tell yourself whatever you need to stop those kinds of thoughts. If you want to be a true revolutionary you are going to need to divest yourself of these constructs that others try to hold you too and set up a system of values that makes sense to you. Killing yourself will not do that.
It makes me sad too fam but it's just the way capitalism works these days. Personally abstaing like a monk won't do shit except make you lonely. I'm a good looking dude and fit but I'm only 5'9", I've seen dudes both uglier than me and shorter than me, sometimes both, get qt girls to fuck them and get gfs. Stop defeating yourself before you even try fam.
Shut the fuck up and fucking do it already. Do something right for once you piece of shit.
Pls post pics
If you can do that then you have my permission to die. If not then you'll have to suffer along with the rest of us and work for revolution the hard way.
It's just that this one girl I tried to talk to for so long was the first in a long time who I even tried with. Before that I literally hadn't even talked to a girl on a romantic level since I dated the last actual gf I've ever had when I was 16 so literally this was the first time I had even tried for 5 years to get with someone and all of the signs were pointing to her being just as interested in me as I was in her.
I sang a bunch of songs for her from a band she really liked because she couldn't see them due to work and she was all over it, she literally almost cried over it and told me to always do stuff like that for her. She always jumped at the chance to talk to me, always messaged me first, all kinds of shit. Now I haven't even spoken to her really since she rejected me except for brief exchanges of "how are you doing" and so on that aren't anything at all like the convos we used to have. I don't know if she was just being nice and now doesn't feel like she has to be because I already confessed how I felt, if she genuinely did like me to some degree but I just revealed too soon for her to be sure if she wanted to date someone or not, or if the reason she gave me was legitimate (she had just gotten out of a relationship and so on) but regardless I can't help but blame myself. I feel like this just confirms everything I ever thought about myself regarding women during the five years between my last gf dumping me and now. I don't see how the fuck I can draw any other conclusion from it other than to just give the fuck up
And to answer your other question no, I have no job and I am a high school drop out who never got his GED. I am lucky and have really good friends, some of which I have known since I was 13, who are really nice and caring and help me out, but as I already stated I feel like such a cocksucking piece of shit for always mooching off of them. I do there dishes and cook for them and stuff like that so it's not entirely a bad scenario for them but I could do way more like pay rent and so on and I just can't because I don't have any money, I literally asked my father if he minded giving me money just so I could go buy the alcohol I'm drinking.
I'm so fucking sick of living like this. And on top of being sick of living like this on a personal level I am just so sick of living under late stage capitalism/neoliberalism whatever the fuck. It really shows the banality of existence. And I know everyone here who's a theory hound will tell me to stop being so nihilistic and idealistic and read more theory to regain my materialist worldview but tbh I feel like it just reveals how full of shit humans in general are, at least in the first world/the West, and how fucking worthless human life is. I didn't use to be this way but after living in Burgerland the last few years, especially with the knowledge of its inner political-economic workings and imperial adventures, some of which include literal genocide that is functionally no different than what happened during the Jewish holocaust, I just can't stand it anymore. I don't even bother trying to "educate" friends or people I know anymore because they don't give a fuck. Nobody wants to be educated. Everybody knows the fucking problems even if they can't articulate them efficiently as some professional "marxist" but they fucking know They just don't give a shit and want to just ignore it so fuck it why shouldn't i do the ultimate act of ignorance and kill myself
When you think about it suicide is the only revolutionary act under liberalism because the Self is held up to be the center of the universe so negating it blatantly and without compromise in a sea of "selves" is the only thing which can really shock anybody into thinking about anything and potentially chaning a life
fuck it