I hope every American that posts who unironically supports Communist is put on a list and tried for treason

I hope every American that posts who unironically supports Communist is put on a list and tried for treason

I hope every American is put on a list and tried for treason

Hi McCarthy, I thought you were dead. Did your alcohol problem got better ?

So much for the free-speech right!

Thanks for your input, Holla Forumsintelpro.

50 years ago, you'd be jailed for being a commie. I wish that were still the case.


Killing americans is always good so I'm with you OP. The world Communist movement would be better of without those fucks.

I didn't say killed. I said tried.

I don't stoop that low.


Really made me think, user.

More like a demonstrably oppressive economic system. Go ahead and give me one example of a communist country that was free. Ya'll idiots need to brush up on your Milton Friedman.


Anarcho-communist Catalonia and Ukraine

that's wrong tho you fucking idiot

There were no communist countries. There were a few states run by socialists attempting to establish something akin to communism, but either failed outright or fell to revisionism. The worst that can be said about them is that they didn't really abolish class society and simply supplanted the bourgeoisie with the nomenklatura.

The guy that supported the fascist military junta in Chile? Great example.

Come back when you're at least 18.

Abosultely pathetic.

"Free" is an extremely subjective quality, that is no doubt loaded with your personal bias. Define "free", explain why is there any merit in being "free". Also give me one example of a country that has outlawed communism and was free.

But I thought we controlled the media and Government, faggot

okay, let's ruin a few million more lives to see if we can get this system to work properly

Assuming communism did kill 100 million people, capitalism kills more than that every five years through imperialist wars and simple neglect. Capitalism needs poverty and destruction in order to expand, because falling rate of profit.

he didn't reply after that one

they deserve it