Soviet Electronics

Did the soviets build their electronics well? I mean today we got all this planned obsolesce. Surely they didn't do this..
Also is it true that soviet electronics included schematics of the circuitry so people could fix it if anything went wrong?

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The majority of nixie tubes available today were made in the USSR. Personally I've always wanted to get ahold of a Kronos-based system to dick around with.

Planned obsolescence exists purely to drive profit by creating artificial demand, so I imagine that no, they didn't do that. IDK about the schematics but it would be kick-ass if all the hardware was open-sourced.

Forgive me for being a retard but how can hardware be open source?

Hardware is said to be "open-source" when it conforms to the ideals also present in free and open source software, i.e. documentation is publicly available and you are free to repair and modify it as you please.

The opposite of this would be Keurig machines and John Deere tractors, both of which incorporate DRM into their electronics.

Also never feel like a retard for asking questions, only asshole brainlets will belittle you for it


There's a reason why they stole american tech, allowing the americans to install viruses as part of commercial basecode for recognizing and destroying soviet systems.

Imagine a USSR where they didn't kill the intellectuals

Imagine not making shit up…

Slavfag here.
For the duration of the 1960s-late-1970s science was deeply valued and regarded with the utmost respect. Before that, it was considered anti-state, after that crime was the only focus. Through that golden era of technological progression, such as the space program, many computing discoveries, and other technological feats were discovered. Sadly by the late 1970s, as crime came, a care for quality was gone, hence why the majority of Soviet tools still in use today were manufactured during this golden era.

Socialist engineering is modular, open-source
Capitalist engineering is proprietary

An old navy comunications guy told me in the late 80s the us navy had to buy vacuum tubes from the Soviet Union

To add to that, Soviet technologies were built with the thought of long-lasting quality in mind. Everything could be repaired with simple tools through the use of universal methods.
Capitalist technologies feature everything being as unique as possible to decrease odds of an object's owner to be able to repair their technology.

well, it depends

specifically computer electronics I'd say were on par with the west in the 50s with BESM and Setun
but it all went downhill after soviets have decided to copy paste IBMs n shiet
cheap man pays twice

only original military projects have seen the light of mass production
the only russian microprocessor existing today, Elbrus, was one such soviet military project

as to the consumer electronics, they were in general of lesser quality than their western counterparts, but it again depends
my grandmother's TV is still working after 50 years without a single repair, for example

goods produced for export in general were of much better quality which caused my uncle an enormous amount of butthurt
he was assembling cars for export to other soviet bloc countries, and quality control was at a whole different level
now he always bitches about "ungrateful shits" and I think he unironically wants to see the eastern europe burn, especially poland and baltic states
I shit you not, he once said to my polan mate that he should go back to cleaning toilets of his anglo overlords
most embarassing

not "anything"
but sure you could get around some broken diode bridge… if you could get your hands on diodes with required characteristics
and good luck finding them if you don't live in some major city

I very much doubt it, the Soviet Union held all sorts of intellectual properties that Russia then inherited and sold off.

They even trademarked vodka but interestingly enough.

Individuals also owned the intellectual rights to their own creations too (depending on terms of employment, like scientists here in the West don't tend to own any of their discoveries or research), the guy who invented Tetris (a game developed in the USSR in case you youngsters didn't know) owned the rights but leased them to the Soviet Union for 10 years.

Ha ironically enough, growing up watching Ren & Stimpy there was an episode where upon a Soviet submarine the Russians on board were dismantling a US made TV for its parts, specifically a vacuum tube I remember.

Schematics plus adequate license. Most open hardware is designed by hobbyists, but there's Arduino. They make open boards, anyone is free to copy them yet they still make money. Early Arduino history is pretty shitty though.

You're confusing old and new stuff. Old stuff was user-repairable no matter where it was made simply because it was much easier to build it that way.

Honestly the fact that Holla Forums memed a paranoid schizophrenic into their shitty paranoiac worldview is really depressing.

your uncle is right, poles and balts are ungrateful shits

Obligatory >>>/gnussr/ plug.

Also the great cybernetics thread we had that inspired that board:

Oh shit man, this event can't be understated. The bureaucrats deciding to ditch Soviet computing development and rely on American tech was a fuck-up of monumental proportions. Granted, if they kept their own development, they no doubt would start lagging behind America anyway, but by switching to aping the Western standards made their computer industry inevitably and permanently outdated right away since they depended on their fucking enemies' tech. They wouldn't really be able to do their own research on the very hardware they would use, it's absurd. What's more, it was an admission of defeat of sorts and a blow to the morale of Soviet academia.

Might as well post this here


Terry has been like that for a long time, and the man is honestly brilliant. TempleOS really is an interesting piece of software and you should check it out.


eggs dee

I don't mean to be an ass, but it's not like integrated circuits in BGA packages were developed just to piss off electronics enthusiasts. Sure, thing could go better than descend into planned obsolescence and proprietary designs, but the days of repairing stuff at home with a soldering iron are irreversibly gone, get over it.

This is a new one

Your Uncle is a badass

Shit, new superbunnyhop video and I didn't even get the notification, thx m8

Isn't he the guy selling socks with his face on them?

Imagine if the soviets made a powerglove.

I've seen enough 40K fan art to not need to.

What are you getting at here?

that bantz tho.

US made, not US assembled or US bought was built to last. This trend of making things non reparable has only come about within the last 20 or 30 years.

Yeah. Just for meme sake tho. He's a good boy. Watch the metal gear series analisis

What he's getting at is that older tech tends to be simpler and thus more easily repairable. Soviet and Western alike. It's quite probable that were the USSR still around their tech would also be miniaturized and hell to work on.

However, I kinda doubt that a production-minded government would introduce shit like glued-together phones and non-replaceable batteries, nor would you see tractors with encrypted fucking bootloaders or coffee machines that don't let you brew coffee unless you're using State Approved Coffee Rations™.

This is the cancer that has come about only recently. Part of the blame goes to people that don't attempt to repair anything anymore. It wouldn't have been as easy to build and sell black boxes without their help.

Ah okay, the page linked was really far back so it made me think the same thing you're saying, I think it becomes a lot more contentious issue as you get closer to the present. I mean, the Trabant is probably what comes to everyone's head when this is mentioned and it had a run from 1964 to 1990, but obviously it's hard to say what it would have been like after 1990.

Yeah, I'd say the biggest argument against the capitalists in this case is planned obsolescence and the other propriety issues you mention. I think the big list of silicon valley shit socialist states would ditch takes a jump when you reach the internet of things (when applied sensibly), it would make planning an economic much easier. Obviously nobody but the Stasi and State Department wants you to have a talking (and listening) juicer.

Fair enough. Mindless consumers are indeed to blame for the advent of black boxes.

That being said, the consumers were led into this with marketing. The recent pushback against phones without 3.5mm ports is interesting, but I suspect it'll go the way of removable batteries once BT audio becomes more "seamless" and user-friendly. Meaning you need to have yet another piece of shit with a soldered-in battery on your person at all times.


You get to be one of the lucky 10000! Congrats!

They really should have put more into developing their trinary computer.
It was cheaper and just as effective as the western binary one they replaced it with.

really makes you think

I very much doubt the average adult even knows what open source software is

they don't but it's easy as fuck to explain

The history of leftism is full of tantalizing what-ifs, and the trinary computer really is one of the most exotic. A perfect demonstration of how the socialist State came to restrict freedom of thought instead of enabling it.