Alan Moore is most definitely NOT an anarchist
Question to anarchists
He calls himself one.
I like Alan Moore now. Woke af
They'd get invaded.
or it can be furtive. There are anarcho-commues inside a lot of countries, you don't have to know.
This is a pretty based picture, do you know what the OG pic was?
But they would be ripe for the picking if they can't defend themselves.
Kevin Carson tried to answer this question in the third chapter of Desktop Regulatory State. His analysis is insufficient, but its a couple thousand words on a topic that could compose entire tomes.
Anyway my short answer is that highly decentralized organizations are more effective at processing information, more resilient to damage and more capable of utilizing innovation (the innovation cycles of the US military is like 10 years, whereas the innovation cycle of a group like Al-Qaeda back in the day was a month or so).
Also helping the decentralized side is the fact that area denial weapons are becoming much cheaper. You can see this in the US's analysis of Iran - after seeing Iraq get pwn'd it has adopted asymmetric warfare that allow it to strike US warships and airbases from afar making it difficult for the US to attack
And thats not taking the long term approach in which superadvanced technology gives smaller and smaller groups a 'nuclear veto' over hierarchical power structures through being able to easily disrupt them.