In September 1989 Soviet opposition leader Boris Yeltsin...
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Shame it wasn't at that point required to run the USSR.
Because I'm sure you're very smart
How'd you know I was a woefully unqualified world leader?
I never understood this. None of my family members ever complained about Soviet markets and none of them praise current one. My uncle has denounced UK many times thought.
All the deficit and horrors started under yeltsin
Yeltsin was a tool. I recently discovered a bunch of empty shelfs in my supermarket. I really should take a picture and pretend is Venezuela on Twitter only to reveal later it was in fact Germany.
Full supermarket shelves are the price we pay for malnourishment (and I'm not even talking about the third world, there's plenty of malnourishment in the US) and food banks. Pretty sure Russia didn't have those until after 1990.
Is the meme picture laughing because then Yeltsin went on to preside over one of the biggest drop in life expectancy in the western world during the transition to a market system or just because global capitalism causes at least 10 million deaths by hunger yearly and this moron is complaining about lack of free cheeses?
Clearly Yeltsin was drunk at the time, since it doesn't state he was sober.
I suppose this happened after Stalin laughed evilly and declared millions of deaths to be merely a statistic and that he loved rigging the vote?