Texas city requires Israel pledge for hurricane relief
A Texas city has required residents who are seeking government disaster relief funds in the wake of Hurricane Harvey to pledge not to boycott Israel.
Top Chinese officials 'plotted to overthrow Xi Jinping'
A top Chinese official has claimed several high-ranking members of the Communist Party had plotted to seize power from President Xi Jinping.
Kirkuk province: Iraqi and Kurdish forces in fierce fight
There have been fierce clashes between Kurdish and Iraqi troops north of Kirkuk city, days after the Iraqi army took control of disputed areas.
São Paulo's food pellets plan for poor children divides Brazil
Plans to feed poor children reconstituted food made from leftovers near expiry have sparked a row in the Brazilian city of São Paulo.
Catalonia crisis: Spain plans for elections as independence row grows
Spain's conservative government has agreed with the socialist opposition to hold regional elections in Catalonia in January, the socialists say.
Raqqa to be part of 'federal Syria', U.S.-backed militia says
Raqqa will be part of a decentralized federal Syria now the city has been freed from Islamic State, the U.S.-backed militias that captured it said on Friday, tying its political future to Kurdish-led autonomy plans for northern Syria.
Czech election: Billionaire Andrej Babis poised to win
Czechs are voting in a two-day general election in which the favourite is a populist billionaire who has campaigned on an anti-establishment platform.
Short on staff: Nursing crisis strains U.S. hospitals
A shortage of nurses at U.S. hospitals hit West Virginia’s Charleston Area Medical Center at the worst possible time.
‘Survival Mode’ Defines Puerto Rico One Month After Maria
A month after Hurricane Maria battered this mountainous stretch of central Puerto Rico, recovery remained elusive along Highway 152, where 82-year-old Carmen Diaz Lopez lives alone in a home that’s one landslide away from plummeting into the muddy creek below.
Anger over Donald Trump's UK crime tweet
The US President, Donald Trump, has been accused of fuelling hate crime with a tweet linking a rise in the UK crime rate to "radical Islamic terror".
Hamas Slams US Envoy's Demands to Disarm, Recognize Israel
U.S. Special Envoy Greenblatt was the top lawyer in The Trump Organization and is a hardline supporter of illegal settlements in Occupied Palestine.
CDC: Suicide Rates Increase in US Rural Areas
The United States Center for Disease Control (CDC), in a Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR), published a "Surveillance Summary" revealing surprising data that suicide rates are higher in rural areas compared to urban areas.