Most boards circlejerk about "those damn Holla Forums SJW commies wanna take our guns/video games/free speech/whatever" because they've never been here
we are more relevant as a boogeyman than as an actual board, few people actually know what this board thinks about gun rights, the state, identity politics etc.
/k/ommando unity
Lucas Carter
Henry Hernandez
Could be worse tbh. Guns are cheaper here because of the lack of an import ban. But we have less choice because of the retarded restrictions the RCMP puts on guns here.
Gavin Sanchez
My best friend is an EMT. I know how to use medical supplies as well as what to do if I get shot.
Yes, recoil kicks quite a bit and the sound is ear-shattering, plus you might miss a lot because you're anticipating.
Gabriel Bell
A fucking donky
Michael Ramirez
have this.
Jordan Mitchell