So what's gonna happen in the year twenty-fiddy?
God-emperor Xi will announce that China will be ready for communism by the year 2100
…………..Was the Chinese Communist Party just doing an extreeeeemly long term protracted peoples war, and now they have built their power in the rural areas (third world) they are about to attack the cities? (first world)
xi is gonna be mean to porki and will make communism by using reforms xD
We invented that meme you mong.
Pol faggots wont understand but im referring to you as a pure subhuman with average iq below sub saharan african. Never been to reddit and never gave a fuck about your ex redditor memes and projecting.
y'know user, i figure if china can ramp up the production of cheap plastic toys they can reach their final form within the decade!
They're going to nationalize all private industries, and then abolish wage labor through automation and super abundance of goods.
The factory and the workers are in China. It only needs a strong communist leader to nationalize every single one of these foreign factories.
sure. I suggest Napoleon.
I prefer communist leaders over liberal dictators.
Yes leader of 90 million member communist party is a liberal. The great leap forward was a mistake so chinese will implement socialism slowly.
With "socialists" like this who needs capitalists amiright? :^)
western capitalism will have imploded, turning the west into a neofeudal hellscape.
china will be the last man standing and will be able to implement policies on a socialist principle.
slap more red flags around to clarify i guess
6th imperialism chess with Chinese characteristics
The pragmatic approach of the Chinese Communist Party is the right path. We have had enough of these great leaps forward to risk the failure of the proletarian dictatorship. Real change to socialism can only be achieved by the communist party.
lol if you've seen any capitalist country you already know what xi's """plan""" is. these threads are dumber than nork apologies.
jesus will come back in the year 1000 guys, honest.
Ever heard of NEP?
Ever heard of Historical Materlism?
Ever even read Crique of the Gotha Programme?
as i said: slap more red flags on it.
They're going to nationalize all private industries, and then abolish wage labor through automation and super abundance of goods.
What do you think the Chinese Politburo meetings are like?