Why does Indian Nazis even exist?
Why does Indian Nazis even exist?
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Hitler was really into Indian shit so it makes sense.
India actually has surprising amount of racism. Their society associates lighter skin with higher social status. Literally, their castes go lower judging from color of their skin. Those with lighter skin think they are the aryans Hitler was talking about, and of course when they see daddy Hitler using literal Indian aryan symbol, a swastika, they get ideas that nazism includes their folks as aryan race too.
How is it surprising they were living in a very rigid caste system for thousands of years
Seems right
The caste system encourages it, Hindu religion itself is chauvinist and racial supremacist though this aspect of the religion is ubiquitous as the dialectical and ascetic aspects of Hinduism.
The religion literally considers foreigners to be unpure and dirty, "mleccha" in Sanskrit being barbarians.
Also because the caste system is organised into 3 main branches, priests, warriors and peasants, paler fairer skinned invaders of foreign armies once settled became part of the warrior caste (they conquered after all) so this made it seem more desirable to fairer as it indicated good high standing superior heritage whilst being darker skinned became associated with the lower classes.
Cuz Hindu nationalists are some of the worst Islamophobes there are. Figures they'd be drawn to a site like 4Chan.
What's funnier is many who live outside of this place are considered mlecchas too according to Manusmriti but that has'nt stopped Hindu supremacists coming from these regions.
Kerala is one of the most successful leftist governments ever and yet gets pretty ignored in the west
Is Hinduism something you can convert to like Islam or is it like Judaism in the sense that it's linked to ethnicity? Also, what you posted bout Hindus being clannish is spot on. I've heard a lotta stories bout Indian-British girls' big brothers threatening their boyfriends cuz their parents didn't approve of him being white or black.
Keralites are hated on that chan.Look
Mellu nigger means someone from Kerala.
Kerala since being nearer the equator has higher content of melanin than the rest of the country.
They even mispell Kerala as Kerallah because apparently Kerala not lynching muslims like in their states triggers them.
So anywhere south of the highlighted part of that map of India's "Dravidian land"?
Its tied to ethnicity a lot(Because caste you are born in decides your hierarchy).
But that has'nt stopped conversion to the religion.There are some sects like Brahmo Samaj,Arya Samaj ,etc… that tries to remove the focus on caste though but thats only followed by a small minority.
Not really.Defnition of 'Dravida Land' was not always that strict.
its those South of Vindhyas-which includes besides Dravida land,Marathas,Odias,Jharkhand,Gondwana and Konkan Naddu.
There was a teacher at my secondary school who must've converted to Hinduism. She must've been Irish cuz of her red hair, freckles and her name and she wore nose rings, had painted hands, wore Indian traditional clothes and all. The best way to describe her is to call her a Hindu wigger.
Not the caste system part, but the racism part is surprising, considering that none of the europeans regard hindus as white, but some lighter-skinned hindus in higher castes tend to regard themselves as "pretty much white".
Indians hate Muslims more than Holla Forums can or ever will. Holla Forums complains about muh hwite genocide but Indians have literally died by the tens of millions because of various muslim wars through it's history, most recently with Pakistan and daily terrorist attacks. They even held mass prayers for Trump because he is anti muslim
And they are still mad about it
hey bby show bob
Traditionally, there is no "conversion" to Hinduism because it is not a centralised religion, there was hardly ever a notion of "being" a Hindu. Some sects/parts of the "Hindu" tradition are even atheist.
Now, of course, you will find people "converting" to Hinduism, but that is mostly in reaction to conversion by Abrahamic religions like Islam and Christianity.
Hinduism is very different from Abrahamic faiths, as it is really an amalgamation of thousands of local/village/tribal deities that developed over thousands of years with no centralised structure. Hierarchical Hindu organisations/groups and Hindu Consciousness are a very recent phenomena and only came up in the last couple of centuries, as a reaction to British colonialism and Islamic/Christian conversions. Before that, each temple was an autonomous entity and there was very little federation between temples.
Their caste system wasn't that rigid before British occupation. The Brit's perverted their system and also introduced the racist mindset. Before it was more about how skilled someone was in their profession. I might be missing this up with something else though. It's just what I was told by an Indian.
enemy of my enemy. Fascism had a lot of grassroots support in countries that were fucked over by the british. Same reason why you had slavic nazis who sided with the fascists against the soviets even though Hitler thought their race was subhuman.
The caste system definitely existed before the British, but the British made it much more rigid and regressive by formalising it into the law and choosing the Manu Smriti(a selection of the most disgusting and reactionary ideas in Hinduism) as the basis for the law.
Basically, the British didn't understand the decentralised nature of Hinduism, and they looked for a Bible equivalent so they could quickly appease the locals and not appear antagonistic towards native culture.
however, the caste system was always hereditary in nature.
That's about what I was saying. It was from a misunderstanding of how it worked and forced it on people.
What was the old order of castes though?
because they're literally Aryans
Back again,
Watch this:
If you want to go by the Vedas, you shouldn't, once a barbarian always a barbarian as Hinduism describes India as some kind of holy land where THE gods abide and that beyond this was death, demons, barbarians and savagery.
Kind of true given that India is bordered by the Himalayas, dessert towards Persia and the nearest naval neighbours were Arabia and Ethiopia, with dense swamp in the east near Myanmar, with India being relatively more advanced than these nations at the time the Vedas were compiled and the recurring invaders being typically Huns and Scythian horse riders.
But it didn't stop new castes from forming out of new arrivals, I know of many castes with Persian and Turkic origins, yet said members could never imagine ever having a non-Indian past.
Don't forget, their Hindu religion is spiritually racist a la Karma in reincarnation; if are you poor it's because you were a terrible person in a past life and so you deserve it, not because of capitalism. They go so far as to claim people are "untouchables" and even standing in a lower caste's shadow means you must clean yourself from their spiritual filth in your soul.
this is the archetypical 4chan screencap
Because during WW2 India was a British colony and the British treated India VERY badly.
ts understandable if they hate the west like Black or Chinese nationalists
But these people hate their own kind
The esoteric aspects of the far right and Hinduism are fairly intertwined. Look into Savitri Devi.
Cause they are descended of two stocks:
A "aryan" white conquering caste, and the native dark-skinned dravidians. Now, the aryans built everything you associate with indian 'civilization', but by the time the caste system was implemented a great amount of mixing had already taken place, and things were already going to shit. Which they had not recovered from since.
It's ironic that the mixed-castes long for and recall their former greatness whilst remaining whites openly accept their destruction. Oh well, that's what experience does to you. The delay in time between the implementation of good-sounding policies and the inevitable shitty effects of reality is what allows leftism to exist in the human mind.
The Aryans were only "white" if you really stretch the meaning of "white", since the Aryans were indo-Iranians likely originating from an area around modern Afghanistan.
Not really. It's a point about 'experience' as the difference between theory and reality. It's hard to find countries that are more 'against' communism than members of the former URSS. Although the 'young blood' who haven't been trough it aren't as reluctant to it. Oh well, we never learn.
Except for the fact that this isn't true at all, it's literally a Burgerland boomer meme.
Are you sure its not because fair skin is usually associated with high social class due to not having to work in the sun all day? In western culture we're favoring darkening skin now because everyone spends all day working in doors. There's a whole culture of teenage girls in the US laying in cancer booths for hours so they can look like they were at the beach. I'd also say its common for the reason that everyone wants what they don't have. Black women pay insane amounts of money to have straight hair and white women pay insane amounts of money for curly.
Is it that the third world loves strongman daddy type leaders?
The Indian poster in that image is a fraud, everyone in India knows it smells mostly like shit (I wish it smelt like curry), that's why incense is a massive thing over there, most Indians aren't conscious that they and their clothes smell of curry either like this poster proudly boasts.
Those that shit in the streets are clearly poor and would rather shit in a toilet if they had the chance, it was news to me that this was a thing in India till the chans started posting about it, but I realised that my family are middle-class in India and far from the destitute slum dwellers that don't have this luxury.
They even quote the poster saying he was shitting in the street and whilst someone was being raped, he asked the rapist for toilet paper (something rarer than toilets in India, I'd say most Indians even with a proper flush toilet just use their hand and a bucket of water, this attitude needs to change certainly).
Actually you bring up a good point, it's complicated, I know a family from the "Turkhan" caste, literally Turks but they don't know it (even their surname understandable in Turkish), and they're a caste of carpenters, and they're all fair skinned and one of them has green eyes.
Far right Hindu right wingers hate Gandhi.They believe it was Gandhi who was responsible for making Hindu society meek worshipping non violence and all.
IDK really it was a surprise for me.It was like Tea Party hating the foundng fathers.
Side effect of the caste system. It makes them self loathing cucks.
Lefties hate gandhi actually as he undermined revolution and told people to disarm themselves and suffer through civil disobedience instead in the hope that the British might pity them and yield.
Look up Bhagat Singh and Marxists in India.
This is false, tho.
I wish I could go back in time just to beat Gandhi's skinny twig ass.
Kind of true given that India is bordered by the Himalayas, dessert towards Persia and the nearest naval neighbours were Arabia and Ethiopia, with dense swamp in the east near Myanmar, with India being relatively more advanced than these nations at the time the Vedas were compiled and the recurring invaders being typically Huns and Scythian horse riders.
can you back up your description if the vedas with some quote or source?
im a religious historian what you said is interesting
That's the book I try to use as the sole guiding principle for my actions
Most indians are caucosoids or mixed with w/e aussie abos are
why does this make you wanna beat up ghandi?
the letter basically says "Hey man don't be fucking up the world and shiet, ya dig?
Hey, I like pseudo-science too. Wanna talk about Lysenkoism?
everybody hates ghandi