Why do Leftists want more Government Regulation?

Why do Leftists want more Government Regulation?

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tera.org/Publications/Dourson 2002.pdf

mods anchor pls

leftism is when the government does things
t. karl t. uralmarx


Define government.
It seems like different types of leftists have different definitions.

The liberal wants one big capitalist entity to take care of them, while the communist wants a publicly owned government, with no heirarchy

Let me give you an example.

If the government regulated the water supply, they'd require all water to have Fluoride in it.
They'd be able to have access to all our text messages and can censor us if we are against their evildoings
They can censor any website they feel threatens their well-being
They will ban any unpopular competition


All water already has fluoride in it you dullard.

It's obvious the government in today's society is evil, why do some leftists want to give them even more power?

Government would force their belief on all of us, Whether their belief is good or for evil.







tera.org/Publications/Dourson 2002.pdf


I never said companies aren't evil, you're now making mindless assumptions.

I'm saying government is basically one big corporation, yet leftists still want to give it more and more power, when "government" is just a capitalist puppet.

What day is today?

maybe I should ask you this.

What do you want the government to do or regulate?

The government is a capitalist puppet due to the way in which property is concentrated in the hands of the few. Leftists wish to eliminate the mechanism that allows that concentration to even exist; rendering the capitalist stranglehold on government immaterial.

maybe I should ask you this.

Who is the current president of the united states?

Donald Trump. And yeah he wanted to deregulate the FDA.

But the FDA is what requires companies like mentioned to put shit loads of pesticides. See how government is also contributing to the problem?

Why don't you use your words and tell us what you believe the problem is.

The state is a social contract, that's in principle beholden to its subjects and their welfare while a company is only beholden to share-holders and their dollars. Thus the state should work for the general welafre of its peoples while companies don't have any such obligation. Of course due to corruption from said companies weakening state power the state has and does work against its citizens (see current EPA debacle) but that's akin to injuring a racing horse and then claiming it's its own fault for failing to perform its duties. Thankfully there are elements of civil society that work towards forcing the state to oblige with its parts of the social contract (pic related, something impossible with companies, because they are not beholden to such a social contract.

Daily reminder that liberal democracy can't work without public firing squad executions for lobbyists undermining the state, the ancients knew this.

I’m not enheritly pro or against regulation. it depends the regulation.

What the fuck are you even mean by "using your words"?

EPA and FDA require food and water to be "safe", so they label these toxic pesticides and preservatives safe to use.

See, people can easily sue you for biological contamination, but it's harder to identify something that's chemically contaminated.

In other words, capitalism is the real problem, not government.

Why do you want to eat babies?

I unironically agree. In the 21th century, it's much easier to hold government responsible than a corporation. I hate this burgerland attitude where they all think it's edgy and punk-rock to hate the state meanwhile corporations within their own country such as Walmart, Hilton Hotels and Google are operating within bigger annual budgets than some of the smaller european nation-states.

I forgot to mention one more thing.

If the EPA knew these pesticides were harmful, doesn't that make them just as evil as DOW for allowing it?

Articulate. Expound. Take what you're thinking and use language to relay complex thoughts and emotions instead of babbling like an idiot and expecting other people to "argue" with your unsubstantiated assertions.
