Anyone else feel the traditional Marxist focus on "class warfare" isn't productive in the first world?

Wait, is Holla Forums finally figuring out their sychophantic attachment to 19th century political thought is actually detrimental to advancing the human condition? I never thought I'd see the day

You're supposing that once automation replaces low-level labor, the low-level laborers will rise up in defiance. Of what? Technology? It would be a revolution of horseshoe makers. If history is any indication of the future, the response from society will be unitary and firm: adapt or die. Some will adapt, others will parasitically live off the system in the form of welfare, the rest will become drug addicts and get thrown in prison.
lol no
Usually very uneducated and swayed by emotional arguments and organized subversion. They might follow you but they'll follow anyone who will promise them something better. Maybe good for cannon fodder but you can't rebuild society with this as your main faction.
Class war is a different form of tribalism so this doesn't actually make sense
who honestly cares? not as many people as you think tbh. and people are eager to be placated with biodegradable wrappers and reusable bags like it solves anything.

How much control do I exert when my coworkers vote to make arrangements in my workplace that I don't want? The boot of the people is only a different color from the boot of the tyrant. I shall not be free unless I am also free from the tyranny of the masses everywhere, including community and work.

post-left anarchy = best anarchy

unironically kill yourselves


Unironically read a book

it literally isn't though

Politics that acknowledges and seeks to counteract the existence of class isn't identity politics; class politics in the way I've seen most Holla Forums users speak of it (proles good, porkies evil) is identity politics, though.

What is leftism without class struggle? Isn't the entire point of everything in leftism to free the working class from living at the mercy of the bourgeoisie? What happens when we abandon that because you want to call it "identity politics"? Class is not an identity, and class politics cannot be identity politics no matter how you look at it.