I've wasted hours arguing with them online but gave up once I realized even the supposed "honest" and "objective" race realists were manipulating data and trying to justify their prejudices.
I.Q. and Race
Connor Wilson
Landon Gonzalez
Becouse im a lazy piece of shit, thanks anyway annon
John Diaz
Both OP and scientism fag are false flags, and possibly the same person. Neither of those faggots is a native here.
Austin Rogers
So much samefagging ITT
Easton Bell
The Autism Level test was developed for the United States military to decide who to send over the trenches in the first world war. People are products of their surroundings. Yes people from a sparsely populated part of Africa or even a large city like Mogadishu are going to preform worse. I think a modern society should be able to handle educating people. I think resorting to violence and liquidating them is childish.