What is the endgame of traditionalism?

So does Holla Forums, I suspect both share the same quality
>SEE?! WE CALLED IT! Just…ignore all those other thousands of failed predictions we make in a month

Got any of those screenshots bucko?

There's a Corbyn one floating around that the writer started taking the piss with towards the end that has been on point so far, some of the others have been pretty accurate. People on leftypol generally make more precise predictions but put them in the ballpark of year quarters, or don't date them and order them chronologically, like the Corbyn one. Corbyn is notable because it was written when he was a literally who and it's pretty long and about half way through so far.

I don't save them because I have one folder that is a total mess. But there's a Corbyn one, a collapse of the alt-right one, Trump's presidency and a fate of the right wing in Europe (now finished). If someone sees this post they may post them, since quite a few people used to have them saved.

the protection of private property

Jesus christ she is hot…

And there it is

you cheeky motherucker the Jacobin article literally says that Nolan wants you to cheer for the monarchist counter-revolution

The endgame is to reboot society's developments back to the Fordist era, so that the female liberation movement can be born again, hopefully winning this time and getting rid of men all together. Full 4D chess dialectics.

Underated bost

A number of your articles liken Batman to conservatives like Romney. Are you not a nazi, why interpret the article's association of cuckservatives with Batman as having resemblance to your wish of purging degenerates?