Ever wondered what happens when an autistic, permavirgin omegazord from Holla Forums uses the NY subway? Wondered what happens when they throw shitfits cause, for example, black kids stood too close to him in his safe space in a public space outside of his moms basement?
Find out here!
Also is this the point where angsty, assburgered betas use law as an excuse to practice their "HURR MUH FREEZE PEECH!!1"?
I love seeing people behave as autistically as possible within the rules of the law and then get bullied by mobs. It's a very niche enjoyment I have, but I enjoy it every time without fail.
Eli Lee
Why do i miss all the fun stuff.
James Ross
This guy got to the real essence of reactionary thought with this piece of street theatre. I like how he stripped it back to its raw elements
Christian Hughes
In case anyone is wondering why the OP is edited I reported the post asking the mods to remove metadata from it. Thanks mods.
Nicholas Garcia
Here's what I assume he's going to post on pol
Jackson Young
"Free speech" doesn't mean "you get to say whatever you want." Free speech is a guarantee to participate both in society and the tools of its governance.
He exercised his freedom of speech, and the people on the train exercised theirs. He called a bunch of strangers "stupid niggers" and in return they threw his ass off the train.
That's free speech, not being able to say whatever stupid shit you want and then hide behind the cops when you piss everyone around you off.
Adrian Hall
This guy is every "so much for the tolerant left!" dipshit irl
Daniel Thomas
Oh dear god did anyone here read the comments?
Brayden Stewart
Noah Perez
Niggers are a disease in the catacombs of the NYC subway.(RIDER WAS SOUPED FOR THIS FREE SPEECH)
Jeremiah Brooks
Yeah, it is.
Nazis are the disease of civilization.
Evan Gonzalez
Great. I'm gonna start throwing black people off of the subway because their skin color and culture offends me. Free speech.
Hunter Cruz
Thomas Powell
lmao good luck bro, see you on the next spergy video
Isaac Sanchez
Colton King
btw nazi spergjobs
If white people are so superior then how come they need to enslave inferior races and keep systematic racism going(for example, via the 13th amendment) in order for their countries to prosper?
Julian Richardson
Malarial resistance, you dumb shine.
Jaxson Russell
Daniel Brown
Yeah, it's the black people that are the problem here. Not the drunken stormfag yelling "NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER" on the train.
Isaiah Lewis
Ok then again, how come they need an inferior race in order to gain immunity from disease?
I thought white people were more superior than that?
Luis Long
aut-rightists went too far trying to convince everyone that "talk shit; get hit" was some super far-left commie ideology instead of just how things are in large groups of people and are surprised that nobody gives a fuck about them filling their diaper over it
Lucas Williams
If it's ok to throw people off of trains for offending you, then it's ok to throw people off of trains for offending you. The "nuance" in the situation you're ham-fistedly alluding to is your belief bias. As long as you agree with the person getting kicked off the train, it's morally ok. If you don't, it's not.
Daniel Clark
shig dig
Benjamin Campbell
Why do you keep your farm animals in pens?
Evan Collins
Yes, people never film black people acting up in public. And they most certainly do not link those videos on Holla Forums where they proceed to circlejerk about how much they hate black people.
Asher Hughes
He got kicked off the train because he was acting up and harassing other passengers.
Brandon Anderson
Because you'd really expect so much better from stormer NEETs who have the social skills of a spoiled, angsty 10 year old with autism, right?
Sebastian Rivera
my dude you are dumb as shit
Hunter Adams
lmao go for it dude, no one is stopping you make sure there are cameras around I want to stay entertained
Evan Walker
I'm really scared for people like you.>>2142972
Colton Cooper
I'm really scared for people like you.
Adam Gomez
For a group of people who claim theyre so genetically superior you sure lose quite often to the inferior ones.
Not to mention that, to this day, this country is still heavily reliant on systematic minority enslavement.
But "hwite powur!!11", right?
Jordan Parker
Are you scared for crash test dummies as well, friendo?
Michael Anderson
The only baboon was the rightist acting up and harassing other passengers who paid their money for a relaxing trip.
Isaiah Rivera
My ancestors relied on oxen to plow the fields. I rely on gooks to assemble my phones. Times change and so do the laboring animals. Eventually, when low-level labor is replaced by robots, we can finally purge all forms of labor animals. Whites are still steady cucking every culture on the planet, as they have been for a thousand years. Stay mad, faggot.
Xavier Howard
Michael Torres
You forgot the car, a conservative is noting without his car
Jose Rodriguez
I thought white culture was being cucked by Jewish cultural Marxists?
Austin Brown
Comon' man, clearly these is the type of people who doesn't have any love in their lives.
Then again…they are probably incapable of love or empathy for that matter…
Hudson Davis
Nice LARP, but perhaps you could address the topic of the thread.
Michael Gutierrez
Comon' man, clearly these is the type of people who doesn't have any love in their lives.
Then again…they are probably incapable of love or empathy for that matter…>>2142995
Jaxson Reed
I thought the jews are replacing them? What's there to be mad about?
Jaxon Cox
Holy shit!
Luke Lee
William Robinson
How exactly does this bring us closer to anything constructive?
Brayden Davis
This. It's not like they kicked him off the train for being white like
this dumb ass seems to think. Not even five seconds into the video and you can see people on the train trying to reason with him.
Oliver Rogers
Good point, but this is just a /trash/ thread to make fun of Holla Forumsreddit.
Asher Allen
Killin' Nazis
Elijah Murphy
What? We're just laughing at a retard being retarded and getting the obvious response from chim.ping out in public like that
Ethan Rodriguez
A stormfag got scundered on camera. Why wouldn't we want to see this?
Elijah Cox
Can you please try to kick a nigger off a train? It'll even things out probably
Robert Smith
Don't say that about white people
Mason Parker
The sound a right-winger makes in its natural habitat.
Dylan Morris
Welp, if their idea of being white is sperging off about "NIGGURS!!1" then they need to re-think their image
It's also asking about how neocons are gonna attempt to become lawyers because of their god emperor.
Joshua Watson
Not everything's about race, user.
Austin Hill
They certainly are trying, as they have in every culture who has ever let them in.
Jaxon Turner
Gabriel Baker
Does your short attention span forbid you from staying on topic?
Nolan Cooper
It's those superior genes, man
Brayden Garcia
Good luck with that. We all know how well you skinnyfat neckbeards do against them
Justin Richardson
Some autist sperged at some orcs and they orced at him. They stole his shit and physically assaulted him. That's what orcs do. It's why AROUND BLACKS NEVER RELAX
Leo Smith
It's /trash/, but idiots like these need to be put in their place for there to be unity like your pic states.
Isaac Mitchell
Jonathan Reed
I know you've convinced yourself that anyone right of ML is a neckbeard autist with no social life, just like your bizarro clones at Holla Forums think all leftists are all a bunch of limp-wristed genderqueer autists. The strawman is strong these days.
Brandon Davis
Aw so sowwy u got soup on u all you did was scream obscenities and harass your peers for superficial bullshit on a public train
Bentley Lopez
Adrian Williams
They do all the convincing for us.
Matthew Phillips
The topic was why the aut-rightist was thrown off the train, and it was pointed out that this is to be expected when you're acting up and harassing other passengers who paid their fare. Since you have not countered this, I can only assume you are unable to, and that is why you are changing the topic.
Daniel Peterson
Ouch. Did I hit a sore spot there, friendo?
Austin Anderson
Except its true though
Colton Price
Cool, another thread in which the communist basement dwellers of Holla Forums imagine themselves as somehow in league with humanity's most bling obsessed sub-segment. We wuz niggas and sheit!
Grayson White
aut rightists are brainlet cucks
Christopher Ross
He was thrown off the train for harassing chimps. He's an idiot who should keep to himself. Technically, the subway police should have handled it, and people shouldn't have taken his shit, but it's New York and Orcs. I have very low expectations all around.
Christopher Lee
My dude, you are completely retarded.
Eli Bennett
I disagree. Not all leftists are like that.
Luis Edwards
unlike Holla Forums, Holla Forums at least pretends to read.
Jackson Wood
Yeah, people really need to stop whining about foreclosures and the greek debt crisis. It's textbook anti-semitism.
Cooper Cruz
I bet you think were mad that Hill Dog lost amirite?
Ian Clark
One thing I've noticed about these threads is they always seem to bring a shocking amount of random lurking Holla Forumsyps out of the woodwork. You never see the frequency of Holla Forumsposting in any other threads as you do in threads that are mocking pictures or videos of IRL stormfags.
I wonder why that is.
Ryder Fisher
The feudal lords needed to preserve feudalism, and to do that they needed banks. Are you daft? You're literally comparing kings with retirees and young families of color. You're dumb.
Robert Butler
Since you admit it was totally reasonable to throw out the screaming person, you have nothing to complain about.
Brayden Jenkins
Most of the people in the second pic seem like relatively normal people.
Austin Williams
Who's complaining? I just said it's not "free speech", which it isn't.
Matthew Roberts
Stop this. Everyone was affected by foreclosures, not just retirees and families of color.
Isaac Hill
pretty good for whack-a-Holla Forums
William Jackson
Aiden Gonzalez
Angel Bell
From these threads we will generate more aut-right beatdown vids
Joshua Morales
Easton Cruz
It's within their right for the passengers to remove a man who is breaking the peace. Workers pay their money for a relaxing trip. This man wasn't expressing his free speech; he was harassing passengers.
Ayden Phillips
there's a metaphor here somewhere
Owen Torres
Who literally said anything about Illary, other than you?
Cameron Green
Because these threads are incredibly easy to derail, so they come in to try and spoil the fun by making the thread about trying to argue with Holla Forums's ideology rather than laughing about this racist fuck getting his dumb ass thrown off a train.
Charles Mitchell
Nyet, in fact they might've just created one.
We don't know that, he appeared very heavily intoxicated. Not defending his outburst, just clarifying that drunken racism is not exclusive to Internet Nazis. You mean attacked & essentially robbed a guy on camera for his sacred practice of Freeze-Peaching? We may find it funny, but the average Joe certainly doesn't.
Ryan Murphy
10/10 good for a laugh
Hudson Garcia
They are derailed by the same spergjobs as depicted in the vid. From there they try to prove themselves to a bunch of internet strangers and in turn, create more of these lulzy vids.
Nathaniel Diaz
Read the thread dumbass
Lucas Ortiz
He was thrown off for being a massive faggot. Has it ever occurred to you idiots that your views are actually incredibly unpopular and people rightfully hate you for them?
Ideologies based on harassing people for the color of their skin, as it turns out, are fucking obnoxious.
Julian Cox
Do not cry this hypocrisy when our lands were "humaned" up while we enjoyed our simple lives. Humans sure are weak when they don't have the technological advantage.
Carter Gutierrez
He's saying the people in the pictures aren't leftists, not that we aren't leftist **which is dumb anyway because we're "leftists" under capitalism the same way capitalists were left-feudalists"
Brayden Davis
he he
Tyler Scott
Oliver Reed
I was trying to imply that it's because they're very sensitive and videos like this shatter the lie they like to construct for themselves and sell to other people that they're a bunch of ripped, alpha males so they're reflexively more offended by this kind of content than they could be by anything else you're likely to see on Holla Forums as it reminds them of who they truly are. Kind of like that Goebbels quote about how the most offensive thing you can call a Jew is a Jew.
Easton White
It was mostly white people doing it though.
Logan Price
Holla Forums really isn't even slightly self aware, is it?
Nathan Collins
The Lord of the Rings is to aut-rightists as Harry Potter is to liberals
Oliver Barnes
How america menages to create such autistic people? I never seen amount of people this autistic and out of touch with reality be it right or left as i seen in america. Is it something in the water there or something?
Dylan Foster
Do you get personally offended when some anarkiddy gets a bat broken over his head at a protest? Does that shake you to your core and challenge your core identity? No. It makes you think "what a retard, wear a helmet stupid"
Gavin Ortiz
Lots and lots of lead paint everywhere even in the water.
Anthony Ramirez
At this point I'm pretty sure it's corn and that the natives played the long con and got the last laugh sort of
Carson Jenkins
IQ is a normal distribtuion. There are upper and lower tails of that distribution. Clearly this autist was far off on the left half of that distribution.
Logan Jenkins
That's an album cover right there
Austin Roberts
So beneath all the hang wringing and really flimsy justifications we finally arrive at "retard gets thrown off train for being retarded", and unanimously by the white and black people there at that, which is exactly why we're laughing at him. No real counter to that I see yet
Gabriel Johnson
It's just a generic term for racists, dude. And this guy is very obviously racist.
Well it's a good thing we're on Holla Forums then. And I would dispute that the average joe wouldn't find it funny, I found out Richard Spencer got punched the day after it happened because people at work were laughing about it.
Ethan Martinez
Jackson James
Third World here we come!
I can't wait for potato thieves to be lit on fire in California.
Xavier Ward
fucking what?
Evan Ross
Nice try Holla Forums
Daniel Cooper
No, but unlike Holla Forums I don't use ideology as a substitute for a real identity. That behaviour is mainly the domain of fascism and its cousins.
Luis Thomas
Parker Gonzalez
Benjamin Sanchez
Levi Brown
Jason Martinez
Why type out so many words when "I'm retarded" would work just as well?
Andrew Cook
See: constant warfare with neighboring tribes, cant into writing, cant into wheels, cant into farming, living like literal farm animals Every inner city is living proof technology doesn't make a monkey smarter
Gavin Rodriguez
Hudson Brooks
We're reaching levels of strawmanning your opposition that shouldn't be physically possible
Aaron Ramirez
If you steal a potato in a place like Liberia, that's a death sentence for you. Judging by OP's video, I'd say it's fairly certain that in the next decade we will have plenty of videos of white people being executed by mobs in places like New York, Chicago, etc.
Brody Gonzalez
Its not, ive seen lots of normal people talking racist shit drunk in pubs etc…
Joshua Ortiz
I really do hope that you're not white. It'd be really sad if you were.
Thomas Flores
Lmao, why are right wingers always so obsessed with weird minutiae and irrelevant trivia like this? Is this what happens when you're allergic to theory?
Adrian Brooks
Don't you get it, user. Black people act that way because white people colonized Africa a hundred years ago and installed infrastructure. In America, blacks are some of the most well-behaved, well-educated members of society.
Robert Torres
We all know it's true, dude. Fascists like to pretend that they're something they are not. They were doing it in the 30s, they're still doing it now.
Hunter Garcia
Why are you so spooked mister?
Cooper Bennett
Good, thrives must be eradicated without mercy
Carson Morales
Never heard of it before but even a cursory search says that Liberia has the death penalty for aggravated murder, armed robbery, terrorism, "mercenarism" resulting in death, hijacking, treason and espionage. Nothing about potatoes. deathpenaltyworldwide.org/country-search-post.cfm?country=Liberia
Juan Sanders
Have you never read Utopia by Thomas More? Death sentences for petty crimes only leads criminals to be more likely to commit violent crimes as well since the punishment is the same. So if they rob someone, they will also murder them to avoid being caught since the consequences will be the same regardless.
Kevin Walker
It's common here that niggas whom talk shit like nothing going to happen to them get fucked up and robbed of their stuff. This is what talk shit get hit looks like.
Colton Foster
He didn't describe a method, he described a charge that would supposedly lead to the death sentence. Learn to read
Eli Thomas
It's not like the cops come and arrest you, the rest of the town will just execute you in the most horrific ways imaginable.
Don't you get it, user. Black people act that way because white people colonized Africa a hundred years ago and installed infrastructure. In America, blacks are some of the most well-behaved, well-educated members of society.
Chase Kelly
Just guzzling up all the reactionary manbaby tears, brb
Jace Parker
Have you read Republic by Plato?
Brayden Lewis
Yes, they are. We are discussing something entirely tangential to capital punishment policy in Liberia.
Oliver Williams
Here's a webm if you don't like liveleak.
Noah Perez
Obviously, but Utopia is more recent and obviously argues in favor of literal Communism.
Jace Perry
Camden Brown
Kill yourself you larping fucking faggot, what would you know about the "Average Joe"? Get a job you underage twink retard.
Isaac Watson
It's not specific to Liberia you dumb nigger ape. It is popular Africa wide. Mandela used to condemn people to death with it.
Eli Nguyen
Yeah, this is the thing you don't seem to understand. In a civilized society, talking shit does not create justification for assault and theft.
Elijah Sanders
If you literally can't read such a simple thread then calling someone else stupid really is pretty meaningless
Gabriel Diaz
Point to a method being described by him.
Evan Rivera
You really are shit at debate and arguing. Insults are meaningless, and liveleak vids shared in Holla Forums are statistically insiginificant
David Ramirez
That's been the reality for everyone on the NYC subway for decades. Literally nothing is different except that it was an opportunity to laugh at people getting triggered this time.
Aaron Campbell
Oliver Taylor
Pick one.
Dylan Edwards
Jason Martin
Are you retarded? That still has nothing to do with the subject of the thread
Colton Taylor
So then what changed about the country?
Landon Sullivan
He was handled with roughly because he was acting up and harassing passengers. Get over it.
Nathaniel Miller
Of course he is, look at him filling his diaper because we don't care about the last breitbart article he read
Cameron Turner
When has "talk shit; get hit" ever been something that didn't happen in American culture? There are literally entire genres of American movies based on the concept and expounding on it
Samuel Sullivan
wait, are people here actually in favor of this sort of thing? this is like going back to wild west, third world shit, this isn't progress
Bentley Smith
Jeremiah Wright
Sebastian Hill
The train is now better off without him in it. Seems like progress to me.
Oliver Rivera
Jason Cooper
they weren't from all backgrounds though, it's a bunch of POC attacking a white guy.
Levi Miller
Thanks for the quick inputs brainlets. Yes, the cowboy genre does depict the desires of the average american to prove how tough they are when challenged, and while shooting each other outside a saloon is obviously a fantasy people have been trading blows over fighting words since the inception of the country
Camden Carter
I agree. And considering their disproportionate contribution to crime in the US, we should send all blacks to Africa. We'd be better off without them overall.
Sebastian Kelly
holy shit, got more of this?
Justin Nelson
There were 2 white guys blocking him off and trying to reason with him at the beginning of the vid, silly Holla Forumsack
Andrew Adams
Better not say that on the train.
Isaac Perry
the Western genre of films was literally escapist fantasy, like super hero movies
Jackson Hughes
so much for the rational right
Jackson Johnson
I thought that Holla Forums liked the "dura lex, sed lex" rule?
Brayden Young
and then a bunch of POC attack him and rob him
Julian Young
Yes, an escapist fantasy that describes a latent tendency in American culture, which is what I described. Fantasies don't peddle you things you don't want to do.
Mason Phillips
Don't worry, I have 15 little lead presents for anyone wants to use violence as a means of disagreeing with my words.
Joshua Ramirez
Maybe then that little aspie can learn some social skills and what not to say outside of his mommy's basement n screen.
Gavin Lee
do you not understand the difference between something someone might subconsciously want to do, and then something that someone actually would do? just because you want to attack to someone doesn't mean you should
Kayden Reed
Stupid fucking ape baboon jigaboos
Suck it
Christian Cooper
"Wild West, third world shit" would be allowing a person to ruin the quiet atmosphere of a train ride–something that workers purchase with their ticket. Removing the rambunctious passenger is par for the course in a civilized society.
Asher Davis
The guy actually blocking his way from the bag is white, you can clearly see his arms stretched out to stop him from getting past him.
Carter Young
Niggers are never quiet on the train they need to go back to the jungles
Liam Rogers
what about stealing his stuff?
Austin Cook
Tyler Torres
Do you understand how something that so permeates the public subconscious would effect the conscious culture and actions of a society?
Leo Hughes
Theft is okay if you're stealing from a cunt.
Wyatt Rivera
me on the left
Leo Carter
Then send me your address, I need a new computer.
Adam Thomas
Well, in this case, the only one causing problems on the train was the uncivilized right-winger.
Tyler Sanders
Did anyone actually steal the bag?
Jaxon Flores
5037 Connecticut Ave NW, Washington, DC 20008
Come at me bro
Joshua Rivera
I wasn't there, but that's what he's autistically screeching about
Jackson Walker
It's hard to tell in the video, seems we're just taking his word for it
Charles Bell
Aaron Parker
401 N Wabash Ave, Chicago, IL 60611 I'll wait.
Jeremiah Jenkins
I will respond to words with words and violence with violence. Is this a problem?
Christopher Flores
no, not really
you are living in a fantasyland
Oliver Morgan
Stupid fucking black baboons there should be an entire city built for you where you can swing from tree to tree and kill each other over air Jordans while white people commute to work in peace.
Oh wait it's called Detroit and st Louis and Baltimore
Get the fuck out of our cities ape men
Landon Davis
By breaking the peace, he depreciated the value of the tickets that each passenger paid for. His possessions compensate for that loss.
Although I'm not sure that he didn't get back his stuff later that day.
Henry Richardson
No, they just didn't move out of the way when he tried to walk past to get it.
Jonathan Wood
You are living in a hotel? Fucking bourgeoisie scum get out of Holla Forums
Chase Barnes
Gavin Wright
Cooper Hall
Levi Perez
Stupid fucking baboon people you belong in zoos(USER WAS PUT IN A ZOO FOR THIS POST)
Isaac Parker
Then there has never been a civilized society to begin with as fighting and handing over property to settle a dispute goes back through many eras in history.
Is it that time already?
Nolan Sanchez
you can see it thrown onto the platform at 2:20 i think, it looks like they tossed it out after he refused to leave the subway and clung to the seat like a child. in the video a black guy is standing over the black bag, but you can see him move to the other side of the door without it and it looks like he's going for it at the end of the video
Benjamin Allen
Checks out
Adam Torres
Colton Ramirez
is nigger some magical word that allows black people to break the law without repercussion?
Adam Turner
I live outside the hotel, in the alley next to it, you sillies.
Noah Campbell
yes, it's right there in the NY state statutes that you didn't read
Jeremiah Lewis
Who gives a fuck?
Thomas Young
Oliver Davis
Stupid fucking jungle ape people I wish we could send you all to israel so you can shoot each other over air Jordans in the commie blocks of tel Aviv under the stewardship of the KIKES who all seem to love you so much(user was forced to look at his own blackness in the mirror)
Kevin Watson
Right wingers are literally children.
Anthony Cook
moral positivists are fucking retarded
Luis Hall
too obvious
Luke Perry
look at mister hall monitor over here
Juan Reyes
who gives a fuck about the word nigger? why should white people take part in a society where black people are allowed to assault them if they say the naughty no no word?
Asher Davis
You evidently.
Kevin Morgan
That's not even what happened. He got removed after throwing a tantrum, initially he was engaged with calmly.
If you're mad because you'd like to similarly sperg out in public though then please, please don't let anyone in this thread dissuade you. You should absolutely do it and you'll basically be like autistic Rosa Parks which is pretty noble.
Caleb Wood
i'm not the one attacking people over it, apparently it's niggers that are spooked, maybe that's why they used to call them spooks
Jack Powell
Evan Watson
he wasn't just saying the word "nigger." it's new york, no one gives a fuck what some asshole says on the train. if you actually watch the video you see him behaving like a belligerent asshole playing "i'm not touching you, i'm not touching you!" as he screams "NIGGER" into people's faces. he wasn't just minding his own business and then some black people beat him up for using a bad word, they forced a belligerent asshole off a train for harassing people just trying to ride the fucking subway.
you are dumb as shit my man
Aaron Phillips
You people are a parody of yourselves. The people on the subway were 100% in the right, if the same thing happened to a non-white you'de cheering in your hive.
Jace Anderson
Elijah Jenkins
Sorry bro but you're not gonna get a lot of traction using egoism as a justification for that guy because it was of absolutely no conceivable benefit to him to act like a retard
Cameron Baker
Benjamin Anderson
You refuse to address or
You've lost the argument and now you're just throwing a tantrum like the autist in the video.
Jeremiah Robinson
I totally agree, that nazi was an ape who didn't evolve properly
Jordan Cruz
If he was an aware egoist he'd have realized that the law was a spook and that he was basically baiting the bull and expecting Casper to back him up.
This is the classic example of the spookfag. He so believed in The Law and that it would save him, he acted inappropriately in public (to say the least) and expected The Law to magically intercede.
Jason James
I agree, send the chim/pol/zees back to the zoo!
Justin Flores
More like blood and soiled myself
Adam Hughes
I sincerely hope this thread creates more vids of sperglords getting their ass beat and robbed.
Aiden Rivera
Camden Diaz
Bentley Brown
Hudson Jackson
Adam Robinson
Logan Hall
Mason Hernandez
I want Michelle Obama's toned man-thighs locking me in a scissor hold. Am I gay?
Jack Wright
stupid nazi nerds
Camden James
Shhh shhhh user, just ignore their butthurt for now. It seems until they're able to do anything but make animal noises then they will get B&D'd
Matthew Anderson
Never make the mistake of trying to use words when confronted with ferals. In nature, the only currency is violence - save your carefully reasoned arguments and autistic screeching for the company of other humans. Better yet, save yourself from interaction with ferals entirely.
Brayden Lopez
noun 1. Slang: Extremely Disparaging and Offensive.
a contemptuous term used to refer to a black person. a contemptuous term used to refer to a member of any dark-skinned people.
Jordan Cox
Yea those feral nazis sure are weak and violent, huh?
Ethan Martinez
Don't you worry, ghouls aren't going to stop beating and robbing people any time soon, and they have a habit of posting vids online to show off the scalps they've collected.
Kayden Reed
I hope more of those scalps are of the nazi sperglords who waddle outside of mommys basement and try to throw two-year-old temper tantrums about "MUH FREEZE PEEEEEEEEEEEECH TT-TT"
Xavier Barnes
i think we need to have a monthly thread talking about what idpol actually is
Colton Gutierrez
this but unironically
Also I love Holla Forums whining about 'muh niggers on the subway' when some WN degenerate is acting like a baboon and making everyone miserable.
Mason Thompson
Definately need a monthly thread about autistic stormfags getting their shit beat
Noah Moore
Who the fuck do they think they're fooling? Besides themselves. You can't be a bully when you've already been exposed a dozen times over as a snivelling little whiny bitch boy, nobody's going to be intimidated by you if they ever were before.
Michael Myers
Benjamin Harris
subways should be our helicopter meme
Jordan Sullivan
Subway to siberia
Justin Cooper
We Guardian Angels now?
Lincoln Robinson
the aut right gets soup't (robbed n thrown off a subway)
Luke Wood
Nazi scalps? Well, more or less - it's a bit hard to tell what the scalp bearers believed when we didn't bother to ask. What's important is really having the scalps.
But rest assured, all who oppose us are functionally Nazis. :v)
Zachary Powell
Don't worry, sweet Holla Forumsack child. We didnt need to ask. They sperged all of that out for us
Juan Campbell
And who's going to do it? Every time you fuckers try you get punched out, thrown out and run out like the whimpering little sissy fuckbois you are.
Caleb Bennett
Levi Richardson
Ethan Allen
lel does seeing from this video how everyone both black and white hates you hurt your feefees? That literally nobody stood up for you?
Grayson Johnson
ITT: Holla Forums autists think all racists are nazis Holla Forums autists get triggered by white racists getting bounced
Noah Campbell
ITT: You're triggered as fuck.
Chase Reed
Could even try to sage on the thread that nazis are being eternally BTFO'd but instead spergs out. Comedy gold.
More like Holla Forums laughing at butthurt nazis and racists
William James
Europeans rape and pillage the world but others have to go back. Sure /pol we'll all get right on that.
Aaron Russell
Why is Holla Forums so bully-able IRL?
Isaiah Foster
Robert Collins
by what? I'm not white, so I don't give a fuck if some white racist gets bounced. And I'm not a fedora tipping LARPing commie so I don't immediately have to project my political opposition onto some drunk retard. I am but a simple Holla Forumsirgin, tending to my lels
Blake Rogers
With the exception of this case. Holla Forumsfags are the kinda autists who scream nigger and faggot online and yet sit ever so quietly in the back of class and alone at lunchtime at the minority-filled school they get swirlied at often.
Ayden Allen
Is this a non-sequitur?
Ryder Parker
Nolan Brown
Justin Jones
Who said that? Who said I'm only an 8channer? who said I'm not autistic?
Julian Thomas
Jackson Carter
…and the autistic tiki rally
Jeremiah Gonzalez
You'll feel better there. They love pedantic witless people. You may even crack the first pun on a thread!
Bentley Bell
Reddit is too extreme for my tastes. I'm more of a radical centrist tbh fam.
Hudson Harris
pic completely unrelated
Nathaniel Sanchez
Seems about right.
Elijah Edwards
Reddit is too extreme for my tastes. I'm more of a radical centrist tbh fam
Ryder Gray
wew lad
Liam Butler
wew lad
Ethan Cox
This definitely hasn't been a good year for pol.
Jackson Hughes
Really makes you think huh?
Jeremiah Thompson
is 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧politeness🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 the biggest jew trick of all time? why the hell should an aryan man be shamed for screaming at random muslim women in public? only women judge things based on emotional appeals, for fascists, we only use logos, and we know what needs to be done. There is a war going on, and cucks act like we shouldn't scream and kick the enemies of the white race at any oppurtunity? stay triggered, but we're fighting a Nazi masturbation fantasy, not a nickelodeon show. we're not going to contain our rage to "socially acceptable" political gatherings and 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧civil🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 debates and other beta non-confrontational politics.
Chase Reyes
No argument here my dude. I in fact encourage you to shed respectibility in public and screech at every brown or black person you meet at the top of your lungs. Maybe even stream it live
Xavier Phillips
True to form, neo-nazis take a page out of the original nazis playbook and turn getting rekt into a victory.
Leo Bell
By all means, don't let us discourage you from going out there and repeating the same thing that's been happening all year.
I thought "souped" was slang for getting his ass beat. Didn't think he actually got soup thrown on him. Nice.
Thomas Ortiz
You're talking about ferals but you're on Holla Forums bruv!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jonathan Walker
Wouldn't Holla Forums want to distance themselves from this guy not double down on his defense
Wyatt Martinez
Ever consider that no one gives a shit about your made up r.ace war?
Joseph James
This raises a good question. What if it were the opposite: let's say there was a drunk guy on a subway screaming about communism and calling people revisionist liberals, and calling for revolution, how would we react?
Jayden Sullivan
Same way we react to any other cringey socialist picture that gets posted here. Not worry about it too much
Robert Taylor
Blake Brooks
Brandon Phillips
Holla Forums backed 'BUT WHAT ABOUT THE MEMES'. In that situation, they didn't have to admit to losing against an enemy- it was right wing fighting right wing. And the guy screeching was the worst example of an r_thedonald meme spewing retard. And yet they still backed him, because they felt more kinship with the scrawny redditor dipshit trying to make friends at a right wing convention by screaming cuck memes, instead of the military trained, active minded, and not (completely) socially retarded oath keepers.
With that in mind I see no reason why they'd dump this guy. Him jumping up and down like a child while screaming 'niggers' over and over again is clearly something they wish they did first, instead of something they're cringing over and desperately wishing to get away from.
Aiden Torres
Good point
Michael Martinez
Eyyy can Holla Forums get a copy cat killer?
Eli Anderson
William Rodriguez
Jordan Davis
Yes you are
Carson Butler
This dude was apparently doxed and in reality worked at an ad agency and reeked of b-o.
Joseph Young
Smart enough to scream racial slurs at their intended targets in a small transport you're locked into, smart enough to lie about having a law degree, smart enough to lie about having a high pay career, smart enough not to bathe, and smart enough to get soup thrown at you that you probably won't wash off anyways
Yep, it's white supremacy
Samuel Lewis
The jews are trying to do psyops to keep us from demanding our szechaun sauce so they can give it all to the niggers with low Autism Levels
Carter Jackson
this is the retarded way practically every "rational" "skeptic" on the internet thinks it's pure wordgames, where he can define both of these events (this guy being thrown out and a hypothetical black man being thrown out for being black) as events that occur because they were offensive which means they're the same except it's really not because he wasn't thrown out for being offensive (even though some people may say he was, because that's the way they express themselves, not because it's true in the absolute sense) but because he was getting into people's shit (and someone just having dark skin isn't an assault)
Nicholas Young
Shit happens to leftists all over the world and liberals don't care. You still can't openly profess communist views without losing career opportunities in the US. Liberalism is a fucking joke.
Jaxson Scott
Jeremiah Hall
Holla Forums having Interracial porn in his HDD I'm not surprised tbh.
Nathaniel Murphy
Man that's fucked up. What happened to Spoony?
Sebastian Green
If you got into peoples faces doing that stupid shit in my country you'd get worse than having your faggy purse stolen and kicked off the train, irrelevant if you were racist. maybe next time try not being a little bitch and prepare for the consequences of your actions. t.slav
Levi Cox
this guy is a dick but people really need to get over the word nigger. it's laughable that negroes use the word amongst themselves every 30 seconds but suddenly turn apoplectic the instant someone outside their ingroup utters it in any context no matter how benign
this idea that "there are words we just don't say" or that some things are above criticism is deeply reactionary. sacred cows are anathema to leftist thought
Tyler Price
what is it with white people and being obsessed with being allowed to use the n word?
Oliver Bennett
Kayden Edwards
It's not about him saying "nigger", it's because he wouldn't shut up or even pretend to be reasonable after he was called on it. Notice the video begins with people trying to reason with him and get him to calm down, they only chucked him off when that made him throw an even bigger fit.
Jack Flores
It wasn't the word "nigger" that people got aggressive over, it was the fact he was a belligerent asshole who was shoving himself in other people's faces and then expecting them to respect him.
Samuel Perry
what is it with identitarians and being obsessed with creating taboos?
Ryder Green
Michael Barnes
Joshua Ramirez
We need feminism. Marxist feminism in order to protect out women, be they the white aryan master race, the hot indian girls, the mixed inidigenous waifu, the waifu asians or the negress nigger woman. If niggers really are rapist abominations even under socialism, as Holla Forumstards dictate, then arresting all nigger who try to commit rape and then putting them on jail for life should suffice.
Adrian Sanchez
it's time to stop
Eli Davis
Why, user? trans aren't women. They are men. Anti ""TERFS"" are degenerate scum. It is the best solution honestly. This way you put an end to this Nazi masturbation fantasy nonsense.
Nolan Clark
Second pic is full of normal looking people lol
Joseph Murphy
I never realised he actually claimed to be a lawyer until rewatching it, I thought he was just skirting around the issue of saying it.
Since claiming to be a lawyer when you're not one is illegal.