Pussy Riot

Are they /ourgirls/?

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I honestly thought they were cosplaying as shrek for a moment


As I said like two minutes ago, they're basic bitch baby woke activists. Pretty much the female equivalent of dicks out for Harambe.

How about fuck no


nadya is beautiful

They might be, but 90% of their current appearances seem to be just grifting american liberals

They're okay

Definitely not. They are cringy idpolers. However, they have provided much lulz.


One of them read zizek in prison


Yes, yes and yes

forgot pic

WOW dude its so funny how those kozaks beat the shit out of them HAHAHAHAHAH

That is funny, and Pussy Riot is known for only getting their ass kicked. Their music is probably terrible.

aw she's bretty cute

They mostly make punk, people who dont even know what punk is claim its shit.

Nope but nadezhda is hot as fuck

I know what punk is, and Pussy Riot has never been a big name in that scene, probably because they're terrible.

Actually if it was for the beat up they endured they wouldnt have come up with this master piece


No, that's complete shit.

So now being a big name means you are good? Check yourself compadre.
And before speculating that they are terrible actually listen to them, its not like they have a lot of music anyway.

A big name for something other than what you are supposed to be good at does signify something. People notice you, but your other actions overshadow your music. Not only that, it doesn't translate to people ever checking your music out. Mostly because it's shit.

I just did, and it sounds like shit.

Yeah, that probably means they don't really care about it that much.

Pic related is you

Most punk is like the shit you listened to, so yeah. YOu dont know shit about punk

You just know they fucked.

How does Zizek get all the babes?



I should just fart while reading capital. It would be the punkest of punk, and if you say it sounds like shit coming out of an anus, I will just say it's about the message. Messages done with music can be delivered with good music. This way it's more likely to reach others. However, this shows no effort on their part to create anything. It doesn't have the be the most appealing sound in the world, but they could have at least been serious about it. Instead, you get this cuntfart of a band, and idiots like you thinking it's good simply because they got arrested and one of them read Zizek once.

Most punk, like most music in general, is shit. We only care about the good stuff, so yeah. This is not a very good response. This is like saying that most people are not good runners, therefore I should be impressed with an average runner. This is a dumb idea, and it shows you value mediocrity simply because you agree with their politics, which are also mediocre.




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can someone explain what this is

By that logic dead kennedys is shit since it doesnt sound pretty. Listen to some of the other stuff they made, its clear they put the effort in the music and in the videos. (stuff like chaika or make america great again)

I read the letter exchange between Nadya and Zizek. She actually is very knowledgeable about theory and even impressed Zizek.

Dont give your opinion about hard moshing music if you are not into it



I assume you meant to reply to me. Yeah, again, the difference is real effort. Dead Kennedys sound more thoughtful and not just some dumb bitches screaming into a microphone while badly playing the guitar. Did the Dead Kennedys have some shit music? Yes, not every one of their tracks are good, but if the track posted here is the best of Pussy Riot, then they are a shit band and deserve to get ignored, not matter how "woke" (god I hate that word), they are.

IF you speak russian listen to their songs, some of them are very tought provoking like chaika. And I feel that they put a lot of effort into the video production quality. And I do feel like they need attention (in Russia) becouse they are one of the only collectives that speak against the leadership of my country

They have plenty of attention, and their music is still shit, and so is their video. You can agree with their politics, and they may be god-tier (they're not), but their music will always, undoubtedly, be shit.

Music is a strange concept, if you are into music production or maybe play an instrument you know very much that what the general populace claims to be good music is shit and can be made with low effort. Supporting politically charged music helps a lot since if people keep listening to commercial garbage all hopes will be lost

I don't disagree, but Pussy Riot does not have any talent. I am very much into the hip hop scene at the moment, and I find that there are far more talented rappers making such music than "feminist punk bands". This is probably due to the fact that they think "punk" means lowest effort possible.

Check out this very underground rapper youtube.com/watch?v=5W1lbtx_ZxU
Do you know any good rappers that do stuff like in the link or immortal technique?