ITT post hot leftists
ITT post hot leftists
so who is that really?
How do you not know of the beautiful BO for this amazing board?
that's not the bo
Probably a Holla Forumsack, who dragged himself up, so he can make fun of BO.
Stop posting pictures of me
yes it is
It's me
where is proof?
Is it really?
That is confirmed the BO of this board. Been common knowledge for the last year across 8ch.
I wanna fuck this idpoler
OP just posted a pic you newfag
It's a confirmed picture of me you stupid stupid slut
Of me
that's not proof of anything
Don't try to cover for the BO XD
go away checkers.
Theres a namefag I havent heard of in a long long time.
well i got proof that you're a newfag bitch
Why are white people so terrible at sex
do you have proof that this is the bo?
Its to be expected when we collectively have the smallest dicks only beating by asians
Hot damn
Is this idpol?
Because your vagina is so worn out from the dragon dildo's that nothing at all will give you even a glimpse of sexual pleasure
It's a damn snack actually
No I asked why white people suck at fucking
because you are a compulsive fornicator that enjoys meaningless sex.
hoochie just tell us your dad's commie kill count already
why tho
When was the last time you ejaculated
does anyone have proof that this is the bo?
You want my big fat meaty mom cock don't you user
Don't be ashamed
Some white people are good at it, but I can relate kinda.
Actually, come to think of it, it's kind of hard to remember the last white person I… wait, no it's not. This one guy… woo, every angle. He was incredible.
But you know, we're really just fucking awkward a lot of the time.
Post some pics then ask me again ;)
Don't be mean
Actually it's a pic of me
This doesn't disprove my point about white guys being sexually awkward.
Poe's law in action lmao