What is a good name for an non-SJW, non-idpol facebook group?
99% of leftbook groups are trash.
Bonus points if name doesn't contain the words SJW or brocialist
What is a good name for an non-SJW, non-idpol facebook group?
99% of leftbook groups are trash.
Bonus points if name doesn't contain the words SJW or brocialist
Other urls found in this thread:
Organized fun, lefty edition
Also can I become mod if the name is used?
sinners of memespace, deep space 9
Not a reactionary group, lefty edition
"Group for trannies, faggots, and whales"
Googlemurraybook Thunderdome or whatever they're calling themseles this week used to be good, but it went to shit a month ago and never looked back. It hasn't gone idpol so it's still one of the better leftbook pages, but it's become more anarchist than communalist. If you're ancom you'd probably like it, but I joined for the communalism.
VR lefty safari
sorry about the filename, I was shitposting with this image a week ago, I unironically love Žižek guise
Communism Killed 9000000 people
Left is the New Black
Enraged men on steroids
Otaku Men on a Diet of Grass Fed Beef
Dialetical Masturbation, deep space 9
Orientalist Bigots who Don't Self-Crit
Black CEOs Is Actually Existing Socialism
Ladies Night
x - ladies night
need x filled in
Trans Facebook Mods is Actually Existing Socialism
Austerity is actually existing socialism.
5th Brocialist Internationale
Anti-Globalist Memes for Nazbol Gang Teens
Communism Is When The Government Does Stuff ™
Eat shit nerds (make sure the image includes Stirner)
Created a group. Get in here. Will change name later maybe, there's a poll on it.
here's group
Damn I was looking at the people in the group to see the faces of this board. Didn't expect people on the chan to look good
seriously tho, some good looking people