DPRK Apologists BTFO

smelly disingenuous tankie scum
Newly liberalized economies grow faster than more developed ones this is a basic economic fact. North Korea’s growth is actually UNDERPERFORMING compared to what it would be if it opened up like China. Not to mention that while South Korea’s GDP is OVER 1000 BILLION USD North Korea’s GDP is only over 16 billion USD.
0.6% times 1000 billion = 6,000,000,000
3.9% times 16 billion = 624,000,000
WOW turns out even with that higher growth rate North Korea still has lower overall growth than South Korea! Whoop de fucking doo you tankie moron!

This rhetoric is pretty meme tier. If they "are working towards a better future" then they would not feel the need to strike in the first place, making it's illegalization unnecessary. North Korean workers are routinely contracted to work in Russia because they work for so little. Having two controlled opposition parties isn't proof of any kind of political freedom. The fact is North Korea isn't any worse then the west, but that certainly doesn't make them socialist. North Korea still has a class system, a market system, and ultimately isn't any model to follow. The same goes for every other M-L project, really. All of them have resulted in alienated labor and an opportunistic party system that can (and routinely has in the cases of vietnam, china, and russia) degenerate into full blown capitalist oligarchy.

I find it funny how tankies use the most brutal capitalistic logic in their arguments. A whole nation turned into a labour camp? But it's growing, it's growing!

I read your source, and even with the inaccuracies (so he was in Camp 18, not 14, so what?), it still does not contradict the core details of his story about the brutalization in the camps.

Are you fucking serious? That's your argument? "A brighter future" is what justifies the state prohibiting workers from striking? Literally a "muh bootstraps"-tier argument.

They can't afford fucking anything than what the government provides them. Absolutely no freedom at all.

Yeah, and those parties are totally controlled by the main Korean """"""Workers'"""""" Party.
You are a fucking joke.

I'm not talking about the fucking US here. There's plenty to be said about the US penal system, and yes many "prisons" here do amount to labor camps, but that's for a different thread. Are you too fucking retarded to remain on topic?

The book doesn't argue that. It just says it. It didn't quote primary sources except one time and doesn't even analyze it. 95% of the book is not about Juche. That's what I call a scam, since it claims to BTFO Juche.
His argument there is straight-up nonsense. He argues that South Korea sent intellectuals to prison, whereas North Korea didn't. He completely decontextualizes it, the reason South Korea did that was because it was a fucking military dictatorship that killed 1 million of its own people and sent every intellectual to a camp because intellectuals were suspected to be communists. In the North, intellectuals weren't persecuted. To argue that North Korea, a country that threatens to nuke Japan, would be benevolent to Japanese sympathizers is insanity. Because people who spoke Japanese weren't fucking exterminated in the DPRK Myers argues that "Japanese collaborators" were appreciated. That's a joke and Goebbels tier.
He argues that not based on primary sources, but through a pseudo-freudian analysis of propaganda posters. Nobody who's lived in the DPRK agrees with this or with the Songbun bullshit.
You are making a moral argument. Moral arguments can only exist with a reference point. You are demanding that a struggling country, being the most sanctioned entity on planet earth, is a fucking hippie community.


>>>Holla Forums

Fuck off. It was asked whether their economy was growing. Nothing more. Source for the labor camps and their part within the DPRK GDP please?

Why would he lie? CNN article was obviously euphemistic, just google this shit. NK defectors lie all the time, the ones who make into the news anyway. They are all well dressed and speak perfect English. Nothing fishy here at all.
In a socialist economy, the surplus is already allocated and micromanaged to maximize satisfaction of social needs. What entitles you to more money than your fellow workers?

I like how you are completely ignoring the fact that the DPRK is the most sanctioned country in world history. It's like on another planet. Could that have something to do with the struggle that the DPRK goes through? No, it must be that Kim Jong Un eats babies.

Just to add, striking isn't technically illegal in the DPRK. That doesn't mean it would probably be cracked down upon, but there is no offical legal document that outlaws it. The guy was just talking out of his ass.

it wouldn't*
