10% of NYC public school pupils are homeless

More than 111,500 students in New York City schools were homeless during the last academic year, a 6 percent increase over the year before and enough people to populate a small city.

This is a level unseen in a single city since Dickens wrote of the children in London

And this number is rising every year.


Other urls found in this thread:


Who cares about these useless first worlders? Like holy shit you're living off the surplus extracted from third worlders like how hard is it to just get a job sheesh what losers

Even ironically this is infuriating to read

They're still First World net exploiters living on indigenous land.

The Third Worldist saves the day again at last by saying, "what if the homeless teens, deserved it"

oh wow it's so hard to not slave away in a factory making shoes and having access to homeless shelters

boo hoo

American bourgeois have no need for homeless American teens - it's far easier and cheaper to get the poors from across the globe to do the work instead.

And those shelters generally don't let you stay longer than like 24hrs. It's a weird fucky system.

I'm sure that relegating a large chunk of your youth population to homelessness isn't a net negative to your society.

Fucking lazy kids.
Just work hard and pull yourself by the bootstraps.

So lazy they become purposefully homeless, fucking millennials

It's this generation's fault for feeling like they're owed a house. It's easy enough to get at least a small place if you work hard enough and save up but no one has any self control anymore

So how are the bourgeoisie going to solve this problem?

This thread clearly proves that Third World Countries are a hegemonical threat for a Western socialist revolution. We should prompt reactionaries to bomb them to ashes, so that we can then feel good about ourselves and finally seize those means of production, without having to endure college students telling us that children in Congo have ot much harder than us.

The same way they "solve" the homeless problem in other cities, by hiding it are getting the police to kick them out of the city.

What percent are fatherless

I'm guessing zero, if not I'm off to start a new religion

Oh fuck off

Fuck off too

Like that matters when there's actual causes to the problem that aren't fucking family based

Lol. Must be all that avocado toast and iphones huh?

but why don't millennials love capitalism dog bless america xd

You joke, but so many of my peers complain about barely making rent when their rent is only 700 dollars a month tops. Everyone should easily be able to afford that if you don't waste it on stupid shit



700 dollars is a lot when you're chronically underemployed or a minor.

Yeah, everyone should just pick up their bootstraps and not end up homeless in a single city in the millions, with teenagers in the hundreds of thousands.

Everyone is a fucking blank slate with the same ability to make rent. Especially in New York. There's no other way to explain this phenomenon

Just get a loan lmao, you people are hilarious

You only make roughly 850 a month on min wage. Fuckin christ that is over 80% of monthly pay.

A large chunk of these teens are below the age of 16. Teens is also a misnomer, there's a


Homelessness problem in New York. If its under the age of 16. That can include a statistical reality there are at least 1,000+ homeless 12 year olds.

Just get a loan lmao, you people are hilarious

I had a job at 16, it's not that hard

Where the fuck do you live where rent is 700/month?

Capitalism in purity is justifying child homelessness with "just get a loan"

You also can't work more than 20 hrs a week at 16 you fuckin retard

Not NYC, because I'm smart enough to not try to live past my means just because I like the big city like these kids do

Is that true? My dad always let me work however many hours I wanted at the shop

Don't forget, how many of these children can be kidnapped and trafficked. Murdered, or raped. Hit by a car, beat up. Killed for being on someone's turf. To say "just get a loan lmao" is complete inhumanity As OP said, in recent history, nothing matches this number of homeless minors concentrated in one small area except Victorian London.

Every household should just have a law breaking Dad like you who pays them.

Oh wait that's not how fucking reality works

These kids were born in New York city you fucking absolute cro magnun

There is not a single non-economically depressed city/area that has rents that low. Even Texas is starting to experience this type of hyper-gentrification. Also how the fuck does a 15 year old "choose" to live anywhere?

Does it get tiring being this retarded in every thread you post in?

You are not only the most hated namefag on this board, but you are also probably one of the most hatable people in America. Nobody wants to, or will ever, fuck with you

Family businesses/farms are the only exception to that rule.

Yeah I know, but nothing's stopping them from moving somewhere else. That's my point

You are human garbage. You don't even know how bad New York's homeless problem can be.

Family businesses/farms are the only exception to that.

That's why I said they should move somewhere else where it isn't as bad

Uh? Being homeless?

That's why I'm saying they should move somewhere cheaper

I want you to get physically violated by a rich Hollywood executive over the age of 80 for money to move to a private island so you can take your ideology to its logical conclusion

I want you to walk just ten miles in NYC homeless without getting arrested by police or spat on, and having to take back routes which get you into a similar amount of trouble.

You aren't even asking why there might be so many homeless people

So much for the tolerant left

No one is this dumb, you have to be baiting.

Moving them to the third world to slave away in McFactory™ and sill be profitable.

The cities are where the jobs are, no point in staying in small towns, especially if you can't afford a car. You're somehow worse than the average roseposter.

It’s the children’s fault for not respect the free market.

It’s the children’s fault for not respecting the free market.™

The cities are where the jobs are, no point in staying in small towns, especially if you can't afford a car.

No one is tolerant of hubristic idiocy.

The cars you need to even get to a grocery store outside of major cities cost far more money to operate than these people make in a year. Without large crowds to hide in, the homeless are also easier targets for the police. Finally, small towns have fewer social services that can provide a bare subsistence for the homeless. It's more than just the cost of real estate alone a lot of the time.

The cars you need to even get to a grocery store outside of major cities cost far more money to operate than these people make in a year. Without large crowds to hide in, the homeless are also easier targets for the police. Finally, small towns have fewer social services that can provide a bare subsistence for the homeless. It's more than just the cost of real estate alone a lot of the time.

I remember when I went the north dakota for work in the metal factories when I was younger with my cousin. They won't rent out places unless you were in living there for a year or some crazy shit so I had a job but was homeless. Slept under expressways, bathrooms until finally I got chummy with a guy who worked at a gas station with showers and I paid 130 a month to rent a shower room to live in.

Homeless people live a different life outside the view of most normies.

You don't have to live in NYC to live in a city. Live in a cheaper city like Buffalo or Columbus

I remember when I went the north dakota for work in the metal factories when I was younger with my cousin. They won't rent out places unless you were in living there for a year or some crazy shit so I had a job but was homeless. Slept under expressways, bathrooms until finally I got chummy with a guy who worked at a gas station with showers and I paid 130 a month to rent a shower room to live in.

Homeless people live a different life outside the view of most normies.

Neither of those are particularly good cities for the homeless

Buffalo doesn't have a homeless problem because of it's population and duty of the local city government to combating the problem entirely. Similarly, less people in Columbus, but just as well has a homeless problem as well.

You need to be forced to understand A) Homeless people can't magically move B) Homeless kids under 16 can't magically move C) They are probably going to die or get arrested and did not chose that fate D) Homelessness usually scales to population, it's similar in percentage of people per city, with exceptions, E) The homeless population isn't going to get better because of "good capitalist behavior of moving" even if they could move without better urban planning

And finally homeless kids have a better voice on these issues and are more well thought than any of your posts you've ever made have been.

Better to live in the woods then be homeless on the streets.

living in your car > both tbh

Let's live in a magical fantasy world where homeless people in cities can just walk their problems away to a better world where they can work be fed and housed.

Homelessness is a voluntary issue and not a systematic one. Just go get a job, be respected, have a family, and live a good life, you silly 13 year olds. And for all the 16 year old girls with no future out there, ever thought of moving in with a man, lying about your age, marrying him for his money, totally not being miserable, and getting pregnant? It can happen! :)

Oh but especially children, this works the best for them. They can walk out on the streets the safest! Who would ever want to hurt a kid!

I don't get this homelessness problem! Just be like me!

Forgive the first picture of Felix. That was an accident.

Anybody else think a lotta teen runaways are girls that don't get on with their mums? It's just something I've noticed…

Ever think your posts are shit. No because you keep making them.

You're disgusting.

what is late stage capitalism




Just read the thread

i dont get all the people calling you evil, human garbage, or that hate you… you're just an absolute retard. try to be smarter i guess?

Except America is a third world country.

Seriously, what's the law that says you can't go somewhere else if you're homeless?


America is reaping what it has sowed throughout the world. In a cosmic sense this is a good thing.

You want children to die and be abused with nowhere to go, no wonder you're Christian

Anything that brings America pain and puts stress on their emprie is good for the world in the long run. Yes it is sad that these children are suffering but America has been inflicting that sort of pain onto Latin America, Africa, and rest of the developing world for more than half a century.

Anything that brings children unnasociated with even parents pain and misery is good by me.

So sayeth most religious men

Which is why it's better if we just exterminate the niggers, in order to build something we can call a Utopia.

You're a fucking psycho and people give a shit about you less than thousands of homeless children under the age of 10 in New York because you're a psycho

An arrogant, stupid, psycho

That won't solve why capitalism has homelessness you dumb fucking ape

Durrrr if we kill enough homeless brown kids we win and no homelessness

No one wept for the first born of Egypt. History is cruel.

What's up NYPD how many homeless kids have you locked up this year

To build the future we deserve, we need a population of high Autism Level people. It's painful, but necessary. The Soviet Union had no qualms about it.

No one wept for the first born of Egypt except for you know their parents.

These people don't even have parents you're a sociopath

Then kill yourself already so some can. Like what you want

Oh shut the fuck up you edgy contrarian bastard

xd homeless children I love it kill them more

Holla Forums you're so stupid you might as well be a homeless drop out

If we have undesirables dragging us down, we'll never be able to complete our revolution. The evil nazis like Drumpf and his white supremacists friends will continue to use them against us. Even BLM are too stupid to realize that antifa is the path. They just attack us becauce they're too stupid to see the spells nazis have cast on them.

What have the homeless children done for the cause? Do they deserve bread and water when they invest nothing?

I asked what's up NYPD how many homeless children have you made sure went to Juvenile Hall to throw out back in the streets later

Hahahahahahahahahahahaha holy shit

I bet you unironically sympathize for southern soldiers in the American civil war as well.

Anyways the point I am making is that this is only the beginning. America brought this on itself. Things are going to get a lot worse.

Sympathizing with one hundred thousand homeless youth is actually sympathizing with the confederates.

Is this the hottest take?

Blah blah blah blah shut the fuck up

You first psycho

This is a resistance, and we need to rise up. Yet all you do is laugh like a silly child. That's ok, maybe after you break enough rocks in a gulag, you'll smarten up.

i have no idea how much of this thread is psychopathy and how much of it is trolling but ya'll need to stop.

Bring me the homeless child, and I'll show you the crime.

What the fuck are you even talking about at this point. You're moralizing over how the hundred thousand homeless kids are American

Jason just fucking contact your mother and make amends

Bring me the poster and I'll show you the autism

Fuck off already

Stop larping and shut the fuck up

Lurk Das Kapital for three volumes before ever posting here again.


what does Das Kapitslnhave to do with the epidemic of homeless children in New York being killed in your ideal world


Mainly because it is a long book, and will occupy a substantial amount of your time freeing you from shitting up this board.

Niggers are holding back our revolution, and that is a fact. You know it to be true.


What the fuck is your incoherent bullshit relating to Das Kapital or to homeless children you want to see dead? Or something?

I'm not seeing the link. In fact you sound autistic, severely autistic.


HAhahahahaah Holla Forums stole redistributed your quads.

Everyone is clowning on you for wanting to kill children like shadow the fucking hedgehog I don't think you represent who you truly think you do

Read it some time, then perhaps you can grasp what your board is supposed to be about.

What a fuck boy looking fuck boy

It's supposed to be about killing children who are homeless my favorite part of Das Kapital


eat shit nobody wants to see kids abused or murdered go fucking to liberty with the rest of your age of consent questioning kin

Fuck off. I wish I could ban you for years

Thread successfully derailed. Enjoy!

Op here. It isn't really. But I'm glad you were only pretending to be retarded

Glad to know Holla Forums's stance on killing homeless children

People would die to help a homeless seven year old who has no hope, in any way. They would try anything to help.

Who would die for you

Hitler. Good night, comrades.

I meant alive. I'm glad that means no one.

So nobody alive.

He's dead alright.

Hitler probably would have you executed

Wrong answer.

Yeah you're really helping this white homeless family in Albany by saying they deserved to be executed to help the white race. Great job Holla Forums.

New York has more homeless minors today than it had during the Great Depression.

It's already here, fam.

Can't wait for the Senate to argue for legalization of minor labor in the year 2036

it's always the kids with them isn't it

getting a loan is morally wrong, it is better to steal that money, at least you won't be the one getting the short end of the stick

Holy fuck that comment section, flyover fascism is real. The Handmaid's Tale won't be in New England, it'll be in the midwest.

wish granted



Most posters haven’t read it, admit that.

Some fucker commented say that it’s good because children originally got school of in Summer to do farm labor. Ignoring that those children worked on there parent’s farm, not some McFarm™

South is most likely. South is the most reactionary part of America.

underrated tbh

so many redditors in this thread.


They could always return to Africa or Asia..

You devised some way for them to take the cities they built back with them?

Son, is the bait really worth it if the topic is about a rapid growth of child homelessness.

Those were built by Italians and Irish, not recent 3rd world trash that want everything handed out.

Where are the parents? Maybe they should use a condom next time.


Children become homeless get abducted,a nd you're worried about who builds buildings.

That's great, I'm glad you want to live in Victorian London, not all of us do. Why don't you stop being a spoiled brat.

America is the world's richest third world country.

Unironically this, isn't NYU one of the most elite university in the world. Tuition is like 20k + a year in Arizona I can't imagine what NYU runs.
Fuck these capitalist class climbers.
Oh no homelessness is a tradegy because it's happening to affluent pretty young white people. And yes they without exception are affluent to be going to a school that expensive.

It isn't? How can you be both affluent and homeless. That doesn't make sense. And these aren't university school students they're homeless people

Do you, not get, that a university existing doesn't mean everyone attends that university. Or are you as stupid as moth third worldists.

Not to mention, this is about teenagers and children who aren't old enough to go to a university to begin with

There are many parts of America that might as well be third world