I went out drinking and tricked rightists into thinking I was right wing. Yet i got them to admit, capitalism and big business was the problem in America. They are exactly like usefull idiots.
So my question is, have you ever tricked rightists into supporting Leftist ponts of view?
Aiden Brooks
Sounds like a pretty sad way to spend an evening tbh
Jackson Turner
Please, if you are not A-Politcal in America you will have a bad time.
Cameron Carter
rightists still identify big business as the main problem facing America, they just blame most of it on Jews.
Oliver Johnson
Fixed. You spend too much time on imageboards if Holla Forums is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of right-wing politics
Juan Myers
Tell me something new.
Isaac Perry
Christopher Lewis
IQ is racist imperialist pseudoscience. You cannot measure intelligence. All humans are equally intelligent.
Benjamin Long
Hung out with some leftists last night. I'm a leftist too, and I fooled them into thinking I was leftist. Then one of them accused me of being too rightist, so I deliberately injected myself with aids and they all applauded.
Nathan Stewart
I got rightists to admit private property was theft from capitalist government lol