Is fascism inherently reactionary or revolutionary? Is it centrist? Is it amorphous and relative to a given nation? It seems like fascism can mean 20 different things depending on who you talk to, so what exactly IS it? In a spooky political spectrum sense. How does it differ from say, Traditionalist Nationalism or Neoreactionary ideologies?
Is fascism inherently reactionary or revolutionary? Is it centrist? Is it amorphous and relative to a given nation...
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fascism is what the petit-bourgeois do if capitalism is in crisis and the communist parties are shit
reactionary = right wing
revolutionary = left wing
nationalism = right wing
Fascism is near the top of the political compass and can go leftward or rightward. But many of the aspects people lump in with fascism are inherently right wing, despite not being inherently capitalistic (which is the right side of the political compass). I consider Stalin to be a fascist.
It's self destructive behavior, basically.
fascism coopts leftist rhetoric and imagery for the purpose of restoring and protecting bourgeois power in a country through reactionary nationalism. It cannot be left wing because it does not oppose capitalism.
It's gay
Nationalism was left-wing pre 1850
Romney, is that you?
Fascists focus on culture, nation, and race as opposed to most of the left that focuses on economic conditions. There is also a focus on "the good ole days" in fascism: Roman Empire, Imperial Spain, etc. They romanticize the country's history and want to turn back the clock to the "glory days". Therefore, they are reactionary.
t. Wilhelm "Catholicism causes fascism, even though the most Catholic parts of Germany had the lowest Nazi votes" Reich
are you like an unironic meme tier middle school anarchist?
Like you know just as much about it as the average Holla Forumsyp but you like it anyway because you are a retarded little edgelord.
The most accurate way to describe is reactionary rather than limit it to the left-right political spectrum.
From the outside, it is a reactionary regime that utilizes open terror to purge the undesirables of society to return to a proclaimed "golden age".
The main ideas of Neoreactionary ideology is advocation of economic and political systems of the past. Fascism advocates to a return to a nonexistant ideal. Traditionalist Nationalism can be considered Fascism, but in any case I think it's a more broad definition. An American conservative can be considered a traditionalist and a nationalist.
more like faggism lmoa
Wrong. Fascism addresses material concerns brought about by the industrialisation of war and massification of society. Read a book before you bleat again.
Fascism is when the government does stuff, and communism is when the government also does stuff, so the logical conclusion here is that fascism = communism. Have a good day.
By glorifying and expanding the nation's military and sucking off industrialists like Ford?
Yeah…culture bs. I already said that.
It's extremely reactionary and seeks to conserve and obfuse present class relations in times of crisis. Fascists have historically viewed themselves as neither right or left wing, but transcending the political scale. It's traditionally corporatist in nature and seeks to fuse corporate power with the state. The movement usually promote myths that the nation has fallen into fun and can only be saved through "rebirth", where all sick elements are purged and the nation can thereafter regain it's former glory. You're welcome leftypol, free history lesson from someone that has actually read a book about fascism.
Mussolini claims fascism it is revolutionary in that it separates itself from liberalism and monarchies and is the future ideology of the world, but it is reactionary as it still holds on to many spooks.
Yes, there are many different forms of fascism. Look at "variants" on the Fascism side bar on either of these pages.
This is the most difficult to answer as there is no real definition of fascism. You can go by the ones Mussolini uses, but it is not that descriptive. I personally recommend Emilio Gentile's definition of it which can be found here:
Probably the biggest difference is that fascism considers the state to be the end all be all of society. They see the state as the end to means rather than a means to an end. Another thing is that fascists openly call for imperialism while traditional nationalists tend to advocate for non-interventionism or even isolationism.
It means big bad creepy horror thing, even to the handful of people who call themselves fascist.
NO. Fascism emerges in capitalism's death throes against possible socialist revolution in an attempt to preserve private property and the class system.