Top Fucking Kek

Top Fucking Kek

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Welp, fuck. Going to kill myself now.

on a more serious note, this just implies once again that the DPRK doesn't actually want to be isolated, it's not chosen by them, rather imposed by them. They don't want war or conflict

imposed on them*

Why can't we all just get along?

So much for the "anti-imperialist" DPRK.
We must critically support somali pirates in their struggle against zionist-american imperialism

WTF im team Somali Pirates now

We must support Somali Pirates valiant struggle against USA-DPRK imperialism

were the Somali Pirates the real anarchists the whole time

phoneposters are the first to get the wall

Anarchism is a spook, Somali pirates know that it's all their property

Pretty bad-ass tbh.

We must support the Somali Pirates' anti-imperialist struggle!

George Bush is

Oceania has always been allied to Eastasia.

Of course porkies put their differences aside when it comes to oppressing former fishermen, who lost their job due to foreigners overfishing and overpolluting their fishing grounds.



has roo seen this?

I doubt anyone wants war, and Isolation is probably pushed by the chinks so Kim can be their buffer.

dat North Korean conscription training coming in handy I guess

solidarity with our Somalian comrades

America and the DPRK teaming up to kill like two Somali pirates does not undo decades of aggression between the states.


The DPRK worked with the USA to fight Japan in WW2.

Only to get fucked in the arse by them later and got a military dictatorship imposed on them.

Kim Il Sung actually won a nation-wide election as president of the short-lived People's Republic of Korea which was declared illegitimate by the US and Syngman Rhee, who was nothing but a US tool, got installed. The US-controlled regime then proceeded to literally genocide their own people Khmer Rouge style:

But the DPRK started the Korean War, right? This is what imperialist apologists would have you believe. "South Korea" (it's such a illegitimate regime that it requires quotation marks tbh) even planned to invade DPRK:


Nothing new

What's your point? Are you denying that this happened? The People's Republic of Korea had communists in many positions of power, but has many bourgeois elements too as it was an anti-imperialist creation that was concerned with national liberation.

Communists and Kim Il Sung were popular because they happened to be very determined elements within their anti-colonial struggle. In the North, there were many grassroot worker movements as well.

Hence why they had to be killed for the sake of socialism.


Ancaps aren't anarchist though


The eternal Yugoslav

has there ever been such a cut-and-dry example of the good side and the evil side

Are the somali pirates, dare I say, /ourguy/s?

this but unironically

No becayse that is the spookyist thing I'v evyer herhd.

third world "solidarity" blown the fuck out