Anyone else feeling more Green than Red? I'm absolutely no tree-hugger or primitivist...

not really
liberal, liberty. It kind of makes sense if you think about it.

words can be spooks, fixed ideas too homie. Careful.

Words are spooks. They are an abstraction on reality. A basketball or a ball still poorly describes what a basketball is. It only describes what Ive attributed to the object.

A market requires private entities for trade to take place and objects to trade held in private ownership. Since the state owned pretty much everything there couldn't have been trade in any meaningful sense of the word.

Do you allocate objects between your right and left hands or do you trade an object between them?

Read the chapter 14 of .pdf related on property relations.

That's pretty much the definition of "commodities". Hence my remark.

Precisely no, it didn't.

More of a Cicero, Hobbes, or Jefferson than a Lincoln, really.

I guess "decadence" might have been a better word? Basically indulging in wasteful extravagance and living beyond one's means rather than equal or less. I fail to see how a communism with rhetoric built around "the porkies are screwing you over, rise up to advance your material conditions" could demolish that.

What are you talking about, exactly? The farm coops? The sole allocator of its products was the state.

What definition are you using here? You realize that just because products were allocated that's not a sufficient definition of a commodity, right?

Communism isn't rhetoric, tho. Communism is a movement that abolishes the present state of things, just how like capitalism was to feudalism.

This is a fact, whether you like it or not.
Rise up to abolish the current state of things, more like. We aren't socdems, wanting workers to live in luxurious decadence while keeping the main logic behind production the same (not that this weren't a contradiction in itself).

But I think we aren't even looking for the term "decadence" – something that is pretty much secondary, cultural. We are looking for a term that pinpoints the causation: wastefulness – an economic term. We can safely say that communism will be a much less wasteful economic system since it doesn't rely a non-existent "invisible hand" of the market, but guides and plans production consciously.




The one you just gave me: