Reddit is experiencing painful amounts of revisionism, shitting all over the USSR
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Are the badx subreddits of any quality or what? It looks a bit like they're chatting shit here.
the point of the sub is to point out examples of people being ignorant about history. Irony being they pretty fucked up on this one.
At least it seems like they're not radical centrist tier, and aren't that hostile, even bullying capitalists a bit further down. Citing the fall of the USSR as a market crash is pushing it, and the crying about the holodomor is just tedious as fuck at this point and pretty much liberal political correctness. The rest is pretty nitpicky but it's to be expected from where it is, and the unemployment citation misses the part where people are assigned work.
There are even some comments defending the USSR colluding with Nazi Germany to invade the eastern block that have (very low) positive ratings.
However, the OP gives himself away as being full of shit later on:
Then do one, keep the momentum going.
If you scroll down you can find people taking it apart.
badphilosophy is very good
badliterature as well
badhistory is partly just people getting mad when people have a slightly different conception of history than the narrative that they are currently pushing
I saw a long ass post with someone being a pedant about Chomsly's writings on south east Asia. They are ideological without realizing it
example of why badphilosophy is the best thing on reddit
not even once tbh fam
it was a joke thread about the band Police
You best not be linking me that for the puns that are invariably the top comments of every reddit thread ever.
I know
If you wanna hang with retards, don't surprised when they spit on you.
why is everyone so fucking fat?
Oh come on, the very top one was good at least.
Because they are americans.
Reminder that the jewish question is obsolete, the real 21th century question is the american question
Because they are human filth. They are scum and don't deserve to be alive.
America is literally subservient to a Jewish Ethno-State. Good luck avoiding that fact.
Well, when you sit on a computer all day-
wait a minute
those folx look like they're having fun, don't be so harsh on them
Yeah I liked the top one I'll admit. Reddit top comments generally go on the format
1) Pun
2) Pop culture reference
3) Popular opinion on the sub
Middle) Some little shit playing devil's advocate poorly for an argument nobody is making
Bottom) Least popular opinion on the sub
Top three are almost always certain.
I know black guys like them a little larger, but damn.
Not him but while I have nothing against them having fun it'd be nice for everyone if they'd have fun planning healthy meals
The amount of food that those disgusting fat freaks have consumed could have fed countless others. Fat people don't deserve to have fun, they deserve to be killed and fed to the poor.
It could have most likely gone in the out of date bin at the local supermarket. You'll stop giving a shit about such things when you work in retail, or rather, your anger will be better placed.
fuck off, pol
Found the fatty.
I must've been on pol too much because I immediately saw one of these things is not like the other and laughed :/
I'll give you that, reddit threads are formulaic as fuck.
These people are an effect of a systematic abuse of power on behalf of the big ag companies. America grows a lot of subsidized corn. Sugar is cheap to manufacture, especially from subsidized corn. Sugar is addictive. Push low-fat foods with shit tons of added sugar in them while denying the problem and you get a population with rampant metabolic diseases who not only believe that they really do like sugar in everything, but that they're naturally incapable of being healthy. Even most skinny people here are sick on the inside.
ITT: Assblasted Tankies upset that the majority of people don't take your Holodomor denialism and Soviet Apologism seriously.
As long as the Radical Left keeps defending the decaying corpse of the Soviet Union, capitalism will always be preferred by the majority of people.
Looks like many salty tankies are denying Soviet crimes in that thread.
(You) denied
No, it's the meat and dairy. It's very easy to go on a plant based diet, it's also much cheaper. Beans and rice are very efficient. And your apologist rhetoric for these fatties is nonsense. We all control what we eat, it is our responsibility and ours alone.
Even le gulag archipelago man "denied" it. Because it didn't happen.
How unexpected.
Wait, I think I heard about this. Isn't that corn syrup used as a cheap sugar alternative? They don't have it in Europe but I hear that stuff is making you all fat autistic retards.
Fuck off reddit
and yes, did the Reddit spacing on purpose. Now go read a book.
You should try reading a book about utilitarianism. Fatties are destroying valuable resources to maintain their pathetic lifestyles.
Love how people like you always try to completely devalue serious problems inherent in our society by diminishing it to the individual level, thus strawmaning yourself into being right.
The USSRV sucked, deal with it.
We control what we eat, we do not control what we are taught. Propaganda is a powerful thing. Calling fat people stupid fatties doesn't solve shit because it does nothing to educate them. They literally don't know any better because they live in a society where they're told food that kicks their insulin response into overdrive and promotes fat storage but not retrieval and makes them hungry again is healthy. Combine that with the fact that when you get fat the way your body responds to leptin gets completely fucked, exacerbating your already out-of-control appetite, and you get an obesity epidemic.
It is categorically not true that moderate consumption of meats makes you fat. Fat and protein are what trigger satiety and promote the consumption of energy from your own fat stores, improve your insulin response, and make it more comfortable to eat less.
If we want to solve this problem we need a combination of education and medically supervised diets and fasting to fix these people.
Yeah except for when the government lets the much cheaper corn syrup get put into everything instead of sugar.
We control what we eat, we do not control what we are taught. Propaganda is a powerful thing. Calling fat people stupid fatties doesn't solve shit because it does nothing to educate them. They literally don't know any better because they live in a society where they're told food that kicks their insulin response into overdrive and promotes fat storage but not retrieval and makes them hungry again is healthy. Combine that with the fact that when you get fat the way your body responds to leptin gets completely fucked, exacerbating your already out-of-control appetite, and you get an obesity epidemic.
It is categorically not true that moderate consumption of meats makes you fat. Fat and protein are what trigger satiety and promote the consumption of energy from your own fat stores, improve your insulin response, and make it more comfortable to eat less.
If we want to solve this problem we need a combination of education and medically supervised diets and fasting to fix these people.>>2141198
I think he was talking about americans
This is the true power of hegemony. Stay within those borders of 'reasonable opinions' the ruling class has defined for you.
The eskimo diet consists of 95% meat and they have the lowest % of cancer and overweight population, you moralist pseudoscientific cunt.
First pic looks okay
Badeconomics is a neoliberal hellhole, badphilosophy is usually pretty good but their very SJW, badscience and bad anthropology have very little activity. Badhistory is the best one tbh.
Pictures like that are always shit if there are no sources within the images.
it's all well and good to give and live by advice, but if we're talking about improving society "get rid of the bad results and just fill our diapers about bad results existing in the meantime" is a shitty way to go about it. But it's basically what lolbert autists, along with a plurality of other right-wingers, base their entire worldview on
You can oppose the societ system and still be a hardcore marxist. But go ahead, continue ignoring practical political action and go on being hated by everyone and screwing the good leftists out of an audience.
You fool, you honestly think you are an "independent thinker", that everyone else who isn't a tankie is some drooling sheep.
You are even more delusional than the majority of people. The Soviet Union is dead, and will hopefully remain dead.
kill yourself you worthless sack of shit. the history of mega food companies making their cheap processed foods chemically addictive is very well documented. a massive amount of poor adults are overweight. they are just as much a victim of ruthless capitalist profit-seeking as anyone else.
No wonder why the majority of people hate you.
israel is a neo-colony doing amerikkka's biding, it applies its military the way amerikkka tells it to, and in return america looks the other way when israel goes all trail of tears on the palestinians
r/badlinguistics is bretty gud tbh
You guessed it.
Can anyone repill me on these two comments:
USSR sucked, but it still better than capitalism.
The lack of proofs or even basic logic is unsettling. It is absolutely impossible to know which economic system is more/less/equally stable from his comment. He provides no proofs that their are Communist economic crashes occurring at the same rate of Capitalist countries with similar conditions. It is suspicious to say the least.
Why not cite the specific Cuban economy problems and how they related to the collapse of the USSR? Just seems lazy at best.
I just deconstructed a reddit post, and this man has shilled for more subreddits. I need to lie down
Then why aren't their leaders coming to kiss a statue of Abraham Lincoln, and why are our leaders kissing their wall?
Who says they do? Notice how there isn't a black guy near her?
You seem to have missed the baby. As to why the father isn't there,
I got punched in a bar last night for defending Stalin actually
Some Polish 'muh heritage' faggot
In my experience the /r/badX subreddits have a streak of "hurr this person doesn't conform to mainstream opinions" because there are only so many genuinely bad examples of X, and they basically function as the sort of status-quo-protecting mechanism that hobbles science and philosophy.
power has nothing to do with who kisses what statue. get serious
poles are scum. you should have destroyed him
The holodomor did not happen. Get over it.
Glass him next time.
its not the twentieth century its the twenty first
Romanticism over and attempting to repeat a failed experiment wont affect the situation at this point in time
a socialism of the 21st century needs to evolve and build on the work of the old not just attempt to emulate a failed experiment and fail all over again
Fuck off
How has the "socialism has never been tried" worked out for you in conversations with other people?
Someone rescue that dog.
It's unironically just not true.
Marxism is just an analysis of the contradictions of classes. It has nothing to do with liberal notions of 'equality;.
His very first point points to a paywalled book on JSTOR that only a one page preview is available. All it says is that "the Soviets say there's no unemployment, but we Westerners know better." They mention "frictional unemployment," but that seems like a technical Western distinction , like how the US masks all of its unemployment by counting only "active job seekers" and not the hundreds of millions of people that have "stopped trying to find work." Not having a job for a little while as your industry gets restructured (or whatever "frictional unemployment" is supposed to mean) seems like a much different thing than being unemployed because there are no jobs to get.
The way Parenti tells it the Baltics and Poland, along with most of the rest of Europe, were already fascist states or under the control/influence of fascists, so trying to portray it as an act of wanton violence and domination under the Soviet Union's part as opposed to reasonable Realpolitik is disingenuous, especially considering that Barbarossa makes it pretty clear that they were right for doing so.
this. pure 21st century american idpol revisionism. calling that crap a "cornerstone of marxism" is a perfect example of guilty college liberal types misappropriating and de-fanging leftism in order to serve their own emotional agenda
How has the "Stalin did nothing wrong" been working out for you?
The majority of people would ostracize you for saying that.
The Holodomor is a historical fact, regardless of what tankies say.
I really love watching you fools kill and sabotage any leftist movement with pure, autistic apologism for the brutality of the Soviet Union.
Racism on Holla Forums whenever X group of people don't want to be forced into slavery and oppression by Stalinists.
Stalin was a mass murderer.
Imagine that, a citizen of a nation that suffered under Stalin didn't take to kindly to some western teenager autistically defending Stalin.
Holla Forums is mostly made up of LARPER's fantasizing about resurrecting the Soviet Union and murdering billions of people.
Holla Forums is mostly filled with autistic tankies that can't stop defending the worst atrocities committed under communism, then claim it "wasn't real communism".
while it's fine to disagree with tankies, you sound like a brainlet tbqh. read bordiga
No respected historian has backed the Holodomor fable since the Soviet archives were opened to the public. Even conservative historians have backed off that. Holodomor is literally a neo-nazi fabrication that got memed into popularity by right-wing politicians. I'm not a Stalinist or even a fan of the Soviet Union, but spreading bullshit like Holodomor really undermines the actual crimes committed in the Soviet Union.
I would disagree. Badhistory mods and posters generally do a good job with only refuting bad history when there is a consensus among historians on what is accurate. Generally, what they're correcting are comments/posts on history that are wildly off. It does get pedantic, but it's all in good fun. It's best to view the sub in totality rather than focusing on one post.
So your justification for invading the Baltics and Poland and collaborating with literal Nazis is these states were already influenced or under direct fascist control? "Since all the states around us are fascist, we might as well work with the biggest one?"
Where did you get those "facts" from, r/communism101?
Tankies are the Holla Forumstards of leftism
Ironic considering they're the only branch that doesn't take fascist propaganda at face-value.
Go suck off US imperialist cock somewhere else
Checks out.