can we discuss Cockshott's methods of administration as put out in his book towards a new socialism? I would also like to discuss other contemporary communists and their theories/methods whether ideological or economic, so feel free to post them.
Despite organizational differences between ML's, decentralized socialists, anarchists, etc we must all consider that one of the key economic and technological developments of the 21st century was the boom in prevalence and use of electronic communications and media, it has quadrupled production in the capitalist world and it has removed many production discrepancies, because of this I think we all can agree that this same network of communication needs to be heavily used for societal administration as well. This network provides the following useful things for any real socialist organization:
-more accurate statistics of production and of demand
-alleviation of bureaucratic duty, as many functions are replaced by machine computing and at the same time constraining the bureaucrats, making it much more difficult to exploit the socialist system and making them far more replaceable
-politicization of the wider people as it would give them direct input to societal and economic administration, where they no longer have to be alienated by bourgeois electoral politics where you effectively vote for a reality star with no guarantee of him representing what he campaigned for. This also means possible implication of worker self-management.
-excellent application in central planning
-possibilities for direct democracy as Cockshott himself laid out, although I am skeptical of this
-direct and live co-operation with other places of industry by workers there, possibly removing the shitty tendency under worker's self management for the workers themselves to fall to nepotism, or where they lack the ability to see beyond the factory fence.
We should also consider the possibility of bringing about reforms under a parliamentary system if a party would get in power, which would install a more direct electronic democracy, in an attempt to make parliamentary politics obsolete while we are holding temporary monopoly over the new system. Neither Marx nor Lenin denied the importance of parliamentary democracy, even if the system is rigged against us.
Aside from Cockshott's theories we need to discuss some realities of socialist revolution;
-Despite Maoist-third worldists being retarded in most regards, there is truth in the fact that revolution is nigh impossible in the first world, or is becoming obsolete as we speak. The reason for this is that the productive forces of these countries is being closed down locally and exported abroad where labor is cheap, were the revolution to come in the USA for an example the proletarian would seize their staplers, printers, computers and stores, as they work largely in the service industry, and would easily be quarantined and starved to death or killed. They are also unlikely to rise up because the first world funds the welfare of it's citizens and it's society itself trough imperialism on lesser countries. This means that crisis is effectively delayed as long as they are successful in their subjugation.
-Revolutions in the second or third world, or more specifically in countries with 10M< citizens. These countries cannot effectively eliminate capitalism or implement socialism as they are not self-sustainable. It is why, for an example, Cuba has a market sector of up to 30% of it's economy, to do otherwise would be either to deny your citizens some extremely necessary resources/products or to fall to stagnation as you have no resources to keep up or build your own economy and watch it collapse. This is a very existential problem for me especially, since I come from one of these countries that do not have large industrial capacity, and it must be recognized that the majority of the world's countries are these countries.
So comrades, what is to be done? We need a contemporary plan.