
From my experience, when people have more time on their hands the only thing they do is drink, smoke, fight, and fuck. You seem to think that people would naturally spend their free time working hard, creating new technologies, and producing things to give away for free.

There ARE people who think this way and you have to share a society with them. The only thing you can do about them as a socialist is dump them in a forced labor camp for reeducation, assuming that your viewpoint has the majority otherwise you yourself will be in a camp.

My point was not to ban those things, but that those things aren't deemed necessary enough for compensation. No one is going to build power lines for internet if they aren't getting paid for it. However in response to your question, it depends on the context of "art, internet, and school". Is it unreasonable to ban a school that is teaching false information, or is indoctrinating people in a cult like environment? The majority of people would be okay with banning canvases of smeared shit and period blood even though it is artistic expression.

Did the law of value determine production in the USSR? Was there private property? Was there production for profit or market exchange? Sounds pretty socialist to me. Marx didn't even sketch out a socialist society proper before he died, for a good reason, as it is impossible to predict the material conditions and predicaments a socialist revolution would face.
Marx himself advocates for incentives as he propagates labor vouchers. It is fucking utopian to think that people would just work when they have no reason to. The majority of jobs is fucking shit. Have fun finding somebody cleaning pipes for free. What you are advocating is equality of outcome, which is a bizarre notion of socialism that conservatives have. Go try to build one of these hippie communes that got rid of work incentives, they have all failed, even on a minimal communal level.

Lots of people probably would spend all their free time doing that, and that's okay because as class-cucks love to remind us people are different. Some people live for the sesh, some people really enjoy producing art, some people enjoy working at technology. Especially with art it is something that is fun, it's something that even in capitalism lots of people do without compensation because they enjoy it.

In the case of science and engineering I would consider it socially necessary labour but art is a different matter, it is something that should not be professionalized and instead be accessible to everyone who is interested.

Or we could just vote, make a decision and ignore them since they're such an overwhelming minority that we don't even need to bother engaging with them.

But they are, schools and internet absolutely are. Some people may disagree but those people aren't very numerous.

That's not banning school, that's regulating education which we all already agree with.

Why would you need to regulate other's behavior?


We're not talking about a weekend off you dipshit. If you think people can or would just spend their entire lives doing those things to the exclusion of anything else then you're even more stupid than the people you parody.

Read a fucking book.

Labor vouchers aren't an incentive. It's a method of managing scarcity.
There are more reasons to utilize your labor than simply avoiding starvation.
No. I'm not. I'm advocating that a socialist society provide essential necessities to every member of society. We currently produce enough food to ensure everyone gets a meal so this isn't some utopian post-scarcity daydream.
You seem to have me confused with yourself. You've actually absorbed and accepted anti-communist rhetoric into your world view and adjusted your view of how communism will operate accordingly. It's quite bizarre.

Alright I think I understand where these viewpoints come from. The only real world experience you guys seem to have is the inside of university classrooms, which would also explain why there is no consideration for practical application.

I'm a high-school dropout who went straight into the labourforce. I've never seen the inside of a university.

Not to mention that's not the argument anyway.

where the fuck do you think culture came from, how culture and science existed before capitalism?

What tha fuck?