Why are turd worlders so fucking stupid? This is seriously suposed to be where the 'revolution' is going to come from...

Why are turd worlders so fucking stupid? This is seriously suposed to be where the 'revolution' is going to come from? lmao these fucking inbreds can't even stop shitting in their own streets. What a fucking joke, also turd worldists are just as fucking stupid as these mongs.

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Are we talking about the third world or Ireland (is there a difference?)

The unfortunate situation of championing an ideology of the weak. Neoliberalism wins again tbh

Are we talking Europeans?

u wot m8?

and who're you? a rocket scientist?
bet you flip burgers genius

You're right. These civilized first worlders are the example to follow. If you have to shat…shat at Walmart

Look at those dumb exploited and abused children. What a bunch of dumbasses. /s
Op would rape a toddler because that retard was too dumb too call child services.

never forget

no shit the first world is where most cases of people shitting in stores happens
because the third world doesn't have stores
and in some places they don't even have clothes

viva la revolution brother

1st world hate thread? I'll start with the classic:





I'm talking about the stupid, disabled, and otherwise defective of all races. You can be a compassionate leftism and still recognise leftism is the ideology of the dregs of planet earth for the most part

bowel incontinence is a medical problem, you have to have the mind of a 10 year old to find that shit funny

They're literal subhumans

Are you suggesting people shit their pants in stores because they would have done it in the streets if their wasn't a store

I thought shitting in public was the problem

Further, I thought the point was the first world was oh, for sure, BEYOND WISE compared to those idiots in the third world, so exactly why are you suggesting they suffer from the same bowel irritability

Nothing your saying is making sense to me man


It's pretty funny

We get it, you're forever mad about French colonization of Vietnam & American imperialism. Get a new shtick, Vietnam isn't half bad these days


Non whites are literal baboon people

Ugly, dumb, ape like. Yuck.

The french shat on their streets more than India ever did

I can believe this